Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 916: : 1 line of hope

The mountain wind was wild and the rain was violent.

In such a storm, a bus was flying in the mountains.

It looks like a sham dragon, breaking through the rain curtain.

On the car, Tian Zhaofeng, who had parked the off-road vehicle, opened his mouth and lay outside looking at the window. Even if he took the car himself, he was incredibly murmured, "How can this fly How can this fly? "

Without a propeller, without a propeller, and even without an ignition light, it was like there was a force of nothing to hold it firmly in the air, Tian Zhaofeng only felt ridiculous.

To be honest, Tian Zhaofeng suspected that this was a hallucination of death.

It is said that before people die, they will have hallucinations, maybe they are actually falling down from the top of the mountain at this moment.

Zhao Gaofeng smiled: "Don't say you anymore, I don't even understand, what Mr. Nan is tinkering with now ..."

What Nan Ming is tinkering with now is really a bit of black technology.

If Tian Zhaofeng could disassemble the engine of this car, he would definitely see that at the engine position, a watermelon-sized reactor is placed. This is a miniaturized nuclear fusion device.

And at the bottom of the body, sixteen microwave propulsion devices that are not much larger than the thermal insulation pot are installed, so that the car can stably fly on the ground.

The first beneficiaries of nuclear fusion + microwave propulsion were Dabai Xiaobai, and the real experimental device was this bus.

In Nanming's car, the previous Alpha was already the most comfortable.

If you change a car, the comfort does not improve, or if it declines, Nanming would rather not change.

More comfortable are some longer luxury cars, or customized luxury cars, but this type of car is usually too pulling and too high-profile, and it does not meet the needs of Nanming.

In the end, Nanming chose his new car, which is this lazy **** RV.

The exterior is a bus that can be seen everywhere, not conspicuous everywhere, and the interior space is much wider and more comfortable.

And precisely because of this car, Nanming decided to come to this kind of poor mountains and rivers, because to him, any terrain is like a flat ground.

However, the two people they were looking for did not go well.

The hitchhiker was called Zhao Zhuang. He volunteered to be a guide, and soon found the student named Wang Xiaowen.

Zhao Zhuang is actually Wang Xiaowen's classmate. Students from several nearby villages know each other. Although they have Han names, they are actually Yi people. The name of Zhao Zhuang was given by a teacher in his childhood.

The RV rises vertically, climbing up a cliff that is hundreds of meters high and almost 70 degrees, and is sheltered on the edge of the cliff under the cover of a rain curtain.

Nanming put on their raincoats and entered the village on the cliff in the pouring rain.

Zhao Zhuang said that most of the Yi people nearby live on such platforms or mountain tops, and almost all the cultivated land is on cliffs.

Therefore, Nanming already had psychological expectations for this village, but Nanming and others were shocked to see Wang Xiaowen's home.

The courtyard wall had already collapsed. In the small house, half lived in livestock and half lived in people. This mixed situation of humans and animals still exists.

There was nothing in the entire house, not even a stool, and the smell of livestock was full.

At the corner of the house was a basket of potatoes, which was all their staple food.

Wang Xiaowen also wore a white cricket, apparently someone in the family had just died.

Wang Xiaowen's two elder brothers were numb, and when they saw them, Tian Zhaofeng guarded Nan Ming behind him.

Only under the guidance of Zhao Fengfeng, Nan Ming saw the needle eye on their arm.

Nan Ming knew that this land was flooded with drugs and AIDS, but he did not expect that Wang Xiaowen lived in such an environment.

Tian Zhaofeng glanced at Zhao Fengfeng, the meaning is obvious. If you know where you are coming from, will you still let Mr. Nan come?

Zhao Gaofeng did regret it, but since Nan Ming came, he would not leave easily.

Wang Xiaowen was shocked when he knew where Nanming was coming from. He did not expect that a private college that he had applied for took the exam and found him here.

Wang Xiaowen's father had just died. During this time, he had been busy with his father's funeral. He did not even know the retest of the lazy seminary. None of Wang Xiaowen's family could speak Chinese. After knowing Nanming's intentions, they still showed a grateful smile. Zhang Luo wanted to prepare something, but Nan Ming declined, and took out the prepared materials for Wang Xiaowen to do.

After letting him finish the test on the spot, Nan Ming sighed softly. The result of this Wang Xiaowen did not meet the admission criteria of Lazy Divinity School.

Nanming's arrival is actually just for the most basic fairness, even if it is a one in a million chance, it is still an opportunity to change their destiny. If Nanming did not come, Wang Xiaowen would not even have a one-millionth chance.

Wang Xiaowen probably knew that he didn't play and didn't force it, but he was grateful.

Xu is the environment in which he usually lives. He doesn't have much goodwill. When he encounters this kind of goodwill, he has already impressed him.

Putting away the test papers, Nan Ming asked Wang Xiaowen, "What are you going to do next?"

With Wang Xiaowen's results, in fact, even after passing the retest, the results are far from reaching the standard of entering the lazy seminary.

"I plan to be a security guard in Changxi." Wang Xiaowen said.

The young people of Yi nationality do not have many capable jobs. Shanxi digs coal, and Shenzhen's cheap labor is almost their only choice.

However, some security companies like Yi youths. Most Yi youths who are able to go out and adapt to society are mostly straight-headed, hardworking, and earn lower wages than Hans.

The encounter is a fate. Even if he cannot be allowed to enter the lazy seminary, Nan Ming is considering whether to leave some money, at least to improve his life and give him some tolls to Changxi.

For a long time, Nanming's concept is to help the disabled but not the poor, and to help the poor but not the poor.

But what he saw and heard this time really exceeded his bottom line, and Zhao Zhuang quietly stopped him.

Nan Ming was a little puzzled. Zhao Zhuang sneered, "Boss, if you leave the money, I'm afraid he will be used by his brothers to change drugs."

"Doesn't the government do anything?" Zhang Feilin thought that his aunt was becoming the leader, but under his rule, he saw so much poverty, and felt a little bit ashamed and a little angry.

"Boss, you may think that they are very poor, but you know, in fact, every year the government brings a lot of poverty alleviation projects. In the past two years, the government has sent several sheep to each family and taught them to graze in the mountains. As a result, these people Eat one a month, eat up in a few months, and continue to be poor. His two brothers are AIDS carriers, do you know why they are infected with AIDS? Because the AIDS country will make up money! You are so poor when you are them "Every year the state makes up thousands of dollars, which is enough for them to live a little better, but they have all been changed for drugs."

"Some people are poor because they are in a bad environment, and some people are poor because they deserve it." Zhao Zhuang smiled bitterly. "Some people, you can't change them."

Nan Ming was silent and didn't know what to say.

Are these people pitiful or hateful?

Chen Haocong took out a business card and handed it to Wang Xiaowen: "I may open a company in Changxi after a while. If you can't find a job down the mountain, come to me, at least I can give you a meal.

In any case, Wang Xiaowen is a man who wants to change his destiny and bravely do it. Although he is not good enough, most of the people in the world are mediocre. Nan Ming asked himself if he could do better in such an environment?

"Thank you, thank you boss." Wang Xiaowen was grateful. Perhaps he felt that Chen Haocong gave him this business card, which was more valuable than a lazy seminary qualification.

But he didn't know what he had missed.

Next, it was to find Chen Han. Zhao Zhuang still volunteered to be a guide. He took Chen Han's information from Chen Haocong and wondered: "This person is not Chen Han!"

"Huh?" Nan Ming froze.

"Actually, Chen Han came to our school a month or two before the college entrance examination. He is a Han Chinese and doesn't look like this ... Xiaowen, you have our graduation photo."

"I'll get it!" Wang Xiaowen turned around and took out a graduation photo, pointed it to Nan Ming, "Well, this is Wang Xiaowen."

Seeing that name, both Chen Haocong and Nan Ming were dumbfounded.

He knows this person.

Li Huiyun.

Chen Han, surnamed Chen, name Han.

Both Chen Haocong and Nan Ming knew Li Huiyun's feelings for Chen Wei. Perhaps in his mind, Chen Wei was more like his father, and Chen Wei hoped that he would become a man of great standing.

Li Huiyun, aliased as Chen Han, summoned the courage to re-enter the school, intending to enter the lazy seminary.

Perhaps only in this way, he can return to the society with integrity, return to the face of Nanming, and return to the world with Qi Qilai.

But then, where did he go?

"Ayun ... is he in danger?" Chen Haocong worried.

He also had contact with this fateful peer.

If Wang Xiaowen's environment is very bad, Li Huiyun's situation may be even more difficult, but he still has the courage to do so.

But why didn't he take the retest?

If anything happens to A Yun, Chen Wei must be very sad, but the saddest must be Qi Chenglai.

Nanming thought of the young man who called his boss, and he was also very emotional.

Ah Yun Ah Yun, since you called me a boss, you have a problem, why don't you come to me?

On the way back to Zhao Zhuang, Nanming had mixed feelings.

Today's experience has broken through what they had thought and seen, and it is almost impossible to imagine.

"Zhao Zhuang, are all the people here so poor?" Nanming asked, "Isn't anyone trying to change anything?"

"When my brother went to work in Spring City in the past two years, they didn't speak Chinese. Spring City was so big and so big. They had never seen such a big city. So many people were afraid they would go away. A rope puts himself up in a row. My brother said that he saw everyone laughing at them and pointing at them, just like watching a group of pigs ~ ~ he said, That feeling he will never forget, he said that he must come back in a mixed shot, and never let people point like that. "

"Where is your brother now?" Nan Ming asked, he was anxious to know whether Zhao Zhuang's brother had changed his destiny.

"In prison, I will be back in two years, just like my dad and my uncle."

Nanming didn't know what to say.

When the trajectory of everyone around you is to go out in a cycle of drug abuse, drug trafficking, arrest, forced detoxification, HIV infection, and home death, can you jump out?

Not everyone in this world can resist destiny and change the world.

Most people can't even change themselves.

"Is Daliang really poor? No. We have a unique geographical environment here, with a very unique ethnic culture, alpine planting, alpine grazing, and national industries. In fact, there are promising things. Although the traffic is inconvenient, the government has also shown Enough supportive determination, it is themselves who really closed here. "

"If it were you, what would you do?" Nan Ming asked.

"If I go out, I must work hard to make money, and then open a school in Spring City specifically to help our Yi children, teach them Chinese, teach them how to make money with their own hands, and teach them how to integrate into the Han society. The hope of our people is not here, it is outside. Only when we have enough knowledge and ability in the younger generation can we change it in turn, because the power of closure here is too stubborn and too powerful. The adults here are all It's terrible. There are only children and a glimmer of hope. "

Nan Ming took a deep breath: "Student Zhao Zhuang, I don't know if you are interested in participating in a retest of Lazy Divinity School?"


"Well, there is another set of questions here anyway." (To be continued.)

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