League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1035: : Are you sure you want to stop me?


Above the sky, suddenly a loud drink, a very horrible energy group, lightning from the void, rushed toward Ye Che. (8) (1) Chinese website WwΔW.ん81.Zw. COM

At the same moment, Ye Che only felt that his body was sinking, and the sky seemed to be dimmed. It seemed that there was some invisible force field that shrouded himself.


Ye Che's face is so heavy that under the power of this field, he can't move.

"call out!"

The energy group's breath is terrifying and huge, with an extremely hot atmosphere, it will be bombarded on Ye Che.

Once hit, it is not dead or hurt!

The students who saw this scene could not help but blink their eyes and exclaimed.

Ye Che was a cold scream, and there was a space of 600 meters on one side, which appeared from the top of Ye Che.

As soon as it appeared, Ye Che recovered his ability to move. His palms were clawed, and the scorpion slammed into the energy group.


Between the two, the horrible energy suddenly swept out, the gravel splashed, and the cracks were born.

The entire tour venue, like being blown up by a grenade, was pitted.

A blow to break this energy group, Ye Che will not lose momentum, you have to hold the boxing source again.

"The stubbornness!!"

In the sky, the sound of simplicity and slight vicissitudes sounded again, but the tone contained in it was already carried with anger.

In the next second, Ye Che only felt a twist in front of him. At this moment, he seemed to see a strange space.

In this space, the purple poisonous mist floats in the sky, and the purple poisonous mist is black, and the black crows are boundless by the black crows. Beside the black crows, there is a group of pale green bubbles in which bursts are derived.

"Three attributes, triple field!?"

Ye Che's face changed greatly, and he didn't want to think about it. He quickly used the flash, and his body disappeared from the original moment.

And just in the place where he stood, there were three condensed and not scattered, and the energy body that was ten times more horrible than the previous energy group appeared.

Purple, black, and green.

The three contain the poison of the snake woman, the black crow of the end, the power of death of the dead song!

The three of them are stirred together, and the sound of the air is “squeaky”. As soon as they appear, they are like a teleport, and they are straightforward.

Ye Che's eyes are very dignified, and I understand it in a flash, I can flash, but the heroic skills of this person, because the true level is too high, can also be teleported, once locked, in addition to hard resistance, can not escape!

"Shu steel flashes, shattered fire, wind and fire!"

Ye Che’s body trembled fiercely, and in his field, the statue of Jian Hao and the statue of the fire girl immediately blasted the ray of light.

A gust of wind and flames immediately emerged from the field, and then they appeared in front of Ye Che in the blink of an eye.

This kind of fusion and attacking Ye Che's three kinds of energy fusion is completely different. Ye Che's this is completely inseparable from each other, and the three kinds of energy of that person are just entangled with each other, just like patchwork. Together.

Looking at the face of Ye Che, the tornado with a flame, the eyes of the person in the sky slightly shrunk, he felt a violent extreme power on this flame tornado, which was weaker than the attack that he did not release.

When it was said that it was too late, the two-color fusion technique just appeared, and under Ye Che’s wave, it crashed into a collision with the attack.


A thunderous explosion, a more horrible energy fluctuation than before, swept the audience, making everyone burst into shock.

The sound of the air blew for three or four seconds, and then slowly returned to calm.

"Block... blocked?"

Everyone was horrified and sluggish.

Can release the triple-field attack, it is definitely the drill II, and even the strong I!

Although the blow has not been all-powerful, it is only a young man in the early 2o who can block it. It is simply incredible!

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the scene below it.

The armor of the thorns in the boxing source has long been not cracked, but has been directly made into pieces of broken iron filings.

The source of the boxing is like a shy anger, and he is sitting on the ground, and while he is around, I don’t know when, there is an old man who is not angry.

The old man's head is black and shoulders, but his eyes are very strange, his eyes are extremely rare, 99% are occupied by black, looks like the **** of death in the underworld.

"This... This is the vice president of our General Hospital, Tang Daohui adults!?"

Looking at the old man who is full of breath, there are a series of exclamations in the mouth of the students in the field.

Ye Che's gaze is also micro-condensed. In this old man, the flow is uncertain.

"Who are you, dare to come to my hospital to make trouble!?"

Tang Daohui's dark eyes are full of ice.

After the confrontation of the first blow, he understood that this young man had absolutely a great origin. The wind and fire tornado, he wanted to have all the heroic skills of the heroes, and he could not match the number, so he was wary, he thought First understand the identity of Ye Che.

"I don't want to take charge of this crime. I just came up to discuss and learn from each other. After all, this is what the source of the boxing itself said. For the challenger, the comers will not refuse!"

Ye Che is faint.


Tang Daohui instantly deflected his head and his face was slightly cold: "Go back to the forbidden, shameful things!"

The source of the boxing was scorned by Tang Daohui, but he did not dare to scream, dragging the body that was so embarrassed, and after seeing Ye Che, he looked at the countless female students, and the male students ridiculed their eyes.

"With your strength, you must not be bored to come to me to learn from this disciple, and say, who are you, come to our General Hospital, what purpose?"

After Tang Daohui left the boxing source, he asked Ye Che coldly.

"What if I don't say it?"

Ye Che is lazy.

Seeing this young man in the field, facing the vice president of the General Hospital, they dared to be so big, and the students were shocked.

However, I thought that this young man had just finished defeating the boxing source and blocked Tang Daohui’s attack. Therefore, there was only amazement in the words, and there was no irony.

The age is so small, but it can block the attack of the deputy dean, so it is only natural that they want to come.

"Don't say? It can't be you!"

Tang Daohui's eyes are slightly stunned, and the power of his field is faintly distorted.

"Is it impossible for me?"

Ye Che asked himself, and then suddenly played the bullet, looked at the audience of 60,000 students, faintly said: "Are you sure to stop me?"

"As long as you explain your identity, I will naturally let you go!"

Tang Daohui said that he is not yin and yang.

He always wanted to know the identity of Ye Che. It is natural to judge the next behavior of Ye Che by his identity. If the power behind Ye Che is so small, he naturally wants to close his own disciple and his own face, let Ye Che Embarrassed!

Ye Che was grinning and said something that made all the students present, creepy.

"That way, you are leaving now, I can be as if nothing is happening, otherwise, before you hold me, all the students present, I will kill one, count one!"

Hearing this discourse, Tang Daohui’s cold pupil suddenly condensed.

The audience who were still excited about the discussion were even cold and cold. They looked at the youth on the field and their eyes were full of horror and incredulity.

Ps: It should be recommended for the second time as soon as possible. When it comes to the big friends, it will be more popular. Now, more votes, let more people see the book!

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