League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1003: :I am so tired

Ps: Today, two more, temporary things, tomorrow four more!



Almost four or five hundred meters away, Ye Che will converge the defensive tower, so as not to be shocked. August 1st √文网WくwW★. √81★zW√. CoM★

Looking far away, it was a tall man who was leaning over the ground and dragging something.

Ye Che's gaze was only a slight condensate, and he saw that the thing dragged in his hand was the blood red, like a wolf-like demon.

“Don't the devil have any use that is unknown?”

Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled.

Thinking, Ye Che stopped the Crystal Throne and took his own steps to the man's Crystal Throne and walked over.

Hearing the footsteps, the sturdy man quickly stopped the movements in his hands, then looked up. As soon as he saw Ye Che coming, his eyes showed a very vigilant gaze, and he did not hesitate to put down the demon body in his hand and blocked it in the crystal. Before the throne.

"who are you!?"

The man asked in a cold voice, the force of the white gold color on his body, constantly flashing.

When the question was asked for export, Ye Che knew that this man should be ranked after hundreds of thousands of people, only separated so far that he did not know who he was.

"Tell me, what is the use of the devil's body, I can let you go."

Ye Che pointed to the devil's body and pointed to his expressionless expression.

This man will not collect the bodies of these wolf dogs for no reason. It should be a place that he did not notice, so Ye Che has this question.

"You brains, let me go?"

The sturdy man looked at Ye Che's eyes arbitrarily. He was still very vigilant, but seeing Ye Che asked for him, it was a mentally handicapped problem, plus Ye Xue's young voice, and the whole The image is not big at first glance, and he is naturally not so arrogant.

"Kid, don't you bother to ask, what kind of character is my squad in the chaos, how dare you threaten me!?"

The sturdy man said, his body flashed, and he stood in front of his own crystal throne. Then, his mouth provoked a smirk and said: "Since it is here, don't leave, you can come here, presumably the crystal throne In the not far away, kill you first, then destroy your crystal!!!"

Finish, press your finger.


Just listening to a whisper, a burly defensive tower, appeared in front of his crystal throne.

"You want to kill me?"

Ye Che's pupils are miniature.

"Crap, Lao Tzu is your kind of cat and dog can threaten, Mao is not long, but also learn to force, and remember the low-key point in the next life!"

The sturdy man finished, and his body flashed, and he had already smothered Ye Xue.

He dared to do it directly, naturally because of Ye Che's appearance, giving people a feeling of being too young, plus asking about the problem of such an idiot, and he wants to upgrade the crystal throne quickly, naturally, it is a killing trick.

"That's the glimpse, the day and the land are turned into sporadic, but like the north and south poles of the magnet, you can never meet each other. The most instant, when you put that little hope, you can eat it, the jokes without thinking, become When the ugly disappointment came out, my mouth twitched, my heart was moving, I couldn’t bear to watch it, I didn’t want to see it again, because you are invincible..."

Ye Che shook his head and his face was filled with an expression that could not be said.

"Mom, say people!"

The sturdy man roared, and the next second, a huge stick in his hand, with the power of the force to face Ye Che.

"Overall, it’s...hehe..."

A few words that made the sturdy man's scalp numb, slowly spit out from Ye's mouth.

The next second, when he hadn't reacted to what he had, he felt black in front of him and then his arm hurt.

The sturdy man resisted the vertigo and tried to turn his head and looked at it. Now his arm was weird and the stick was twisted and combined.

Sensen's bones and blood were revealed, and there was no infiltration.

But he did not want to mourn, but looked at the incredible color of Ye Che's body.

"You...you are a diamond!? How could it be... such a young diamond..."

The stunned man was full of horror.

He couldn't think of it, just meet a young man, that is, the diamond powerhouse.

"I am helpless. I have been suffering from the position and strength that I should not have at this age. I am so tired..."

Ye Che grinned, and the sturdy man smelled almost spurting blood.

Then he really bleeds blood.


Ye Che kicked out with a kick, and the sturdy man flew in the air, falling heavily in the distance of tens of meters.

The strike of the diamond powerhouse, he was able to withstand a platinum, immediately dizzy past.

Ye Che, who has already reached his crystal throne, looks a little glimpse at this look, because his crystal throne is actually a function more than his own.

Redemption: Each demon can add 1 crystal energy.

Looking at this one, Ye Che was only slightly sinking, and he was relieved.

This is estimated to be a special benefit for the following segments of the diamond, otherwise, these platinum have no chance to turn over.

"It seems that we must hurry up. Platinum gains energy points twice as much as diamonds! If there is no crystal throne, I am not afraid of anything, but once I am besieged, I have to protect the crystal throne, and I can’t help myself."

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a bit of dignity, knowing that there are two people who won the crystal reward.

In other words, you are not actually dominant.

At this point, Ye Che no longer hesitated and directly attacked the Crystal Throne in front of him.


A loud noise, the energy value of the crystal throne in front of it immediately fell more than 20 points, the energy shield is more crazy flashing.


Ye Che slammed in a row, and the energy shield that hit the horror of the squad was faintly dimmed.

In just five seconds, this o-stage crystal throne was destroyed by Ye Che and exploded.

This scene, straight to see Ye Che eyelids is more mad.

The o-order crystal throne can be destroyed in only five seconds, and in the first order, it seems to be at most 3o seconds.

Moreover, if several people attack at the same time, they will be destroyed in an instant. At that time, if they have the ability to have a good life, they will also face the fate of being eliminated.

"It's going to be faster!"

Ye Che took a deep breath and quickly reached for a fish. After picking up the crystal throne explosion, he dropped more than a dozen gray crystals and galloped to his crystal throne.

These dozens of gray crystals gave Ye Che a 12o point crystal energy point.

However, the Crystal Throne is promoted to the 2nd stage, it needs a thousand points, the defensive tower upgrade, it also needs a thousand points, so it is not enough!

"carry on!"

"Whirring whirring!"

Ye Che pushed the joystick and galloped again.

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