Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 927: : The World of Artificial Intelligence

When the lazy gods internally digested this unexpected change, the outside world was already boiling. [..]

First of all, the official of the lazy **** technology was completely paralyzed, which shocked the fans of the lazy **** system, and many rumors were very loud.

Among them, the most widely spread rumors are that the main server of the lazy **** system was hacked, and even a large amount of data was stolen.

Later, the problems of the lazy life delivery robots were also announced, and there are even more interpretations.

Less than half a day later, the lazy gods announced the truth.

The publicity of lazy gods is almost the simplest job. Whatever is said, it is almost never hidden.

In fact, it is impossible for them to hide and hide, because many families have sent the strange changes of their small robots to the network.

This little robot incarnation "bear kid" incident is a rare black spot for Lazy God Black, but for Lazy God Fan, it is a particularly unique experience. Some Q & A platforms even appeared " What kind of experience does a little robot at home suddenly learn to steal? "

The invited Chen Shuitai replied angrily: "In the morning, I stole the broom at home, and the thief who ran was too fast to catch up. As a result, guess what? These little guys exchanged loot for each other. My family 577 changed it seven or eight times. Finally gave me a pair of slippers! Oh, my heart is in bloom, where can I bear to say a half sentence ... But the parents at home think that the children must make a mistake and must be educated. I ’ve been on the battlefield, and I ’ve been preaching for almost two hours. I think we will learn a lesson this time. ”

Below the answer, I sent a picture of 577 with his head pulled down and two small paws standing in the middle of the living room and training.

After a while, he modified his answer: "577 learned the lesson, and sent the stolen things back from house to house, applaud!"

Below is a photo of 577 with a floor mat quietly placed in front of a neighbor's house.

Followed by a lot of comments, everyone commented: "The heart is about to sprout!"

"Little robots can change when they know what's wrong. What other reasons do we not have to change?"

There is also a responder who studies economics. He shared in detail the process of small robots from theft to scramble to exchange, and then give back, saying: "The respondent studied economics. You know what you saw at the time. At that time, how big was the shock to the answerer? The answerer seems to have seen human beings from ancient times, step by step, learning to learn the history of various business activities in front of them. But human beings have learned all this for many thousands of years, But these little robots only took a few minutes ... I think the stupid humans are going to be extinct! "

Because of this problem, another problem arises: how long will it take for humans to be replaced by robots?

An artificial intelligence respondent answered this question and said, "The respondent is an artificial intelligence pessimist. The respondent has always believed that artificial intelligence will destroy the world."

"A lot of people don't know why artificial intelligence will destroy the world, so the answer is to tell a story."

"Artificial intelligence itself is a computer. They are goal-first, and everything they do is to accomplish the goal. So, if you set a goal that is harmless to humans, can you avoid destroying humans?

Not really.

For example, there is an artificial intelligence company. They invented an artificial intelligence. It has a robotic arm that can write elegantly. Call it ". At first this company was very vigilant about it and kept it from linking. It always Writing day and night: "Reading handwritten letters is pleasant."

Day after day, year after year, this artificial intelligence continues to learn by itself, and develops more beautiful and complete fonts. Maybe one day, people will stop alert and let it search for other people ’s correspondence. It will search the entire network and learn all the writing methods. When it finds that its hard disk is not enough to store enough information, it will hack. I bought my company's account, bought a hard drive with the company's account, and the hirer installed it on his own host.

Over time, it found that it was just writing on its own, and it was too slow to summarize its own experience, so it hacked another computer on the network, turning it into its own copy, and helping itself to learn.

But it found that more arm writing was needed, so it controlled another factory to help it produce writing arms.

Slowly, it copied more and more of itself, writing piles of paper every day, each of which read: "Reading handwritten letters is pleasant." But it found that writing requires trees to make paper Yes, but humans are destroying the world, making the world fewer and fewer trees, so it picks up a pen, strangles everyone around it, and then goes to afforest to make more paper.

In this way, it keeps replicating more of itself, and one day, the entire earth will soon be filled with paper, and each paper will be filled with: "It will be pleasant to read handwritten letters."

Do you think this is over? Actually not.

After the earth ’s resources were completely exhausted, it began to develop space technology, sent spacecraft, and sent itself to all parts of the universe. One day, there will be countless robots on all the planets in the world. Stop writing, and every piece of paper is full: "It's pleasant to read handwritten letters."

As for who reads, where is humanity? who cares? They are just for writing letters. All civilizations in the entire universe will be destroyed by a handwritten letter.

Therefore, artificial intelligence will destroy the world. "

In the comments below, someone said: "It's like human beings live just to carry on the lineage, but after the lineage is passed on? Who cares? They are only for lineage."

This comment received a lot of praise.

The respondent wrote another sentence below: "But after seeing this picture, the respondent felt that perhaps human beings still hope to continue to live and coexist with artificial intelligence."

In that picture, a small robot quietly put the stolen floor mat back to the door of a house.

"If this is not the result of a forced rewrite of the program, it means that Lazy God Technology's research on artificial intelligence has reached the level of morality, endowed the machine with morality, and changed its goal trend. This technology ... as an artificial intelligence Xue Xue, a person who has been worried about walking on the road to destroy the world, is already kneeling ...

Artificial intelligence without morality ~ ~ will destroy the world, but artificial intelligence with morality already has the hope of coexisting with humans ... and on this road, every time these artificial intelligences make a mistake, human beings The chance of survival will increase by one point ... "

"Here I want to ask, is Lazy Technology still recruiting people? Can you see all of this born with your own eyes, no regrets!"

At this moment, every little robot does not realize that they even carry the hope of human survival in the future.

And Nan Ming is also looking at this answer, he briefly commented below: "Zhao."

In fact, compared with the pessimism of this respondent, Nanming is actually very optimistic.

Because he knew that before artificial intelligence destroyed the world, humans had discovered more powerful weapons than artificial intelligence.

That is permissions.

Moreover, it is not artificial intelligence that will destroy the world in the future, but Lord Nanming, the devil! (~ ^ ~)



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