League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1004: : Energy ore!

This time faster, in less than five minutes, the second crystal throne has been printed in Ye Che's eyes. Bayi Chinese Network WwW√. ★81√zW√. CoM

Because no doubt, Ye Che did not say anything, directly shot.

Looking at the shape of its crystal, it is only the o-order. Obviously, this person should be just a platinum. In the absence of enmity, Ye Che does not have a killer. Anyway, all he needs is a crystal energy point.


With the explosion, the second crystal throne exploded from Ye Che’s hands. This time, the energy point is 13o!

The total number of energy points of Ye Che also reached 63o.

Then, the third...the fourth...the fifth...

All the way to the past, Ye Che did not meet the difficult enemy, perhaps said that for the current Ye Che, as long as it is not drilling I diamond II, it is not difficult.

His crystal energy point finally broke through the thousand mark!

"Upgrade the Crystal Throne first!"

Ye Che did not think much, and directly put a thousand crystal energy into the crystal throne.

Upgrading the defensive tower is nothing more than an attack enhancement. Ye Che does not need it at present.

He needs new features and needs a faster way to get crystal energy points! ! !

"1ooo crystal energy deduction is successful, confirm the upgrade of the crystal throne... Crystal Throne upgrade... upgrade success!"


With the mechanical sound coming from the base, the entire crystal throne stunned.

Ye Che quickly jumped off the base and looked up at the dramatic changes in the Crystal Throne.

At this time, the crystal throne, like a beggar opened a big move, began to become taller and thicker, the crystal on it directly reached a full five meters!

On the chassis of the Crystal Throne, there are a few more virtual shadows, which means that more defensive towers can be built.

Next to the joystick, there is a small instrument like a compass.

Ye Che’s eyes fell on it and he saw a small line of text.

"Crystal Energy Detector?"

Ye Che’s eyes lit up, looking at the button next to the instrument, and the finger moved and pressed.

The next second, the pointer on the instrument, turned up madly, and then pointed to the direction on the left.

"As the name implies, is it not only that the crystal throne that destroys others gets energy points, but also the energy that is born naturally?"

Ye Che thought, the more I thought it was possible, so I sat on the crystal throne and moved in the direction of the pointer.

When the Crystal Throne is launched, Ye Che will appear, at least five layers higher than before!

"It seems that upgrading the Crystal Throne early is right..."

Ye Qing mouth slightly picks.

It took almost two or three minutes to drive, and suddenly, a "beep" sound entered the Ye Er ear.

This "嗡鸣" voice is very familiar, it is the sound of the crystal throne.

"Finally met the master..."

Ye Che took a breath and then deflected his head. He saw a thick makeup on the outside of six or seven hundred meters. A woman in red, about twenty-seven years old, was driving the crystal throne, facing a certain direction. , all driving.

Her crystal throne is about two meters high and has only one order.

Ye Che sees it and does not intend to destroy her throne. According to his estimation, even if it is destroyed, the energy points obtained are estimated to be at most three or four hundred.

Now everyone is in the early days, the level of the Crystal Throne is not high, once it takes a lot of time to fight, it is better to explore the crystal energy detector detected earlier, what is it, don't let other people get ahead!

The woman also seems to have the same idea, just looking at Ye Che's side, a flash of surprise in his eyes, apparently recognized Ye Che, but did not close to talk.

She knows that this mask man will face countless anger at the back, she does not want to get involved.

However, after driving for a while, it is now, Ye Che’s driving direction is actually consistent with her!

Ye Che naturally also showed this scene, but there is no worry, he does not think that this woman will threaten himself.

However, this woman in red has already had a sorrow in her eyes.

If you arrive at the destination of the energy point, you have to grab him! ?

And the first off, first place! ?

The two separated by six or seven hundred meters and continued to move forward. It seemed that they were all concerned with what the energy point was. So some o-stage crystal thrones along the way survived.

Looking at Ye Ching and the crystal throne that the woman galloped away, these ordinary platinum people all fortunately touched the sweat of the forehead.

All the way to gallop, for nearly an hour and a half, spent Ye Che 9o more energy points, making his heart start to be a little anxious, finally, the eyes are bright, the front is suddenly open.

It turned out that Ye Che had already left the ruins of the city.

He fixed his eyes and looked at it. He saw a glimpse of it. He saw that there was a huge deep pit about 300 meters away. There were about seven or eight people outside the circle of this deep pit.

Behind them, there are the existence of the Crystal Throne.

Only, they are all first-order.

That being said, but these eight people are definitely diamonds, because Ye Che did not get the first level of reward, it is estimated that the crystal throne can only be raised to the first order.

The eyes swept away, the eight people Ye Che did not know, obviously not in the top 100, so Ye Che just slightly indulged, and then manipulated the Crystal Throne in a word.

As the distance approached, soon, the controversy of these people was already printed in Ye Er'er.

"This energy mine is what I first appeared, how can I not qualify to speak!?"

"It's good to say, although you are drilling III, but you dare to do this, we seven people can not agree!"

"According to me, we have to divide the score directly, otherwise we will wait a little longer and come more people. The share we can get is getting less and less!"

Among the eight people, there is a little old man who is about fifty years old. Listening to their arguments, the brow wrinkles deeper and deeper.

However, his gaze has been falling from the pits from time to time, and there is greed.

Finally, this kind of greed seems to have reached the extreme, he directly sighed coldly: "Well, don't say it, then divide it!"

"Haha, how good is it, then divide it!"

"Yes, such a large batch of energy ore can at least give us thousands of energy!"

Listening to the words of this little old man, other people are overjoyed.

I didn’t even see it. This little old man smiled at the tacit understanding of the three of them. Obviously, what agreement should the four people reach?

However, when they were going to take the energy ore, they suddenly raised their heads.

"Is there someone coming?"

"Oh, this time, don't you come to give us food!"

The eight people smiled coldly and came one step earlier. When they didn't reach an agreement, they still had a way to live. After all, they were jealous.

But now, it is in the state of the same enemy, to destroy one.

However, their gaze just fell on the person who came, but suddenly it was dumb, and the look was a deep jealousy.

"This... is this mask man?"

The greed in the eyes of the little old man immediately disintegrated, and his mouth swallowed his mouth.

At the same time, Ye Che has jumped from the Crystal Throne, looked at the eight people, looked at them, and then fell into the deep pit, faintly said: "This energy mine is mine now, you have no opinion. What?"

Then, he said to himself: "Well, if you look so frightened, you should have no opinion."

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