League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1021: : the name of the captain

These two people, at the time of the auction, let the "source forest" in Ye Che's body violently screaming at the men and women. Bayi Chinese Network WwくW. 81zW. CoM

"The third level is a mixed battle between alliance warfare and actual combat! Among them, there are countless micro-alliance arrays. Once activated, they will enter it. When they meet the same opponents as the segment, they will be so1o! If they win, they will get an intermediate level. Defensive tower, win ten games, you can synthesize a high-level defensive tower, and then win ten games, you will be able to synthesize the defensive tower, and then the ultimate!"

Jin Lao said, pointing at the fighting men and women to continue: "The two men and men in actual combat, the female main league, in just one day, they won 172 games in a row, got 4 ultimate defense towers, among all people, Ranked fourth!"

“So1o winning 172 games in a row?”

Ye Che nodded slightly, so it seems that the foundation of this sister's paper hero league has completely exceeded her own position.

"The third level is whether it is actual combat or alliance warfare. The pursuit is the degree! The faster the league battles you win, the faster you can get the defense tower. The faster you can eliminate the people, the faster you can get the defense tower. 172 games so1o winning streak, completed in one day, is indeed a non-existent number."

"The third level, after the elimination of the enemy, is able to inherit the enemy's winning streak and defense tower, so this level is more intense than the second level!"

Many people, just follow.

Ye Che looked at it and saw the first, the ultimate defensive tower, which has reached seven.

I have to say that this chaos is indeed a very good means. After the lack of Ye Che's restraint, in this last level, it is just like a duck.

The second place, but the devil ink, then the third chaotic Yunyang, and the fourth icemoon, the fifth is Wang Hao, the sixth is magic, the seventh ice, the eighth chaos Yan, then cold, Wang Yu, the next, Ye Che is not familiar with.

The current ranking is almost locked, and the third level has also entered the final ten-minute countdown phase.

Soon, ten minutes passed away.


As the space fluctuated, 3oo people who successfully passed the last level appeared in Ye Er and others.

These three hundred people are among the tens of millions of people who have been eliminated.

Each one is a top ten, even a hundred top geniuses, and there are countless cards!

"First, congratulations, become one of the final 300 people!"

The voice smirked, although the voice was like talking to himself, but the tone caused a tremor in the air, and thundered like thunder in the ears of these three hundred people.

Listening to the sound of chaos, chaos, chaos, Yunyang and other people have a hint of excitement on their faces, knowing that they will soon be focused.

Sure enough, the chaos was just a slight meal, and he continued: "Next, I will announce your final ranking based on the overall results!"

"Final ranking!"

These three hundred people all took a sigh of relief and only felt that the heart beat.

It can be said that this final ranking will determine their future status in the younger generation of the Devil's Sea, and will also give them amazing rewards!

"Tenth place, chaos!"

The chaos is slow.

Among the three hundred people, the face that was feminine and sullen, immediately burst into a flower-like color, and there was a glimpse of the fortunate embers.

His original background is very extraordinary, so I know that the top ten of this time can directly become ten candidates, representing the magical seas to other top forces.

These long-faced things are so incomprehensible.

"The ninth place, chaos!"

Ye Che's eyes turned and fell on the chaos of the tiger's back.

This kind of chaos was only seen in the wind and thunder sea far away. I didn't expect that this time he would become a member of his own team. Ye Che is secretly interesting.

"The eighth ice age!"

"The seventh place is bright!"

"The sixth place is Wang Hao!"

"The fifth ice month!"

"The fourth place is Yunyang!"

"The third devil ink!"

"The second place is chaotic!"

When I read this, the scene was slightly turbulent.

At the last level, the impression that the chaos gave them was too invincible. It was the first to get rid of the ruin, but the total score was only the second.

At this time, the sound of the chaos suddenly became heavy, Shen Sheng said: "First place, Ye Che!"

"Ye Che!?"

Among the three hundred people, one woman, looking up in vain, was full of horror in her eyes.

"Ye Che? Who is Ye Che!???"

"In the sea of ​​chaos, among the top generations, is there a Ye Che?!"

"This...when did you suddenly pick up a Ye Che!?"

The rest of the people are in vain.

The chaos and other people, the shock of my heart, has faintly guessed who this Ye Che is.

To be seen, when Ye Che, who came out from behind and squatted sideways, the three hundred people suddenly fell into dissatisfaction.

"It’s a clear god, it turns out that he is Ye Che!"

"Good name... If he is the first, I really have nothing to say!"

"It’s a pity that you can get the first one!"

Everyone whispered a lot.

The chaotic face is very unsightly.

As a drill I, he did not enter the world of Shenglin at the beginning, so he did not feel anything about this.

If it is not the chaos of Yunyang, he feels that the second level has already directly extinguished this clear god. It is a shameful shame to get a DI in a district and get the first one!

Also not good-looking, there is Wang Yu ranked eleventh, if there is no Ye Che, he can enter the top ten.

But even so, the first and second levels, Ye Che's performance, they all saw.

Therefore, knowing that Ye Che only has the strength of drilling IV, they have to endure it at this time.

However, the next sentence of chaos, but directly detonated the chaos.

"The big chaos in the city of the sky will be held in a month. The top ten will go to the city of the sky, and the candidates selected from the city of the sky will carry out technical and practical exchanges! This is a great Grinding opportunities, you must not give me a shame in the sea of ​​magic!"

Speaking indiscriminately, seeing their faces excited, they continued to see Ye Che: "You are ten candidates, this captain will be served by Ye Che."


"Just kidding!!!?"

“A district drills IV and serves as the captain!?”

The three hundred geniuses present were all horrified.

The chaos is just a fire, and the chest is rushing in the air, Ye Che first, he recognized!

After all, the first level of this Ye Cheben is to take the first, the second level also recognizes, that thousands of ultimate defense towers, no one can stop.

But the first is done, but it does not mean that the captain is qualified to do it!

How can you allow yourself to be led by a drill IV?

Chaoyun Yunyang, chaos, devil ink, ice and ice, and chaos and other people, also sinken their faces.

Obviously, they do not think that Ye Che is qualified to be the captain.

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