Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 926: : Tons of damage

Although it was understood by most of the victims, lazy life still had to find a way to exchange some of its valuables back. [No popup ..]

Dealing with small robots is generally difficult to **** food. If it is not Professor Ru and other economics, anthropology, and artificial intelligence professors each brought their own graduate students to join the exchange team, and summarized many laws, and If this is a research topic, I'm afraid they're crazy.

In these little robots, economists see the laws of economics; anthropologists see the enlightenment of primitive society; artificial intelligence experts see the development and evolution of artificial intelligence; there are even many linguists who are independent of these little guys Interested in developing simple language ...

I don't know how many issues there will be because of this incident.

And because of the changes in these little robots, the lazy life can only suspend the delivery of the little robots until the situation can be fully controlled and the cause of this incident is known, and these troubled bear children are temporarily locked in the factory building. Let them be demon themselves.

Without these little robots, the task of delivering food can only be given to employees who are lazy. Fortunately, it is now a university vacation. As most students leave, the pressure is much less, but even so , Still let almost all lazy employees break their legs.

Iron Egg's security assistant spent nine cattle and two tigers to get back a Rolex watch from a small robot, and sighed: "Sure enough, the outside world is right, we are lazy, it is the bear child , Even these little guys have become bear children! "

Iron Egg wanted to refute, but after a long time, he couldn't refute, and could only sigh.

Her own iron girl is a fighter in a bear child!

After processing these small robots, Iron Egg immediately set off and went to the computer room of Qingda Lazy God No. 2 to prepare to deal with the core existence-all the core artificial intelligence programs of the small food delivery robot-the problem of small lazy.

Before he left, Su Hongyi called and said, "Don't come here first, take Li Xiang."

"Thinking about Li?" Suddenly, Su Hongyi said, "Well, he is the only one who can handle this, we can't make it!"

Su Hongyi has been busy working in the computer room all morning, but in the face of the vast data nodes in "Lazy God No. 2", it is completely unreadable.

Iron Egg opened the box of lazy life and went straight to Li Xiang's residence.

Li wants to be self-contained and doesn't like to be in touch with people. He lives alone in a house in the most corner of Laoshenbeiyuan. Almost every day he takes care of him. When Iron Egg commutes to work, he will come to see him A glance, just in case he didn't know when he died suddenly in his house.

Outside the door of Li Xiang's room, Iron Egg patted the door and said, "Li thinks I'm here!"

With a click, the door opened automatically, and Iron Egg pushed in, not as messy as imagined.

On weekdays, Li Xiang has mild obsessive-compulsive disorder. Everything is always in order, even the folds of the curtain are the same.

At this time, a lot of clothes and sundries were indeed taken out and placed in the living room, while Li Xiang was sitting in the middle of the hall and looking at Xiaosan.

Xiaosan's little paw was waving a sock of Li Xiang, while Li Xiang held the other one in his hand.

When Iron Egg wanted to come, they should have been talking like this.

Li thought: "Little three bad boy! Hurry back with my socks!"

Primary Three: "a ~" (If you don't give, you don't!)

But in fact, Li Xiang made a whistle-like voice in his mouth, the frequency was high and low, and Xiaosan responded with their own unique language.

The languages ​​of these little robots are actually not the same. There are several different systems. It seems that the more resources they occupy, the more they tend to develop their own communication methods.

A few guys in Nanming used a monosyllable "v" pronunciation, cheerful and simple. Li Xiang's primary three, however, used the sound of "li ~ li ~", like the wind blowing through the bell, calm and light.

But in fact, it makes no sense what sound they make. These little robots communicate information through changes in frequency and rhythm.

After a while, Xiaosan tugged his head down in despair, and handed a sock in his hand to Li Xiang. Li Xiang put his socks in a pair and put them on his feet.

Seeing Tiedan coming in, Li wanted to look up at him, motioned him not to speak, and then continued to communicate with Xiaosan in this way.

Li Xiang didn't even say a word in his daily life, but there was no obstacle in his communication with Xiaosan.

He seemed to be playing a game with Xiao San, and soon Xiao Xiao lost everything and confessed that he had given up everything. If speaking of the intelligence of Shanlun itself, Xiaosan is the one with the highest intelligence among all the small robots. It is also the one that occupies the most resources in the parent program "little lazy". Even so, Xiao San still lost miserably in front of Li Xiang.

After winning, Li Xiang did not stop, but continued to communicate with Xiao San in the language of the little robot. With Li Xiang's voice, the light on Xiao San's body was clearly off, and he also made a response or two from time to time.

Iron Egg's complexion suddenly became serious, Li thought that it should be program input through the language unique to the small robot.

It seems that the game just now is not just a game. Li wants to find out what it is in this way.

Seeing Li's conversation with the little robot, Iron Egg remembered the dense digital nodes in the "little lazy" program. He couldn't imagine how Li could interpret all this through Xiaosan's feedback.

Having been with these little guys for a long time, Iron Egg will simply interpret the emotions of these little guys, but talking with the little guys in their language is not even possible for Nan Ming.

Li wanted to talk to Xiao San in a low voice. After a while, Iron Egg's cell phone rang. He picked it up and took a look, then went to answer the call.

On the phone, Su Hongyi wondered: "What did Li want to do? Xiaolan's system occupation is decreasing!"

"I don't know. He's talking to Primary Three."

"You, the creator of 'little lazy', don't know?" Su Hongyi was surprised.

The "small sloth" artificial intelligence is created by Nanming and Iron Egg based on the self-learning mechanism of "Slacker" created by Iron Egg with some white code.

The iron egg is inside the lazy **** system. It is like the wind in the smiling and proud rivers and lakes. The sweeping monk in Tianlong Babu is an absolute superpower. Hidden world power. As long as he shoots, what kind of wind, Tianyou, Prince Yang, All have to kneel.

But he obviously has the strongest programming ability and programming thinking in the world. He is an "lazy", "little lazy" and "beating peasant" architect and major code contributor. He can make money by lying down, but he just chooses. It is a "diligent party." He worked hard all day long to engage in his own service industry, and now that even Chen Haocong is a well-known general manager, there are few people who know him.

But at this moment, the iron egg looked at Li Xiang, but it was like seeing the immortal in the martial arts.

This is not an order of magnitude at all! What exactly did this guy eat, so abnormal?

In the continuous evolution of "little lazy", in addition to the interactive interface, it has been completely alienated. Even Iron Egg can't understand the countless digital nodes at all, but now Li thinks that he can actually talk to Xiaosan , Remote programming for "little lazy"?

Obviously, at this time, Li thought that the algorithm or steps were optimized by some method, so that "little lazy" could run more efficiently.

At this time ~ ~ Li wanted to stop communicating with Xiaosan, exhaled, and then turned around to clean up his room.

As for what he did to Xiaolao, Iron Egg asked him several times before he held his head, as if acknowledging his mistake: "I added a moral wall to Xiaolao."

"Just these?"

"It also added an incentive system."

"anything else?"

Li Xiang didn't speak anymore, he pulled his head into his room.

As for the optimization algorithm, it is not mentioned at all, it seems completely trivial.

For the first time, Iron Egg felt the invisible pressure that others felt from him.

Li Xiang's understatement made him hurt by tons. (To be continued.)



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