League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1033: : I will give you compensation after the fight!

There is no ups and downs in this voice. The words "I come" are spoken, just like drinking cold water is easy and freehand. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM

In an instant, countless lines of sight, eagerly gathered on Ye Che, his face is full of mistakes.

After a short and strange silence, a undulating sorrow emerged from the girls’ mouths.

"Who is this guy who doesn't pull the machine? I dare to try to challenge the boxing master!"

"Look at him, he still has a dull look. There is no fear of the source of the boxing master. If you don't say anything else, this guy will really force himself to calm down and show himself."

“It’s estimated that it’s deliberately sensational and attracts our attention. This method is too frustrating!”

Many girls said to Ye Che, the corners of the mouth are ridiculous and disdainful.

Qin Jing's face is full of heavy colors, and I want to remind Ye Che to do what she can, but think that Ye Che has just been indifferent to her, but she can't help but shut it down.

However, among the women around her, especially the girl who is very pretty, but she is directly exporting to Ye Che: "Which old hats come out, I dare to challenge the boxing schoolmaster, I really don't know how to live! ”

Ye Che was originally about to take a step. After hearing the words of this pretty female student, her footsteps could not help but a slight gaze, and her eyes swept over the girl.

"Look at what you see, it’s you, your behavior, it’s just as ridiculous as a banyan tree!"

The Jiaoban girl shouted. In her heart, the boxing source is sacred and inviolable. I feel that even if someone dares to challenge him, it is also an insult to him.

"Then set a small goal first, for example, try to knock down a tree first..."

Ye Che is faint.

After that, when the arm was pulled, the boxing screamed and screamed, and the feet directly pulled by Ye Che left the ground and hung up.

"Hey, isn't this a fighter? How can he be so embarrassed!?"

"This young man is crazy!! Dare to do this to his brother in front of the boxing schoolmaster?"

"Definitely dead, he is absolutely dead!"

"I rely on it, have a good show!"

When the students saw this scene, they instantly boiled up, and the whole audience was awkward.

The boxing source in the field, watching the fists that are pinched in the hands of Ye Che, is a dramatic change in the face, and in a flash, it will be green.

"I don't care who you are! Give you three seconds, let go of my brother, otherwise, die!"

Boxing source looked at Ye Che with a black face and a word.

Ye Che smiled a little, and did not see how to make a move. The right foot was just a light one. It was directly with a fist, and it was very strange to pass through several hundred meters and appeared in the field.


"This degree..."

Looking at the hand that Ye Che suddenly revealed, the snoring of the audience slammed, and many people were shocked.

The Jiao Nian female student is also a horrified open mouth. She knows that this is almost a reduction in the mobility of the inch. In addition to those who are above the diamonds in the college, none of the other students can do it.

If you want to achieve this step, you can either reach the diamond and borrow the power of the field.

Either you really understand the high, you can borrow the power of heroic skills in depth.

What's more, this young man still has a big fat man of more than two hundred kilograms, which is even more difficult.

And no matter which one, it can be shown that this young man does not seem to be so sinister, but it seems to be a bit of strength.

"I rely on it, no wonder I dare to challenge the boxing schoolmaster. It seems that it is really a bit of a ah, and some of them have seen it!"

A male student exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Hey, isn't it a good mobility? The boxing masters can even beat the joint of four ace instructors, not to mention the bandits that come out from here!?"

"Xiao Li said it is good. The source of the boxing school is one of the seven deputy deans of the War General Academy. The close disciple of Tang Daohui, playing this kid is as easy as cutting vegetables!"

At this moment, the entire tour field is filled with two different support sounds.

Those who support the source of the boxing are naturally the girls who are fascinated by him, and those who support Ye Che are the male students who are extremely dissatisfied with the source of the boxing.

However, there are still many male students who regard the boxing source as an idol, so more than 9% of the entire field is shouting for boxing.

Ye Che did not turn a blind eye to these voices. After playing, his eyes kept on the source of the fist, and he kept scanning.

"The boxer...hehe..."

Ye Che's mouth is hooked.

After seeing Ye Che playing in this way, the face of the boxing source changed slightly, and others could not feel it. He felt it. The fluctuations caused by Ye Che’s moving body were definitely borrowing the power of sincerity.

And want to take advantage of the power of real, to achieve such a degree, at least reached the sixth floor!

"The sixth layer of the real strong!"

The source of the boxing fist smashed up, and there was no first time to save the boxing fighter, fearing unpredictable consequences.

"The source of boxing is right... I am sorry to bother you to force it... oh, I’m disturbing you for a tour, but the fat man in my hand actually came to me, and I learned a little, but I’ve been screaming. How cool is my brother's cool, and I will retaliate in the future, in order to be the last... For the harmony of the campus, I can only come to you to discuss it."

Ye Che said casually, holding the arm of the back of the box, but it is not moving.

This boxing is also a struggle, knowing that he has been watched by so many people, and he is not struggling, and he is hard to bear with his neck.

But in his eyes, the anger and killing that Ye Ye emerged, anyone feels it.

"What do you want!?"

The source of the boxing took a deep breath. At this time, the younger brother was in his hands. He also knew the virtues of his younger brother. He knew that this young man was definitely not talking about it. He could not resist the urge to shoot immediately.

The students outside the field, also looked at Ye Che, who dared to talk about the conditions with the source of the boxing, and some of them couldn’t speak. It’s just that the guy is really daring.

"What is your relationship with Quantian Heng!?"

Ye Che suddenly asked.

"He is my big brother, talk nonsense, let go of my brother, I will pay you compensation!"

Some of the boxing sources couldn’t help, and he couldn’t help but look at his brother’s red face.

"It turned out to be this relationship..."

Ye Che's eyes slowly warmed up.

However, this fight does not succumb to death, Ye Che sees this fist has been pinched by his own eyes, and it is easy to loosen, "bang", the fighters fell on the field.

Just as soon as it landed, the boxing fighters were just like crazy. They even climbed away from Ye Che and rushed in the direction of the boxing source.

The boxing source looked at the wolf-like squad, and the heart endured for a long time, and it burst into anger. The tone was cold and said: "Compensation, I can give you! But since you got on the court, it means to challenge me. I will give you compensation after the fight!"


The words just fell, a body with a sting, black incomparable armor, directly wrapped up the boxing source, almost synchronous, the power of a road, from its captain.

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