Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 964: : All routines

"Don't go to watch the flight show of Silence, even if it leaves, it will bring you tons of psychological damage." "When all is over, a netizen will upload massive pictures taken by himself to the Internet, Can't help but say this.

As the main dps that has created tons of injuries for thousands of viewers and netizens, Cyril Andresavić Rebarco's children's shoes are holding their girlfriends at the seaside, and they are not far away. Where the silence is parked.

At night, a large number of fans and tourists gathered nearby, looking out, but stopped by police and security personnel.

In front of a huge cruise ship surrounded by many ships, the Silent Ship, which once had a displacement of 6ooo tons, now has only 2ooo tons.

But all the luxury cruise ships all around did not attract the attention of Silence.

Chen Haocong and Cui Weisi came over together, and a Russian-style bear hug with Mao Xiong, and then jealously said: "Andre, you guy is too much, really don't give us a single dog to survive. ! "

In fact, Russian names are usually the names of their fathers, for example, the name of the bear is Cyril Andresavich Rebarko, and Cyril is his own name, and Andresavich means "Andrea's son", but the misunderstandings in the business school, made Mao Xiong's friends like to call him Andre.

The three generations of the old American ancestors are not strange in their names, so Andrei later defaulted.

After hugging with Mao Xiong, Cuivis smiled and handed over a small box, and said, "This is a gift I give you."

"What is it?" Mao Xiong was surprised. Old Maozi didn't have the one held by the Chinese. He immediately opened the box and saw a ticket lying quietly inside.

"The Silent Honeymoon Special Hospitality Ticket, which our boss specifically sought for." Cui Weisi pointed to the smiling Chen Haocong beside him.

Suddenly, Chen Haocong was also hugged by Mao Xiong: "Good brother, I know you are my best brother!"

Chen Haocong claimed to be a sports student, strong and strong, and never afraid to compare strength with others, but he was almost out of breath at this time.

"However, this hospitality coupon is time-limited. It is valid for one year. If you can't marry Zhuoya within one year, it will be invalid." Cui Weisi patted himself on the shoulder of the damaged friend, smiling .

"Hey, sure! Certainly!" Mao Xiong laughed, "wait for my wedding when I go back!"

"Well, then I'll wait to drink your wedding. By the way, there's one more thing for you." Travis smiled and handed the envelope to the bear.

"What is it? Is it a gift you gave me?" Mao Xiong laughed and opened the envelope, then suddenly stiffened there.

"Congratulations, brother." Cuiweis patted the bear's shoulder, Haha smiled and turned back to the boat.

"What's this? Cyril, what's wrong with you?" Zhuoya glanced at the piece of paper in the bear's hand, and the whole man was instantly stiff.

Zhuo Ya is an accountant by itself. The series of numbers on it don't need to count to know how many digits.

"Sorry ... Sorry Zhuoya ... I ... I went bankrupt ..." It took a long time before Mao Xiong cried.

In his hand was the bill advertised by the mech soldier.

As the saying goes, showing affection for a while, the family crematorium.

Hairy bear Cyril showed Ai Zhuoya through the "advertisement sword" on the small bench, and then the marriage proposal was successful ...

It is probably one of the most expensive marriage proposals in the world.

Travis roughly calculated the transmission rate and coverage of the advertising sword. Because of the sensational effect conveyed by the advertising sword, now the bear's proposal is already one of the hottest things in the world. The transmission rate is too high. At the original price, I'm afraid I can't afford to sell the bear. Cuivis probably checked the assets of the bear and looked at a friend's face. He just emptied the last dime in his pocket. That's it.

If someone changed, Travis would not be so soft-hearted.

He left at least one pair of underpants for the bear.

The fur bear was frustrated for a few seconds, and then he yelled: "No wonder these **** say that the coupon is only valid for one year! How can I make enough money to marry you in one year!"

"Fool ..." Zhuo Ya snuggled in the furry bosom of a bear, "Simply simple wedding, we already have the best honeymoon in the world, don't we? The honeymoon journey of Silence ..."

"No, I can't wrong you!" Mao Xiong held Zhuo Ya and waved his furry, big fist, "You can rest assured, Zhuo Ya, I will make enough money again, and the scenery will marry you home of!"

"Fool ... Uh ..."

On the side of the Silent Ship, Chen Haocong looked down and hugged together, wondering whether the two were crying or crying, and asked Cuivis around him: "Are you asking too much? Are you digging out the old bear?" It's empty! "

"Relax, he must have a hole card." Trevis grinned, coldly, "you don't know, when I was at the business school, I bet with him, and lost three apartments in a row! This guy! He must not be underestimated! He is a fox in a bear's skin! "

Chen Haocong shrugged. Although he also had a relationship with Mao Xiong, after all, he did not have a deep friendship with Cuivis. Since Cuivis said so, he would believe it.

"Did you suggest him to court in this way, did you already think of today?" Chen Haocong asked Cui Weisi.

"That's right." Travis smiled insidiously, like a poisonous snake.

Chen Haocong quickly stayed away from him, this guy can't mess with me, what a special routine!

At this moment, Travis saw the figure of the old horse ~ ~ and quickly chased it, lowering his voice: "Sir! What did we say good things at first?"

Travis remembers very clearly that when the old horse promised to give him a $ 40 million penthouse apartment at No. 1 Madison on 23rd Street in Manhattan, he helped the old horse cut the line and played the next epic trip on the shield ad.

He actually went to this house. When he was still in college, he got the keys from the old horse and took his partners to drive a carnival climbing ladder. For many years after that, he was a man of the school. .

Long ago, he was salivating about the house.

"Well." The old horse handed him a piece of paper.

"This is ... what?" Travis stared at the old horse dullly.

"It's the housekeeper's phone. Whenever you pass, just call him. I won't live in that house anyway." The old horse said.

Travis looked at Travis in disbelief: "Sir, that house is already mine, shouldn't you hand over the property to me?"

"My child." The old horse looked at Travis with a kind and sad look. "I have always treated you as my biological son, especially since Magdalen has left me ..."

The old horse wiped tears from his eyes: "You are the sole heir of my heritage. As long as I die, you pay the inheritance tax, not only that house, all my property is yours, why are you so anxious What about property rights? Do you want me to die that way? Boy, you really broke my heart ... "

Travis stared blankly at the sad old horse.

Just a few minutes ago, he just had a trick.

Now, he was brought in by a wave of old routines.

Is there any truth in this world? (To be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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