Leading The Whole Village To Apply For Online Loans And Build A Financial Tazhai Village

Chapter 17: What? Lending Is Illegal? Then We'll Borrow Too!

Lin Dong came clean and told his father and uncles that he borrowed money from online loans.

Seeing Lin Dong's straightforward confession, the uncles were confused.

Seeing his son confess, Lin Wen'an was disappointed and regretful.

"Dongzi, you are confused!"

"Dad doesn't ask you to have any great ability, I just hope you can live peacefully and live an ordinary life."

"But why do you want to borrow online loans?"

"That's something that hurts people. How many people have been ruined because of online loans!"

Lin Wen'an had tears in his eyes and felt extremely guilty.

He felt that his son would come to this point because of his own fault and that he didn't teach him well.

If he wasn't so poor, if he could be richer, Lin Dong probably wouldn't have borrowed online loans!

If something happened to his son, Lin Wen'an would only feel that he was the one who couldn't be forgiven.

As a father, he always felt that he had not fulfilled his obligations as a father and failed to give his children a good life.

Thinking of this, Lin Wen'an felt very uncomfortable and blamed himself even more.

When several uncles saw this scene, they were silent and dared not say another word.

Lin Dong looked at his father, whose eyes were slightly red and his face was full of anxiety and worry for him, and his heart was sour.

"Dad, uncles, the matter is not as serious as you think."

"I did borrow online loans and did not pay them back. This is a fact, but it is not illegal!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wen'an and several uncles were stunned.

What the hell?

Borrowing online loans does not have to be paid back. Isn't this illegal?

How is this possible!

It is natural to pay back debts.

They have also seen people who were sued to court for not paying back borrowed money and were finally taken away by the police.

And Lin Dong borrowed hundreds of thousands!

How could he be fine if he didn't pay back such a large amount? !

Seeing that Lin Wen'an was about to get excited again, Lin Dong quickly calmed him down, and then explained:

"Dad, don't be anxious, listen to me first."

"There are two types of online loans now. One is a formal online loan platform, the interest rate is in line with the law, and the contract and other things are legally effective."

"The other is a black online loan platform, with high interest rates and high fees. This is not in compliance with regulations and is not protected by law!"

"Even if I don't pay it back, it won't be illegal. I have studied the platforms I borrowed from, and none of them are in compliance with legal regulations!"

"So, even if I don't pay it back, it won't be illegal!"

Lin Dong told his father and several uncles about the nature of the online loan he borrowed, which made them stunned.

They really didn't know this kind of knowledge.

Living in the village, being honest all their lives, how could they think of going to a black online loan platform to make money?

In their view, if you borrow money, you have to pay it back, even if the interest rate is high and there are high handling fees, you have to pay it back.

But now after listening to Lin Dong's remarks, they have an understanding of black online loans and their concepts have gradually changed.

"Is this a good thing?"

"This black online loan is not protected by the law, so it's okay even if you don't pay it back?"

Lin Wenyuan was very surprised. It was the first time he knew that he could make money in this way.

This is a path they had never thought of!

"That's not the case. The black online loan platform will still find people in society to collect debts."

"But I promise that this is absolutely not illegal!"

Lin Dong didn't want to hide anything and told everyone the debt collection methods of black online loans.

Because black online loans are illegal, it is definitely impossible to collect debts through legal channels, and they dare not do so.

If that's the case, it is estimated that the borrower will be fine, but they will have to go in first.

So, the black online loan platform will find people in society and force the borrower to repay the loan by means of intimidation and other means.

Some are even more cruel and even directly imprisoned, beaten, etc., and the means are quite cruel!

After listening to Lin Dong's explanation, several uncles suddenly realized what happened in the village head. It turned out to be like this.

For this reason, the people who came to Lin Dong were not police or court personnel, but gangsters in society.

Because they themselves didn't dare to call the police!

Thinking of this, they believed what Lin Dong said a little.

At this time, Lin Wenyuan told Lin Dong what happened at the village head today.

"Just a few gangsters, dare to come to our Tazhai Village to make trouble?"

"There are thousands of people with the surname Lin in our village. What kind of gang dares to come here to cause trouble?!"

Lin Wenyuan snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction!

If it were outside, it would be hard to say, but this is Tazhai!

There are thousands of villagers, and most of them are surnamed Lin. Even if the gangsters bring people here, they can't leave without kowtow!

"Now that things have been made clear, it seems that we have misunderstood Dongzi."

"Dongzi, you can stay in the village at ease. As long as those debt collectors dare to come, they will definitely be in trouble!"

"They are illegally operating online loans, and they dare to be so arrogant?"

"If we don't deal with them, it will really be lawless!"

When several uncles knew that the other party was breaking the law, they immediately became tough.

We haven't broken the law, what are we afraid of?

Lin Wen'an breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was finally at ease.

It's good that he's fine, as long as his son is fine!

He was really afraid that his son would break the law knowingly, and his life would be ruined by this matter.

It turned out that he had misunderstood, his son didn't break the law, it was those black network platforms that were illegal!

After the matter was opened, the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

During the conversation, Lin Wenyuan suddenly thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He looked at Lin Dong, and then asked with expectation:

"Dongzi, since this black-hearted online loan is illegal, can we also borrow money like you?"

"You can borrow money and it's okay, so we should be able to do it too!"

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