League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1037: : Thousand times increase, Promise Kendo! ! !

"Oh, battle?"

Among the six, the woman who looked like about thirty-two smiled lightly. (8) (1) Chinese website WwんW. 81.Zw. COM

She is dressed in black and looks like a enchanting and fierce.

The five eyes fell on her, and the man with high cheekbones immediately sneered: "The battle body counts an egg, and in front of our red sister's holy silver arrow, all the meat is not enough!"

"That is! I will find the kid, wait and shoot into a dog!"

These men all laughed and laughed. Obviously, they did not listen to the words of the boxing source.

There is no heavy reminder of the boxing source. These people are his good friends. They are all ranked in the heroic city. The strengths are all drilled III, six drills III, not to mention anything else. The field is a joint force, and the kid’s bones and bones will be crushed into meat.

"That kid who dared not knowing how to live and threaten my teacher is really looking for a dead end. This time you can rest assured that although this boy is unknown, his strength is somewhat different, but when we go to marry him, the teacher will follow it secretly, and keep it safe!"

The source of boxing.

"Your teacher is also following?"

The bones of the cheekbones have a slight excitement. After the diamonds, for each of them, it takes seven or eight years or even ten years for each stage to be upgraded. Therefore, Tang Daohui, who is drilling I, is, in their opinion, A person worthy of admiration.

"Yes, my teacher said, this kid's origin is unknown, the strength is different, and it is aimed at me. There are definitely problems, so I plan to shoot it myself!"

The source of boxing is cold and cold.

But the source knows that his teacher pays the most attention to his face, and his status is noble. He does not want to return to his face. He can't stand this breath!

The cheekbone man screamed, but it seemed to be unintentional: "Tang deputy dean did not spend most of his time every day, running to your boxer every day, every time he came back exhausted, like fighting the devil. Ten days and ten nights, how do you have this work now?"

The face of the boxing source changed slightly, but the surface was pretending to be a silent look. “My teacher met the bottleneck of the real time, so I went to my boxer to find someone to discuss. Now the bottleneck has broken, and naturally I don’t have to go.”

"oh, I see……"

The cheekbone man nodded, but his eyes flashed a sneer.

"It seems that my father was in the restaurant that day, and inadvertently heard the information of the high-level talks of the boxer. I really did not hear the mistake. This boxing source concealed me and made me more convinced. The boxer now has a son of a hero! And this Tang Daohui, presumably is to summon the past and work together to activate the potential of the son of the hero!"

The sacral man whispered, but his heart was extremely hot.

"I don't know the son of this hero. Which one is the only genius who has just risen in this time. Each talent is very extraordinary. The advancement is also very fast, but compared with the son of the hero, it is worse. More than one, it seems that we need to probe again..."

The man in the heart of the cheekbone is uncertain, and the source of the boxing has already lifted his foot and went straight to the city guard.

Inside, you can explore all the monitoring in this area! ! !

Just when Qiuyuan and others were searching for Ye's position, Ye Che looked at the head in front of him and fell into absolute shock.

"Jian Sheng, is this the true body of Juggernaut!?"

Ye Che's eyes flashed through the hustle and bustle, since it is the true body of Juggernaut, but why is there only one skull left! ?

What about his body trunks? Who is so cruel, will divide his five horses! ?

Just when Ye Che was in a state of sorrow and horror, Yi’s head seemed to feel Ye Che’s consciousness. The painful face was fretting, and the seven or eight light-like objects on his face brightened.

"Wake up? Not dead!?"

Ye Chu is behind a cool, only feeling creepy.

The easy head slowly trembled, and the seven or eight light bulb-like objects suddenly looked at Ye Che.

"Sigh... ...... giggling..."

A weird tone that comes out of the mouth of the head.

Ye Che brows, only feel that these tones are difficult to understand, not at all.

But he did not dare to act rashly for a time, but he kept his consciousness on the easy head.

I don't know how long it took, and the tone suddenly became more and more urgent.

But this stock is clear, it is only relative, but it is a little high.

Then, more and more rush, more and more fast, and then, suddenly summed up!


A summary of the glimpse of it, a roar of a beast that is completely unlike human beings, has come out of the mouth of Juggernaut.

In an instant, the golden red light that locked him, and the madness fluctuated, it seems to break at any time.

"Hahaha, I finally have the power of God, I, eternal immortal!!!"

With this long-lost roar, a hoarse and horrified voice and words, screaming out in the head of the self-easy.

Numerous black air flowed out of the seven holes of the skull, making his expression more horrible, like the devil who climbed out of the abyss.

The next second, Ye Che did not react from the shock, he saw the easy head again like a madman screaming: "kill and kill, do everything for me, kill everything, I am heaven!!!" Ah, a thousand times increase, the Promise Kendo!!!"


With the easy-to-head skull, countless black gas, rising.

In front of Ye Che, it is just a skull, there is no other thing, Ye Che seems to feel at this moment, there is an invisible anti-sky sword, from the front of the skull, the power contained in this sword Ye Che is only a slight feeling, there is a feeling that the body is almost soft.

This power is enough to destroy the earth! ! !

At this time, the deadly lock of the golden red energy of Jian Shengyi, this moment of fierce vibration, seems to have a supportive posture.

This scene directly saw Ye Che's hands and feet cold, once the lock could not be locked, let the invisible swordsman blast open, Ye Che can not believe the consequences.

His most powerful attack is the fusion of three-color heroes, but Ye Che is sure that this power of the martial law is at least a thousand times more than the fusion of his three-color heroes, tens of thousands of times.

If it bursts out, not only will the bones that have to be bombed be saved, but I am afraid that this square will be turned into a ruin.

I can't imagine that this is just the power of a skull, and it is the spare power after being locked for so long! !

Under the astounding look of Ye Che, the golden red light is still fierce, but at this time, there are ten golden red lights, and suddenly flew from the dark space.

Five of them, without saying anything, directly locked up the head of Yi.


This whole is almost stunned by the black and sturdy Juggernaut's head, roaring and snarling, and the whole dark space is shaking.

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