Leading The Whole Village To Apply For Online Loans And Build A Financial Tazhai Village

Chapter 18: Knowledge Changes Destiny, And This Can Really Make You Money!

As soon as Lin Wenyuan asked this question, the eyes of the other people lit up.


Since Dongzi can do it, why can't I?

You only need to operate a few times on your mobile phone to borrow a large sum of money. Not only do you not have to pay it back, but it is also not illegal!

This is simply a good person doing charity!

Lin Dong was confused by Lin Wenyuan's question. After thinking about it, it seems that this is not possible.

The main reason is that those black-hearted online loan platforms have simple approval and high approval rates. As long as you apply, you can basically pass!

"As long as the approval is passed, there is of course no problem."

Lin Dong gave an answer, which made Lin Wenyuan and others excited.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and began to ask Lin Dong how to operate.

Through this incident, they finally understood a truth. If you follow the rules and do your duty, you will never make a lot of money in your life!

You have to be bold to do things, and opportunities are for those who are prepared.

Since Dongzi has already started, and this matter is not illegal, what are you waiting for?

Hurry up and do it. If one day the black online loan is rectified, you will have no chance to do it again!

So, Lin Dong shared the black online loan platforms he had used.

"Don't worry, uncles, I have studied these and successfully lent money."

"All of them are illegal and unprotected black online loan platforms!"

"You don't have to pay it back, don't worry about borrowing!"

Lin Dong said with a smile while helping the uncles download the app.

These uncles in front of him have been very good to him since he was a child.

Otherwise, when Shouhou and others came to the village to collect debts, they would not stand up to protect Lin Dong without hesitation.

So, if he can help them get money, Lin Dong is also happy to help.

The most important thing is to make those cancerous tumors feel bad!

It would be best to make those black online loans yellow, and see how these cancerous tumors can harm society!

Under the guidance of Lin Dong, they quickly downloaded several online loan apps, entered their own information, and started the approval process.

In less than a minute, someone had received a deposit reminder!

"Eighteen thousand! There is really eighteen thousand more in my account!"

"This money is more than what I earn in a year, and it's only been less than a minute!"

Lin Wenyuan looked at the reminder of the arrival of the money and laughed immediately, his heart full of joy.

It's like a dream to get so much money so easily, I can't even think about it!

"Hahaha, mine has also arrived!"

"Although it's only thirteen thousand, it's enough for me to work for a long time!"

"Dongzi, come to your uncle's house in the evening, and your uncle must arrange a big meal for you!"

Another person received a text message reminder, deducting the handling fee and other miscellaneous expenses, and thirteen thousand arrived.

Although not as much as Lin Wenyuan, it's also quite good!

As he said, he had to work for a long time to earn so much money, how could he not be happy?

The most important thing is that this is a black online loan platform, which is not in compliance with the law, and there will be nothing wrong even if it is not repaid.

What? Violent debt collection?


If you dare to come to Tazhai Village to collect debts, you can't even leave the village without kneeling down and singing "Conquer" a hundred times!

"Dongzi is worthy of being a college student and an intellectual!"

"If it weren't for Dongzi, we probably wouldn't know that we could do this in our lifetime."

"What's the key? It's not illegal!"

Lin Wenshan looked at the extra balance and seemed very happy, and praised Lin Dong again and again.

Why did Lin Dong know this way of making money, but he didn't?

It's because Lin Dong has studied, has knowledge and understands the law!

It is said that knowledge changes destiny, and with knowledge you can make a lot of money. It really is true!

Lin Wenshan's face was full of emotion, and he looked at Lin Wen'an with envy.

I really envy my brothers in this clan, and I have a good son!

Lin Dong was a little embarrassed when he heard the praises from several uncles in the clan.

Lin Dong was also very happy to be able to lead everyone to make money by black online loans.

If I had known that everyone was so open-minded, I would not have hidden it and would have led the villagers to take out online loans and embark on the road to wealth!

"By the way, Dongzi, can other online loan platforms also borrow money like this?"

At this time, Lin Wenyuan suddenly asked.

He knew that Lin Dong could borrow so much money, and he must have borrowed from multiple online loan platforms!

In this case, he can completely follow Lin Dong's example and walk the path that Lin Dong has walked!

When the time comes, I can get money, renovate the house and buy a car. Isn't it easy?

"It can be, but not all online loan platforms can be repaid."

"Only those platforms that charge various high fees, have interest rates that are too high to comply with regulations, and are not protected by law can be repaid."

"Don't borrow from those formal online loan platforms, that must be repaid."

After listening to this, Lin Dong immediately told several uncles to tell them that before taking out online loans, they must look for black online loans.

Those formal online loan platforms can't be done this way.

We only deal with black online loans that are the cancer of the underworld!

After listening to Lin Wenyuan and the others, they nodded repeatedly and secretly kept Lin Dong's words in mind.

Then, Lin Dong handed them the list of several black online loans that he had borrowed from.

With this list alone, it would not be a problem for each of them to make hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan!

After getting the list of black online loans from Lin Dong, the few people were immediately more excited. Before leaving, they thanked Lin Dong profusely, and were simply grateful!

If there was no Lin Dong, how could they have this opportunity?

It is estimated that they would never think of such a quick, fast and convenient way to make money in their lifetime, and the amount was something they dared not even dream of.

So, the few people who got the list went home happily, ready to borrow all these online loans!

It would be best to wipe out all these black online loans, so as not to harm society!

And this news will soon spread throughout the village!

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