League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1005: : 21st century keyboard mouse! ! ! ?

Ps: Call, four chapters have arrived, I am very satisfied with these four chapters!

On National Day, the number one, the seventh and the fourth, is the sixth, and the rest are all four. Why do people still question my update, speak with conscience, and the baby’s National Day is so tired~

It's very laborious to write this kind of thing, anyway, it's more and more, don't wait for a while, ^_^. Bayi Chinese Network WwW√. ★81√zW√. CoM

Five or six groups, one two two groups, are full of people.

This is four groups, thousands of people, not added quickly!

The group leader is the goddess 噢~

Four groups of four groups: 5677o292o! ! !



"You...you can't do this, this is what we first show, everyone has it!"

One of the eight men, the weakest man, seems weak and powerful.

The other seven people, but they looked at each other and saw a touch of helplessness from their respective eyes.

Ye Che's strength, although it seems to be only drilling IV, but the degree of stagnation, but can put those I drill II, a few streets, just this, no one dare to think that Ye Che is just as simple as drilling IV .

"Mom, what luck, how long it took, I met the first level of the first level!"

"We blame us for the back, what should we do now, should we join hands to get rid of him first??"

"Join your uncle, the strength of this guy is absolutely against the sky, otherwise it is impossible to be at the first level, and it will be enough for the elites of those ranks to be seven or eight hours. If they join hands, who can guarantee to play? However, then we are terrible!"

"Or, do we set fire to destroy his crystal? When the crystal is destroyed, let him have a great ability, and it will not help!"

These people whispered to discuss.

Ye Che did not care about them, but went straight to the deep pit, then looked down and saw that there is a five-meter-cubic crystal mine, which is located there.

Don't guess, you know, this crystal mine must contain a lot of crystal energy points!

At this time, the eight people have already set their sights on the Ye Ching Crystal Throne, but at first glance, the scalp is suddenly a hemp.

"The 2nd-order crystal throne, and the three defensive towers, and this defensive tower looks obviously superior to ours, at least the intermediate defense tower!!!"

"The trough, how to fight, three intermediate defense towers, each of which is at least compared to the IV attack, waiting for us to break through its defense, this guy is afraid to have to free up to clean up us!"

A few people are awkward.

At the same time, the little old man among the eight people turned his gaze and sent a message to Ye Chedao: "The name of the first place in the first level of the first time, at first sight, it is really extraordinary. I am really concerned about this crystal mine. There is a suggestion, old age is not talented, today sixty two, has already set foot on the drill III, you and I will join hands, will be able to destroy them all, then crystal ore three seven open how, I three, you seven, and their crystal throne, all Handed over to you!"

Ye Che accidentally glanced at the little old man. Now the heart of this guy is really black. Just after agreeing with the couple, the beast is directly betrayed.

If Ye Chezhen is in the same situation as this kind of person, it will be enough to lose the price.

So he even pretended to pretend that there was no plan to cover up, straightforward: "No interest!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Che stepped forward and jumped directly into the pit.

The face of this little old man immediately showed the indefinite color. He wanted to start, but Ye Che’s appearance was too calm, and his behavior was too consistent with the first-class master temperament.

He did not dare to act rashly. If it was an ordinary person, he could be considered a fox and a tiger, but Ye Chu’s first statement was placed there, so the old man hesitated for a while.

This little old man is the only one of the eight, the only one, he does not dare to move, not to mention the other seven people, all of a time can only look at Ye Che jumped.

In the eyes, all of them flashed a trace of pain.

The five-cubic crystal ore is so watched as someone has taken it away! ?

At this time, Ye Che's surface looks cloudy and light, and his face is indifferent. However, his heart is secretly vigilant, afraid that these people will vote for the mouse.

One step... two steps... three steps...

Under the gloomy eyes of the eight people, it is only five steps away from the crystal ore.

But all of a sudden, a dazzling brilliance, from this crystal ore, shrouded Ye Qi.

"this is……"

The sudden situation made the eight people on the pit together.

"Is it wrong, this crystal ore has problems, can't get close!?"

The little old man and others looked happy.

At this time, with the appearance of dazzling light, a light curtain of 32-inch computer size appeared in front of Ye Che seven hundred years ago.

Ye Che looked at the light curtain and did not react. However, when his eyes fell under the light curtain, the suspended keyboard and mouse were full of shocks.

"How is it possible, 21st century keyboard mouse!!!"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed a faint color, and he was surprised to the extreme.

Why, crystal ore here, there will be a 21st century keyboard mouse! ?

At the same time, in addition to the second level, the public and the chaos of Jin Lao and others, the face showed a color of interest, looking at the leaves of Ye Che.

"Haha, the first time I saw this kid stupid."

"It is estimated that I have never seen such a rare item. Hey, this kid has been forced."

Everyone laughed, and in their hearts, Ye Che was already considered a default candidate, so watching him eat has something interesting.

"It doesn't blame him. If it's not a heroic **** to make these things, even I don't know that this thing is called a keyboard and mouse. It is a must-have for the League of Heroes six or seven hundred years ago."

"Crystal ore is for the sake of fairness. It is specially prepared for the masters who are majoring in the alliance. It is difficult to get through the actual combat faction! Look at the level of this crystal ore, at least a level, the difficulty has reached a Level, let alone this kid has no corresponding alliance strength, even if there is, but not familiar with the keyboard and mouse, there is no chance to pass!"

"The first place in the first place, but the crystal ore that is not within reach, is estimated to be ridiculed by the guys. Once passed out, it can just polish and polish his arrogant temper."

These are all discussed separately, even if it is Jian Qingyang, it is also the corner of the mouth.

Crystal ore is not prepared for the actual combat, the actual combat group wants to challenge success, the concept is zero!

This avoids the unfairness of the two, so that the Alliance can have additional energy points and upgrade the throne.

So Ye Che couldn't get it. He didn't think there was anything. Instead, he looked at the first level so arrogantly, and even licked the savoir-faire Ye Che, he also found it interesting.

"In the second pass, every crystal ore has the power of the rune of the heroic god, even if it is, it must be according to the rules! However, according to the rules, he has to guard the level through the increasingly difficult five crystal ore. This is not like his first level of defeat, who can be opportunistic, these five levels, but it is difficult to do it, you need strong basic skills, it is possible to pass! However, since he can beat Van, it is still a bit of a skill, so we still Wait and see."

Sword Qingyang Road, finished, glanced at the national character face Han.

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