Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 963: :too naive

The Silencer was flying fast.

Only a few people on the ground can chase the flashing blue light in the sky through the directions indicated by the double swords.

But then, everyone saw a white trajectory appearing in the sky, which was the condensation of water vapor caused by the change in pressure when the Silent was flying at high speed.

Generally speaking, people call it an aircraft cloud.

The Silence is so huge that the cloud gas it produces is much larger than the condensing cloud brought by ordinary aircraft, and it is much more obvious.

With the lap of the Silence, each lap is smaller than before.

The spiral trajectory slowly gathers towards the center. If someone looks down at Paris from outer space, you will definitely be able to see that a huge "mosquito coil" appears above Paris.

At this moment, everyone near Le Bourget airport looked up and looked at the huge and strangely shaped aircraft cloud in the sky, unable to close his mouth in surprise.

Until the speed of the Silence slowly decreased, and then returned to the top of Le Bourget airport, where Silence was suspended.

It seems that just now in the sky, another person painted this huge "mosquito coil".

Static as a virgin, moving as a rabbit.

This is how everyone feels about the Silence.

The huge hull of Silence has such precise and flexible maneuverability, which is enough to surprise everyone for a long time.

But this is the Silence. If there is no such level, it would be strange, wouldn't it?

I don't know why. Looking at the Silent Hovering there quietly, many people's hearts slowly showed an unspeakable disappointment.

Is this ... over?

Just draw a few circles?

That's all for this flight show?

Well, they have to admit that when Silent dropped all its propulsion devices and flew up, they were really surprised.

Exactly, it almost scared shit.

But ... as said above, this is the silence!

I just finished painting a mosquito coil?

At this moment, the No. 1 small bench of the mech soldier moved, it no longer hovered there, but accelerated rapidly. After more than a hundred meters, a burst of water vapor also burst, and it accelerated directly over Speed ​​of sound.

A shock wave spread out with it as the center. In the next second, it spun and flew in a direction completely opposite to the spiral of Silence, bringing out a number of thin aircraft clouds, and also a violent shock wave.

The roar of the engine and the harsh sound of the blast caused everyone to subconsciously narrow their eyes, cover their ears, and stare at it with wide eyes, wondering what it was going to do.

The almost perfect spiral smoke cloud in the sky was instantly destroyed, as if a tornado appeared in the sky, engulfing everything in it.

"Oh ..." Everyone on the ground couldn't help but sigh.

They don't understand why the Silent Draws such a perfect pattern, but wants to destroy it.


When the shock wave carried by the mech soldier completely spread out, almost everyone screamed at that moment.

The two spiral patterns, one on the other and one on the other, are superimposed on each other. Under the agitation of the shock wave, the two intertwined aircraft clouds in the sky interfere with each other and merge with each other until a certain moment, becoming a familiar Endless sign.

White cloud of gas, consisting of swirl patterns.

That's the swirl logo of the lazy gods!

A breeze blew, it seemed to sway slightly in the sky.

The Silence and the Mech Soldiers, using the sky as a canvas, left their own traces and did not disperse for a long time.

With a bang, almost everyone on the ground cheered.

If we must find a definition for the scene in front of us, it must be "magic".

This feeling is like a draft video of the Swiss talent show circulating on the Internet. The female artist Colleen drew a portrait of Judge Grace, then doodled on this basis, and eventually eliminated the tragic move.

But when she turned the portrait upside down and poured white powder on it, she instantly became the portrait of another mentor.

At that moment, the audience was shocked, stood up and applauded, and even the four judges later apologized to the female artist on the show and bought the painting.

However, after watching this video, in fact, the biggest feeling of most people is not magic, but "not to the last minute" do not draw conclusions.

But if there is any lesson to be learned, it must be in this world. In fact, most people do n’t have much patience, and do n’t sell too much, otherwise they will regret and be unlucky.

Fortunately, this level of lazy technology has not been sold very deeply and is easy to understand.

People with a little bit of scientific knowledge know that this is a simple flying or pulling line.

But wanting to make these clouds and fog floating in the sky accurately show the shape of the logo of Lazy God Technology, which contains the ability of simulation calculation and precise control, which can be called abnormal.

Because it is a huge pattern drawn in the sky with air as a canvas, condensation clouds as a brush, and shock waves as a palette knife.

Even now, scientists are unable to give all the factors that produce condensed clouds, and cannot determine under what circumstances and under what circumstances.

After all this was done, Silence began to rise again, the small benches of the mech magic soldier returned to their sheaths, and the shield was put back behind, beckoning everyone.

After seeing this action, everyone knew that the flight show was over. The cooperation between the mech soldier and the silence was very tacit. The silence was like a teaser, and the mech soldier was the clapper and the reporter. Mech The magic soldier cannot speak, but its body language is the same as that of human beings. If it were not for its body shining with the light of steel, it would be so many times bigger than human beings, for fear it would be regarded as a living person.

At this time, the actor curtained off and is about to leave.

It was just such a simple performance that made everyone feel uneasy.

I don't know who started first, and some people started screaming on the ground: "!"

Mr. Xie, standing next to the stands, shouted in remorse: "Encore! Encore!"

But no matter how exciting the show is, it will always leave.

As Silence raised, it opened the hatch at the bottom. A hanger hanged down. The mech soldier grasped the hanger with one hand, and was pulled into the bottom of Silence by the hanger.

Just when the hanger was about to be fully retracted, and the hatch was about to close, the mech soldier suddenly pointed down and waved his hands. It felt like he was calling someone to quickly follow up.

"Take me away!" A female fan yelled frantically.

Countless hands stretched out, seemingly want to be taken away by the Silence.

If Silence really comes from an alien, it can definitely abduct humans who have walked all over the earth.

However, it turns out that they are too naive and too passionate, and they are not greeting them at all.

Seeing that waving was not enough, the mech soldier suddenly pinched his fingers and placed it next to his mouth, blowing a loud whistle.

Or, just make a whistle, and the loudspeaker emits the sound of a whistle.

The next second, an exclamation sounded.

The wings and thrusters dropped by Silence have been lying quietly on the airport runway.

At this time, I heard a whistle, but it was like living in an instant. I flew into the sky and gradually turned the silence of the ship, turning around the ship, twirled around the silence, smelling the smell of food, and shaking my head, you Fighting for the ground and rejoining the silence.

"Oh my God! The Silence is awesome!" This was really unexpected.

It turned out that Silent wasn't throwing away its wings and thrusters. It turned out that it could fight back again and fly back by itself ...

The mech magic soldier stretched out his fingers and nodded, it seemed to count to see if something had fallen, and then he waved again, and finally said goodbye to the audience. Finally, the bilge of the Silent was completely closed.

"Oh ..." Annoyed and reluctant voice sounded, at this moment, it was really a curtain call.

"Wait ... there are airbags?" Everyone looked up at Silence again, and saw the airbags that had flown into the sky, being dragged by the metal sheet no more than a few square meters below, and kept falling.

The Silent also flew to the high altitude, reconnected with the airbag, and slowly sailed into the distance.

The radiance of the sun shone on the silence, the silver-grey hull was low-key and elegant, and the transparent airbags were like soap bubbles, like a dream.

Everyone stared silently at the silence disappearing into the sky ~ ~ finally recovered their eyes.

They sighed and looked again at the condensation clouds in the sky.

Then, one after another the "lying trough" sounded.

The breeze came, the condensing clouds in the sky were still slowly changing under the shock of the waves, condensing into a smile with a curvaceous smile, smiling slyly.

It seemed to say, "Think it's over? Too naive."

The smiley face gradually faded, the lines merged with each other, and were wrinkled by the breeze, eventually turning into a love pattern floating in the air.

As a returning performance, Russian bear Cyril took his bride, Zhuoya, under a neat helicopter escort, sitting on a swing hanging under the helicopter, and flew over the heart-shaped pattern of the sky. Things, including mobile phones, hats, shoes, sunglasses, knives, beer bottles, ...

"Too much! Damn couple dog!"

"Sue Eun Ai is sharing fast!"

But where does Cyril care? This proud fur bear hugged his bride desperately and hugged like a giant bear to kill the weak fawn.

"Fall down! Quickly fall!"

"Cyril to die! Let go of that girl!"

"Silence can go, Cyril must die!"

"Kill the dog men and women!"

"Burn them!"

"God punish them! Please drop God's punishment!"

"I want to poke my eyes!"

After all, the condensing clouds in the sky faded away. Everything seemed to be traceless, and it never seemed to happen.

But the quiet impact of Silence has already spread throughout the world through radio waves, spread across the entire online self-media, and blasted all social networks.

Silence, Lazy God Technology.

Technology · Orientation · Future. (To be continued.) U more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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