League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1027: : Hero Network

The building is so sultry, and where Ye’s line of sight is, the left and right sides have spread to hundreds of thousands of meters away, all of which are hundreds of meters high in bronze walls. (8) (1) Chinese website WwんW. 81.Zw. COM

From time to time, there are different light flows on the wall. Obviously, this wall is not an ordinary wall. If Ye Che did not guess wrong, they will definitely be blessed by the power of runes, so that they can effectively resist the attacks of demons!

Through the city wall barriers, countless large or small suspended buildings, arranged in an orderly manner in the heroic city, look very different.

Ye Che and a group of twelve people were flying in the air, so the water scorpion also saw it. From the future, she was surprised by the heroic city.

"This heroic metropolitan area, whether it is the ability of science and technology, or the level of per capita alliance, is much higher than the level of my magical sea. However, the per capita combat level of our chaotic seas can completely crush them!"

Sword Qingyang faintly said, after reading, his eyes swept to everyone, and continued: "This time to the heroic city, in order to avoid identity exposure, make Wang Wang and others anger, remember, must be low-key! One week later, we go away!"

Everyone nodded, and they also knew that the top strength of their Diamond I II, once it was revealed, it was necessary to attract the attention of the top leaders in the heroic metropolitan area.

At that time, the identity can't be hidden. Once it reaches the chaos, Jin Lao, Konjac and Wang Hao will definitely be severely punished!

"If that's the case, let's go!"

Sword Qingyang's arm waved, and then the space in front of the space began to distort, and then slammed the sound, the space in front of the sword Qingyang has been violently twisted to the limit.

In an instant, this space is broken by life, and a huge space crack is revealed by a slow tear.

Feeling the ultimate tear in the cracks in the space, Ye Che couldn't help but take a breath and wanted to tear the space. Only two possibilities were possible.

Either, the promotion of the masters of the mortal, the relationship between the reincarnation and the space is greatly increased, or comprehend the seventh layer of truth!

Both of them, whether it is any one, are completely inaccessible to Ye Che at present.

"I am carrying a group of people, and you can only tear the space by 10,000 to 20,000 meters. Now there are more than 8,000 meters from the hero city. In order to avoid the city inspection, we will directly teleport into it!"

Listening to the words of Jian Qingyang, everyone was a little excited, teleporting more than 8,000 meters, this feeling they have never experienced.

Thinking, they have entered the space crack one by one.

Ye Che also walked in, and as soon as he stepped in, he felt that there was a powerful and gentle force that shrouded himself and others.


Jian Qingyang sighed lightly.


I only heard a whisper, and the twelve people who stepped into the cracks in the space disappeared in an instant, and soon after, the torn space was automatically repaired and slowly closed.

Hero City, east direction...

Here, there is a huge heroic statue standing here.

This heroic statue, more than 3,000 meters tall, towering into the clouds, there are tens of thousands of civilians or heroes under the war, are paying homage to prayer.

The hero's face is soft, tall, full of chest, full of white, blue eyes, is the daughter of the storm, also known as the wind girl Ghana, but her sculptural traces are obvious, obviously, this heroic image is Artificially carved imitations.

However, for those who pray under the prayers, it is not a matter of imitation. They only need one faith!

In this era, their only belief is the hero who gave them strength!

The whispers of these tens of thousands of people gathered together, such as the prayers of the travellers, lingering in the tens of thousands of meters of the statue of the wind girl, but at this time, a small "squeaky" sound, suddenly above the sky It sounds.

Some people obviously heard this strange voice, and they couldn’t help but look up. The next second, the eyes were full of horror.

I saw that the sky there was suddenly cracked, and then there were more than a dozen tattooed bodies filled with horror.

"Tear space, where the master!"

More than a dozen prayers who saw this scene took a breath.

However, since they can recognize it, it is obvious that their own strength is also extraordinary.

The dozens of people who came out were Ye Che and others. Ye Chegang just walked out and saw the statue of the 3,000-meter-tall wind girl.

“There is no energy fluctuation, just an empty shell.”

Sword Qingyang faint.

"To make such a large imitation, this is going against the sky!"

Chaoyun Yunyang was surprised.

"It’s just a slap in the face. After all, it’s an imitation, so it’s deliberately increased in size. This makes people add awe. The heroic city is no more than our magical sea. A giant city needs cohesion and cohesiveness of the people. The beliefs of the hearts of the people can make this happen."

The fighting woman, that is, the ice moon, suddenly said, the sound is like ice crystal, and there is a different kind of chill in the ear.

"It’s a good thing, but we won’t leave, it’s estimated to be a long-term life.”

Wang Hao pointed at the tens of thousands of people squatting below, smiled bitterly.


In an instant, a burst of harsh sounds rang, and Ye Che and others lost their sights from the sky.

However, they did not notice that at the end of the tens of thousands of people who bowed down below, a young man who was stalking the straw and bored, spit out the grass in his mouth and looked at the sword and Qing Ye Ye and others. In the direction of disappearance, frowning said: "This disgusting sea scent... the people in the sea of ​​magic!?"


At the same time, Ye Che and others have settled down in a restaurant in the heroic city.

"Remember, you only have one week, and we have to leave if you have finished your work for a week!"

Sword Qingyang looked at Ye Che who was going out, said.


Ye Che waved his back to him.

Behind Jian Qingyang, the water scorpion looked at Ye Che away. She wanted to go with the past, but she couldn’t open her mouth. Jian Qingyang’s estimate would not be allowed. After all, it’s a violation of the hero’s metro. The rules.

The chaos, the chaotic Yunyang, the demon ink, the chaos, the Wang Hao, and the ice-cold ice moon, the magic light and the chaos, etc., do not feel that it does not matter, for their level of the strong, a week more The effort to restore the power of the segment is very fast.

Therefore, after Ye Che left, they all spread out in twos and threes and went to their respective rooms.

At the moment when Ye Che walked out of the restaurant, his look changed and immediately sighed: "Little dance!"

"Little dance is here."

Immediately, on the heroic badge of Ye Che’s hand, there was a sense of enthusiasm.

"The map of the hero's metropolitan area, the map of the forces, is there?"

Ye Che asked.

"You need to download, you need to get the authority of the hero city hero network, and then get the link."

The little dance is crisp and boring.


Ye Che slightly frowned.

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