League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1026: : The compromise of Jian Qingyang

The water scorpion suddenly looked up suddenly, and the sly stunned Yunyang. (8) ┡ (1) Chinese 『『Ww%W. Ω81.Zw. COM

Ye Che is a little funny, this otter seems to be difficult to move, still so hot, but he has turned away the otter, and the black is estimated to be lonely for life and crying.

At the same time, the runes at the foot of the ten candidates sent light and began to brighten.

Ye Che's heart moved, his arm waved, a strong force of the segment, slammed into the air, and the slamming slammed on the ground not far from the head of the Bay River.


Without defense, Ye Che’s power of this segment was directly on the head of Beijiang, and the flower was blown up.

The people silently cast a sympathetic look on the body of Beijiang. The child was at the auction site, and he wanted to kill Ye Che’s bones. Now he has fallen so far, no wonder anyone.

Ye Che is also relieved, and now, he has finally fulfilled his promise to the wolf.

The light of transmission has reached the limit at this time. Finally, it reached the critical point. With a roar, Ye Chejian, Qingyang, and Shuiyin, all of them lost their sights.

In the sea of ​​chaos, a desolate island that has been abandoned, the land suddenly began to vibrate and roared.

A trace of cracks is more uncontrolled on it.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a stunned thunder, and there were twelve people with a horrible figure, which slowly appeared from above.

Ye Che blinked and looked at the sea.

"We have left the battlefield of chaos, from the sea of ​​magic to the city of the sky, there is no direct rune transmission array, we need to fly past, but with our degree, we can arrive in a week!"

Sword Qingyang said, and then the finger swayed slightly, and the purple long sword suspended in the head of the crowd suddenly disappeared.

"One week, not long!"

"That's a direct flight, just kill some demons!"

The people nodded.

"That... how long does it take to get to the heroic city?"

Ye Che suddenly opened.

"Hero City?"

Sword Qingyang was slightly surprised and looked at Ye Xue and asked: "What do you mean by this sentence?"

"The big chaos in the city of the sky, isn't there another month to hold it, I want to... go to the hero town to do something!"

Ye Che took a breath.

The brow of Jian Qingyang suddenly wrinkled.

He admired Ye Che, but he couldn't help the leaves. This time, going to the city of the sky is not just a communication on the door, but he has a huge task.

In this case, how can I waste time and go to what heroes?

The remaining nine candidates are also quite vocal, but they only dare to whisper a few words when they think of the identity of Captain Ye Che.

"We have a mission, can you come!"

The sword Qingyang sounds a little heavy, but it does not directly swear.

First, in order to maintain the prestige of Ye Che's captain's identity, the second is also that Jian Qingyang is very concerned about Ye Che. After all, the league is more like the king. After that, it is entirely possible to be a teammate, so he just reminds him.

"There is not much time left, up to three days to a week, and the big chaos in the Sky City is still a full month."

Ye Chedao.

"No, you are a mess! The four kings know, drop the punishment, you and I can't afford it!"

Sword Qingyang said, directly facing his back to Ye Che, his face was warm and angry.

The nine candidates and the otters did not expect to have just sent out the chaos battlefield, and they had such a thing. Some of them were watching the color of the show, while others were not scornful.

"This way... you will follow me to the heroic city, Ruiwen's light qa, I will give it to you!"

For a long time, Ye Che suddenly spit out a word.

"Rui Wen's light qa!?"

"What is that, it sounds more cool than the urgent qa!"

"Why, this is the technique he used to kill the maniac warrior!?"

Someone at the place.

"Yes, light qa, is the level of the anxious qa, you go with me to the hero city, waiting for me to complete the hero city trip, her high skill, I will teach you!"

Ye Che’s words just fell, and in an instant, the sound of a swallowing sound rang.

Especially the chaos, this moment is a very embarrassing light bursting into the eyes, said: "This statement is true!?"

"I rely, really fake, as long as I stay with me, I can learn!?"

Ten people present, in addition to Jian Qingyang, are all excited.

The otter is also very excited to look at Ye Che.

Ye Che nodded and said: "I am the captain's job, as a guarantee!"

Ye Che let them accompany, naturally with the purpose of letting them do the thugs, after all, so many diamonds I drill II, there are still, do not need white.

At this time, this statement came out, chaos, magic ink, ice and ice, chaos Yunyang and other people, the face immediately burst into a hot color.

"Master Qingyang, is that good?"

Ye Che knows that they agree to useless, so look at Jian Qingyang again.

Jian Qingyang turned his back to himself, but Ye Che looked at his slight tremor as a shoulder, and he knew that he was also heart-wrenching.

"You only have one week at most!"

Sword Qingyang’s heart sighed and then finally compromised.

Obviously, he can't resist the temptation of Ruiwen's 2nd-level spikes.

Ye Che is satisfied with a smile, why does he reveal the light qa of Ruiwen, for... naturally is now!


Four days later, within the territory of the heroic city, the Hengling Mountains, more than a dozen horrible figures, flashed away from the top of the mountain, and shocked countless strong people who experienced in the mountains.

After seeing the hustle and bustle of the dozens of people around them, they all looked blank.

These dozens of people, naturally Ye Che and Jian Qingyang and others, after the promise of Jian Qingyang, a group of twelve people four days later, finally flew out of the magical sea, more infinitely close to the scope of the hero city Inside.

"There are three hours away from the hero city. I have seven or eight years to say, I have not set foot in the heroic city..."

Jian Qingyang smiled and said that the hurricane rushing to the front, not close to him, was divided into two sides by an invisible force.

"Master Qingyang is able to do more work, normal."

Wang Xiaoxiao said.

The rest of the people are also a compliment.

After these four days of getting along, the twelve people are all familiar. Except for the water, they are not platinum, and they are not well-intentioned.

Ye Che did not answer, as the distance from the heroic city is getting closer, Ye Che has an anxious mood that spreads from the bottom of his heart.

At the beginning, when I met for the first time, I cried and cried for the treatment of my little girl, 6 Yao. Now it’s okay.

There are also Oriental Jian, Shi Jin, 6 Yao, Oriental Nishang, Sky Blue Team, Curtain Team...

Thinking of all kinds of things, Ye Che's flight degree, could not help but secretly speed up a trace.

Soon, three hours passed, and in Ye Che’s eyes, there was a singular building that was so large that it could not be seen at the edge and towering into the sky.

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