League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1020: : Dark horses are frequent!

"I want to strike a full blow!"

Ye Che's heart is also a big move, and he is grateful to the chaos. √八一中文√网W√wW√. ★81zW. CoM

"The chaos of the sea, the city of the sky, the palace of the supreme, the heroic metropolitan area, and the top forces of China, will select ten candidates, but in the end, they can represent China in the intercontinental war, but only ten, hope Among these ten, you can have it!"

I smiled and said.

Ye Che nodded, although he still did not understand the situation of the Intercontinental War is a specific situation, but now in this situation, he had to go down and say, otherwise it is a messy face.

"A small set of things, for you..."

The konjac said freely, and then, a group of light-colored groups of light flashed into Ye Che.

Ye Che’s arm stretched out and grabbed it tightly in his hand. Suddenly, the true body of the light group was revealed. It was actually a thin sheet of paper, which was a thousand sheets of paper, but on paper. There are all kinds of smudges.

When Ye Che is slightly aware, he feels that there is some terrible energy in this mark.

"The nine-level rune suit, this set of thickness is only a thousand, each one can make its state greatly increase, this thousand, conservative estimates, at least worth 60 billion wars!"

"It’s a king, and a shot is extraordinary!"

"I always have a family, and it's just six or seven billion yuan. It's just a reward for the king, but it's worth a billion!"

"This is not the point. The key point is that the nine-level rune is extremely difficult to practice. Ye Che has this set of nine-level runes. In line with his existing physical strength, I am afraid that hard diamonds are not a problem!"

All the people said.

Ye Che also understands the preciousness of the rune suit in his hand, and the value is worth 6,000 billion!

You know, when he bought the essence of the gods, he only spent 1.4 billion, and the value was one-fifth of the rune suit.

After knowing how expensive the things in his hands were, Ye Che did not respectfully respect the konjac.

The age of konjac seems to be about fifty or sixty years old, but the actual age is already a hundred years away. He saw Ye Che’s gratitude and couldn’t help but smile: “I thought you only have gold in your eyes...”

Ye Che's smile, his previous emotions were indeed affected by the flesh-colored fingers, so they are not caught in these people.

Now, only Wang Hao is left.

Wang Hao took a sip and looked at Ye Che deeply. He said: "The strength of your alliance, if it is really so high, then to the city of the sky, it is only in the league, you will not encounter embarrassment. However, the top four forces in China, for the final ten places in the Intercontinental War, will certainly suppress each other in all aspects, but you can only be the captain if you drill IV, but it will be targeted..."

When he finished, he turned his palm and a crystal blue sphere appeared in his hand.

"This is the guardian ball, placed on the body, can hinder the exploration of your strength, but it is useless for the above or above, but avoiding that you are directly targeted to set fire, but it is enough..."

After Wang Hao finished, the "Guardian Ball" flew directly to Ye Che's hands.

Ye Che slammed his mouth, and the hatred of Wang Hao was also lightened. Although Wang Hao’s previous actions were indeed too much, but then, it’s a good thing, but the prodigal son is not going to change the gold, Ye Che secretly.

If Wang Hao hears Ye Che's belly at this time, I am afraid that it will be directly paralyzed.

In the end, it is gold.

Waiting for everyone to think that Ye Che will propose that when demanding goods that are useful in the field, or the best materials, Ye Che has raised the reward of demanding 500 million yuan.

"5oo billion wars?"

Jin Lao is a little glimpse.

"Yes, it is 5oo billion wars!"

Ye Chedao.

Although Jin Lao felt some doubts, but see Ye Che's eyes firmly, did not say anything, directly transferred 5OO billion battle to Ye Che.

Ye Che wants these battles, in addition to redempting the "source forest" arm guard, naturally it is hoped that the hand is ample. After all, Ye Che, who came from 700 years ago, knows what is indispensable.

"Okay, the reward is also good, Wang Quan, you should take Ye Che to rest, raise your spirits, and wait for the end of the last battle, you can go directly to the city of the sky!!"

Golden Road.

"Ah, I take him?"

Wang Quanyi.

Ye Che looked at the sound and saw a familiar figure, standing there with a blank face.

This person is the national character face.

"What, you don't want to?"

Jin Lao asked faintly.

"I am willing... of course I am willing!"

Wang Quan’s heart was shocked and he said quickly.

Then, turning around, she showed a crying crying smile on Ye Che, saying: "Follow me..."

And when he took Ye Che, and the sword Qingyang passed by, a fine hairspring, passed into his ear, "Don't forget, gamble about..."

Wang Quan’s face instantly rose into pig liver color.

When Ye Che left, he glanced at the ground, almost without a breath of Beijiang. This kind of injury, I don’t want to wake up in a short time, so Ye Che did not care for him. I plan to come back to dinner tomorrow.

Soon, Ye Che went along with Wang Quan and came to a compound.

"You are resting here... The last time of the big fight is very short, and it will end up at most tomorrow morning."

Wang Quan said inexplicably.


Ye Che nodded and went to the inner room.

"wait wait wait……"

The sound of Wang Quan suddenly sounded.

Ye Che's inexplicable turn, but now Wang Quan slammed his waist and bent down, and then seemed to be stunned for a long time. The loud voice: "Master!"

"Master? What the hell?"

Ye Cheyi.

He was still thinking about what the child was doing, and he saw Wang Quan as a rabbit. The power of his body flashed. People had already shot at the outside of the compound, and the whole disappeared.

"Unexplained... I don't know what..."

Ye Che shook his head, entered the inner room, and began to rest.

He still dared not try the "source forest" helmet now has any effect, Ye Che is sure, he has definitely been the king of Jin Lao, focusing on it.

The exposure of Che Shen’s identity, the exposure of 2o17, and the talented talents of the League of Legends are all indifferent. After all, I can only say that I am a rare genius in the millennium.

However, the "source forest" is related to the "source", and it seems to be related to the evil spirit.

These kings should be the top force of today's power. They are likely to know the existence of evil spirits and other things. Once the "source forest" is exposed, it is afraid that it will have unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, Ye Che did not touch it, and began to rest directly.

This is the end of so many days, or challenges, Ye Che's spirit is also a little tired, and soon fell into sleep.

The day passed quickly and the second day arrived.

Ye Che got up very early, just got out of bed, after the grooming, he went straight to the entrance of the big chaos.

Soon, the figure of Jin Lao and others was printed in the eyes of Ye Che.


As soon as Ye Chegang approached, Kim’s old man turned around with a smile.

Ye Che nodded and walked over.

"Ye Che, I have to say that this year's dark horses are really frequent... Besides you, there are two more people. In the last level, there is a very bright performance!"

Jin Lao said, pointing his finger to somewhere in the light curtain.

Ye Che looked at Kim’s finger and saw that it was a woman wearing a hat and a man wearing a hat.

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