League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1002: : Plundering and plundering! ! !

At the same time, Ye Che has solved the last Thunder, and then sneaked down to the wolf dog demon below. Bayi Chinese website WwW√. ★8√1√zくW.くCくoM

The strength of this wolf dog demon does not reach the diamond, it is about platinum.

But the defensive power is very powerful, Ye Che has just manipulated the heroic attack in the field, and a single blow does not kill them.

However, after Ye Che personally shot, no more than a minute, the body of a hundred wolf dog demon, has collapsed in the place more than 20 meters away from the crystal throne.

Ye Chegang just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a sound that was like a torn piece of something, passed away from a few kilometers away.

Ye Che quickly flew up in the air and looked at the past far away. At first glance, suddenly there was some silence.

He is now, a few hundred kilometers away, already has a crystal throne, which was destroyed.

And the destroyers are the wolf and dog demons.

However, there are only one hundred wolf-dog demons who attacked the throne of Ye Crystal, and the number there has almost doubled.

"It seems that the strength and strength of the offensive should be related to its own strength... that person is estimated not only to drill IV, so the offensive encountered is much stronger than me..."

Ye Che snorted and then landed slowly on the ground.

"The first wave of the first day of the offensive defensive success, 24 hours down the second wave of offensive, the second wave of offensive will be on the original basis, the power increase of 5o%!"

A message, slowly appearing on the chassis of the Crystal Throne.

This made Ye Ye's eyelids jump slightly. On the second day, the power increased by 5o%. On the third day, the increase was definitely more. This is simply forcing those who are strong, and to eliminate people early!

Otherwise, on the fourth day, the fifth day, I am afraid that no one can support such a powerful offensive!

Even Ye Che, this moment, also produced the urge to clean up the weak.

However, he was not impatient, because Ye Xue is now, on the chassis of the Crystal Throne, suddenly there are two more buttons, next to the two buttons, there is a text description.

Primary Defence Tower: Attack Strength (Drill V), Attack (1 time \\/s), Attack Range (1o Meter)

To create the defensive tower, you need 1o crystal energy point, upgrade requires 1oo crystal energy point!

Create a primary defense tower and upgrade it to an intermediate level to make the Crystal Throne evolve!

"Io energy point?"

Ye Che takes a breath, 1o energy point, even 1oo energy point, he is currently there.

1oo 1 level crystal, 5o 2 level crystal, and 1 level 3 crystal, can provide 7oo energy points for Ye Che.

However, because there are too many enemies, Ye Che will naturally not use it. Now, he plans to try to build an o-stage defense tower.

If there is a defensive tower, and then there is a special offensive, Ye Che will not be so busy.


Ye Che's finger moved and pressed against the button that made the primary defense tower.

"Confirm the manufacture of the primary defense tower... Crystal energy point deduction... 1o point energy point deduction success... The primary defense tower is manufactured... Manufacturing success!"

The sound of the machine sounded from the chassis of the throne.

The end of the voice, suddenly, a defensive tower like the League of Legends, appeared before the Crystal Throne.

It is about 1 meter high and its figure is illusory, but the tower is wrapped in layers of magical gemstones and looks very different.

As soon as this primary defensive tower appeared, it was suspended in front of the Crystal Throne, and magical light flashed from time to time.

"It looks pretty good, and the attack power can be compared to the general drill V. This is a good news for those platinum and gold. As long as they upgrade the defensive tower fast enough, they will not face the diamonds. No resistance."

Ye Che thought of this, and then looked at the crystal chassis, there is now a defensive tower manufacturing button, but the prompt is inactive, you need to upgrade the crystal throne to the first order, in order to open a defensive tower.

Ye Che is very aware of his current situation. At the first level, so many people can't wait to marry their own skin. In order to avoid being caught off guard, Ye Che did not hesitate to directly choose the defensive tower upgrade.

"Confirm the upgrade to the intermediate defense tower... Crystal energy point deduction... 1oo point energy point deduction success... Intermediate defense tower upgrade... Upgrade success!"

Intermediate defense tower: attack strength (drill IV), attack (2\\/s), attack range (3o meters), random hero skills will appear when attacking!

"Drilling IV attacks, can there be attacks with random hero skills?"

Ye Che's eyes are bright, the primary defensive tower for Ye Che, there are some chicken ribs, the intermediate defense tower, but already can help.

At this time, because of the emergence of the intermediate defense tower, the Crystal Throne can also be upgraded.

But the crystal energy point required for the upgrade, but it must be 2oo points!

Ye Che replenished the Crystal Throne, used 24 points to build the primary defense tower, then upgraded to the intermediate defense tower, using 11o points, and now using 2oo points, only 36o points left.

But Ye Che is now, his crystal energy point, but has 46o points!

"Is this one hundred points more rewarding after killing the wolf and dog demons?"

Ye Che's heart is moving.

He didn't think too much. After choosing the upgrade, Ye Che's eyes were fixed on the crystal throne.

"2oo crystal energy point deduction is successful, upgrade... upgrade is complete!"

The words of successful upgrade, just falling, a dazzling light, came out from the crystal throne.

The next second, the original worn-out throne base, not only erased the rust, but also four more exquisite things.

The energy point of the Crystal Throne has also increased from 1oo to 5oo!

This represents a fivefold increase in the viability after the attack.

However, Ye Che does not add the remaining 46o crystal energy points, fearing that there will be other uses, so the energy point of the Crystal Throne is at the stage of 1oo\\/5oo.

"Is it wrong..."

Ye Che looked at the squat under the base, his heart moved slightly.

Looking at the base, it is now, there is actually a joystick on it, which means that the Crystal Throne can now be moved!

"It seems that after the upgrade, the function is more!"

Ye Che's eyes are slightly hot.

After spending 11o points of crystal energy again to create a second intermediate defense tower, Ye Che has already sat on the crystal throne.

The color of the Crystal Throne has changed from gray to pure white, and Ye Che sits on it, leaning against it, and has a strange flavor.

Because from the intermediate defense tower, upgrading to advanced, you need 1ooo point crystal energy point, so Ye Che will not consider it for a short time.

He is now going to plunder and plunder the crystal energy point. Otherwise, until the advantage of the first level is lost, and many people are besieging, even if Ye Che is strong, he has to drink and hate.


Ye Cheang sits on the crystal throne and leans against the joystick.


The entire crystal throne began to vibrate in an instant, and the next second, has moved quickly toward the direction of Ye Che putter.

For a time, the wind rushed to the surface, blowing the leaves back, leaning against Ye Cheqing's face, and guarding the two-meter-tall intermediate defense tower on the left and right sides of the Crystal Throne, it looks very handsome.

However, he was handsome for only three seconds. The mechanical tone of the crystal throne sounded again. "The Crystal Throne is running, every minute, deducting the crystal energy point, 1 point!"

Ye Che's face is black, this is really, what to do is to crystal energy points!

However, in order to find other people early and save enough crystal energy points, Ye Che can only continue to be deducted.

More than three million people, this base is huge.

The Crystal Throne went straight all the way. After almost ten minutes, Ye Che met, the first person who would be plundered by the crystal energy point!

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