League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1034: : violent boxing source

"This is... the thorns of the armor!?"

"I rely on, the source of the source is really angry, and actually used the thorns of the armor!"

"This thorny armor, I heard that it is the heroic metropolitan area, one of the top ten forging masters, Mai Wen personally forged, enough to resist the bombardment of the diamond strong, and, there is magical anti-injury effect, although not the real thorns A, but it is not something that ordinary people can have!"

"When you put on this armor, the source of the boxing source is going to attack the dead hand without hesitation!"

"Live, this kid is looking for it!"

On the court, as the boxing source sacrificed the thorns and armor, it instantly became hot. "(8) Δ(一)" Δ文网WwんW.ん81.Zw. COM

"If you finish the game, give me compensation. This reason is not bad... Just right, you can't find Quantian, you can vent your fire first!"

Ye Che is faint.

"Looking for my big brother?"

There was a faint glimpse of the fist source, and I didn’t get it wrong. This kid wants to find the trouble of his big brother, Quantian! ?

"Great tone!"

There is no deep thought in the boxing source. After a low drink, the silver gun in the hand is swept away. "Fearless charge!"

"call out!"

Like a meteor, the source of the fist is traversing a dozen meters, with a silver gun with the force of the squatting, straight thorns Ye Che.

Ye Che looked at the source of the rushing rush, shook his head, the next second, the toes slammed the ground, and the body was slightly curved.


A crack, from the ground where Ye Che originally stood, appeared in vain, and Ye Che, has been strangely disappeared in place.

"Sure enough, the sixth layer is true!"

The source of the fist is shrinking, the body shape is eager to retreat, and a horrible wind is directly behind him.

The boxing reaction was extremely fast, and the silver gun was like a broken obstacle. It disappeared instantly and the back was behind.


An earth-shattering muffled sound, the boxing source only feels a huge force that can completely compare the abyss demon, uploaded from its own silver gun.

At this moment, he had a feeling of being unable to hold the silver gun.

The source of the boxing is slightly shocked. He is trying to release the heroic skills. Ye Che’s eyes are cold, the diamond bones in the body are shining, and his legs are like diamonds.


A burst of sound, the whole body of the boxing was hit by this, the completely uncontrollable rubbing of the ground, bursting out in the direction of Ye Che sweeping the legs.

Looking at the ground, the depth of more than ten meters that was rubbed out by the body of the boxing source, the audience was in a strange silence.

Everyone is caught in a state of extreme sluggishness.

Then, their eyes dried up and landed on Ye Che, who had slowly landed, even the heroes.

Qin Jing looked at this scene, her heart trembled, her hands lightly covered her lips. She couldn’t think of it. The ordinary youth who met before the college’s front door was actually a set of combos, and the punches of all the people’s attention, the whole Rolled out.

The Jiao Ran female student has long been dumbfounded, and her eyes are completely speechless.

Looking at a few tens of meters away, the face of the boxing source of the horror of the face, Ye Che's mouth slightly provoked.

With this result, Ye Che is not surprised.

The biggest gap in diamonds is in the field, and the rest is the gap in the amount of reserves.

However, Ye Che’s single theory of strength has not been known as many times the source of this boxing. The field of boxing has not emerged and naturally cannot resist.

This is completely crushing the absolute power!

Ye Che glanced at the eye and fell on the armor of the body of the boxing.

"The thorns of the armor?"

Ye Che smiled coldly, his body fretting and disappeared again.

The disappearance of this time is not fast, but it disappears out of thin air, and then appears on the side of the source of boxing.


The source of the fistula was shrunk, facing the strange force of this kid in front of him. This time he dared not use a silver gun again, and his right ankle slammed the ground.


With a soft bang, the source of the fist suddenly disappeared into place.

Ye Che brows a wrinkle, the true sense of the moment is unfolding, like a tide, sweeping across the entire field.

Just one tenth of a second, Ye Che perceives the place where the boxing source will land after the flash. If you don’t say it, the original standing body will disappear like a light smoke again. Then, it appears in the land. Next to the boxing source.

"What, flash is used again!?"

When the boxing source stays, he is not afraid of physical load! ?

At this time, Ye Che's legs.


With the roar of the power of the paragraph, the force of the squatting position appeared, all of them flickered on Ye Che's legs, and then, with strong energy fluctuations, swept away from the boxing source.


"God, I am not mistaken, this young man is actually a diamond!?"

"How old is he, there is no 2o years old!? Nima I am 2o years old, just got to Platinum IV?"

"A 2 year old diamond is enough to enter the top 50 of our history!"

Looking at the power of the segment that Ye Che was pouring out, the audience screamed out, one by one as if they saw a ghost.

However, some students suddenly thought of a point. Before this, the young man only swept his leg and attacked, so that the boxing source flew out. Now add the power of the paragraph...


Before I finished thinking, I heard a loud noise. The source of the fist was under the attack of Ye Che’s shadow. The force of the segment was directly broken and the whole person slammed into the air and then squatted.

Not only that, the thorns of the boxing source, because of this blow, the waist is actually directly recessed.

Even the thorns of the thorns have been beaten?

The person who saw this scene was very indifferent.

"Lead... collar!"

The boxing source endures the feeling of dark eyes, and it is necessary to expand the field.

"Don't call, you have no chance..."

The voice of Ye Che, gently rang from the ear of the boxing.

At this moment, the source of the fist only felt the cold hair on the body, and all of them stood upside down.

"Three flashes in a row, how is it possible!!!"

Boxing source is horrified.

"Good health, wayward!"

Ye Che is casual.


Once again, a muffled sound, the source of the boxing and the power of the segment are too late to condense, then the reversal, the thorns of the armor, under this brute force, once again recessed into a piece.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Among the venues, the white shadows continued to recur, and on the hard ground, a deep mark appeared.

Looking at being used as a sandbag, kicking and kicking, even the boxing source that the field has no chance to sacrifice, the audience is silent.

Is this still the captain who just beat the four ace mentor? How is it so unbearable?

Many girls have a faint color in their eyes.


Once again, this foot leaf used ten percent of force, only to listen to the "squeaky" sound, the thorns that have been protecting the source of the thorns, actually the whole cracked.


Ye Che sighed low, stretched his palms into claws, and smashed at the source of the fist.

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