League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1036: : Juggernaut, easy! ! !

With the aftermath of Ye Che's discourse, slowly reverberating in Tang Daohui's ears, his body became stiff and stiff, and his cold eyes stared at the calm young man in the field. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM

Subsequently, Tang Daohui took a deep breath and the strength of the volatility of the whole body converges silently.

Tang Daohui himself is not afraid of Ye Che, but at this time, the headquarters of the War College, all the talented students of the college are gathered in this place. He has just felt the difference in the youth in front of him. So I was not sure when I was holding him, I could save those students.

So Tang Daohui did not dare to act rashly. In the venue, he suddenly fell into a strange stalemate.

Tang Daohui, who is the peak of the drill I, is silently watching Ye Che.

He did not dare to take the bet of the student's life. Otherwise, he, the vice president, was afraid that he could not do it anymore.

A few hundred meters away, countless students looked at the silent confrontation scene in such a sullen manner, and the heart’s sorrow to the young man was added to the next level.

In just one sentence, Tang Daohui, who is already at the peak of the diamond, dared not move. This shows that Tang Daohui is not sure that he can hold the young man without any damage. This younger generation has a hard collision with the older generation. The young girls who have experienced life and death battles are full of energy.

Ye Che said this sentence, naturally it is not really intended, but a form of deterrence.

He knows that most of the teachers, deans and other people, are the most loved ones.

For a long time, Tang Daohui slowly suppressed the mood of the atmosphere and returned to indifference. He said coldly: "As long as you dare to make any unfavorable actions against the War College, I don't care who you are, you will die!"

Ye Che raised his eyebrow slightly. He knew that since Tang Daohui said this, he obviously did not intend to study himself.

At the very least, it is currently.

But myself, I didn’t plan to be so calm and calm.

That boxing Tian Heng shattered his own bones and robbed his dexterous cloak. After the appearance of the blue rock, he could not save the friends and civilians in the eastern region, causing his death and injury, and let 6 Yao now The whereabouts are unknown, life and death are unknown.

Moreover, if it does not appear sunny, I am afraid that I have already died, and the situation has already reached the extreme.

This kind of kind of makes Ye Chelian even disgusted with the boxer to the extreme.

However, now that the source of the boxing has gone, Ye Che does not intend to entangle. He moves into the crowd and instantly rushes into the crowd. In the exclamation of Qin Jing and the Jiao Man, they directly use the power of the paragraph to roll them up.

Tang Daohui was furious and thought that Ye Che had something unfavorable to the students. Ye Che’s words were far from coming: “Mo pan, just picking up the personality, outside the college, I will let them down, you are best. Don't follow!"

After that, the body turned into a blast, and it was already galloping away from the school.

Tang Daohui’s anger on his face, how many years he has not been threatened by such a person, or in front of so many students, this is a shame.

Looking at the back of Ye Cheyuan, his eyes flashed a deep killing, his mouth was moving, and he seemed to be preaching to someone.

At this time, Ye Che had already carried Qin Jing and the Jiao Man girl, came to the school, and then put the two down, on Qin Jing said: "Thank you, I hope not to be tired of you."

"How come... It turns out that you are so powerful..."

Qin Jing's face looked a bit blushing, and she realized that before Ye Che didn't pay much attention to her, it was to not bother her.

"I am sorry for..."

The Jiao Ran female student suddenly screamed and gave birth.

Ye Chewang looked at her with a slight smile. After she nodded her head, the force of her position in the body increased and the whole person had disappeared into the place.

However, before Ye Che left, he passed the power of the field space to Qin Jing: "Don't mention my name, my name information on the leather, and trouble to help me ruin, thank you."

Qin Jing suddenly squeezed a small fist.

"Ah... is this gone?"

The charming girl was a glimpse, standing there, and some lost.

Ye Chexun left, suddenly thought of a point, that is, after hearing the news of the boxing source, hurriedly went to him to ask questions, but forgot one thing is also very important, that is, "source forest" helmet !

After knowing the power of Tang Daohui, Ye Che felt that Chen Tianheng was afraid that it would not be so good.

As the top genius of the boxer, there must be great protection.

"I hope that after the activation of the source forest, don't let me down..."

Ye Che muttered to himself.

However, he did not appear. When he left the college, there were several red "eyes" like a camera on the tower not far from the college, which was always locked on him.

And along the road, the red "eyes" on these high towers are the target of the action of Ye Che.

All the way to gallop, Ye Che quickly found another restaurant to live down.

After stability, Ye Che-Xun sat on the bed, and his thoughts sank into the body.

The other parts of the "source forest" are all plain, only the helmet, from time to time through a golden red light.

Thinking of the horror of "source", Ye Che's heart was slightly embarrassed, but he thought of the boxer's strength in the heroic city, a bite of his teeth, and his consciousness rushed toward the "source forest" helmet.


As soon as he rushed to the helmet, Ye Che felt that his head had been hit by something, and it was black.

But this kind of impact is coming fast, and it is going fast.

However, when Ye Che's thoughts were restored to Qingming, he was completely stunned, watching the scene in front of him, his eyes stunned.

Ye Che’s consciousness felt that he had come to a dark space.

At this time, less than ten meters away from him, a face is covered with a lot of light bulb objects, and the head flashing with golden light is being locked in the air by a golden red light.

The face of this class is full of pain and tiredness.

However, it does not make any sound, and the eyes are tightly closed.

But this is not the point. The point is that Ye Che knows this head. His appearance is actually the same as the Promise Sword in the League of Legends. ! !


Just when Ye Che was shocked, in front of the Hero City Metropolitan City, there were six indifferent figures.

One of the six is ​​the source of boxing.

The other five are four men and one woman.

"I said that there are a lot of punches. Are you sure that the kid is less than thirty? This age can beat you, and you are too frustrated!"

One of the men with high cheekbones, weirdly said.

In the eyes of the boxing source, a flash of haze was flashed, and a cold voice screamed. "If I am not mistaken, the kid has a battle body, a power horror, a strong defense, and his attack does not stop. I can’t take it. Even the power and field of the bloodline have no chance to open. If you fight again, the outcome will not be the case!"

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