League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1044: : Inner space!

Looking at the cold face of Tang Daohui, and the sneer of the boxing family around him, Ye Che knows that this time it will be desperate. Δ(8)(1) Δ文网Ww『W. Δ81.Zw. COM

Gold red energy, Ye Che only pulled out a trace of integration, if you spell it, can you extract two wires, or even three wires... At that time, there is no possibility of confrontation.

For a time, Ye Che’s heart bottomed out again.

"Do not talk nonsense, take your life!"

A boxer's drill I strong, snorted, the next second, even shouted: "Please god, hero power!!!"


Just listening to a muffled sound, in the eyes of Ye Che's amazed eyes, a sky of light, lit up in the core area of ​​a few kilometers away from the boxing.

"Please look at the gods, the power of the hero!!!"

"Please look at the gods, the power of the hero!!!"

The rest of the drill I and the drill II, also sighed out one by one.

Before, Tang Daohui had already told them about the terrible and strange things of Ye Che, so at this time, for the comfort of ordinary children, they directly went all out.


A low voice, the sky of the sky, like a rifle looming.

Ye Che is only a slight feeling, there is a feeling of scalp numbness, this rifle with the light of the glimpse of the light, it seems that the sky will be smashed.

As soon as this Shenguang appeared, it turned into more than a dozen powers and flew into the sky, and then poured into the body of these boxers.

In an instant, the breath of these strong leaks has increased by nearly five layers.

Originally it was drilling I, and the strength rose by five layers.

At this moment, Ye Che was sucking a cold breath.

"I don't know what to do, dare to run my boxer!"



The sky is filled with the sound of thunder, countless powerful fields, and the overwhelming pressure on the leaves.

Ye Che's face is dignified and desperately extracts the energy of gold and red.

However, at this moment, at this moment, Ye Che suddenly suddenly looked black and his eyes blurred instantly.

Then consciousness seems to be pulled by something, flying directly to somewhere.

And this is the "source forest" helmet.


Ye Che was shocked, but at this time it was the mouth of the battle. If his consciousness was pulled into the helmet, it would be dead! ! !

Ye Che was trembled, but there was no such resistance. When he slid, his consciousness was pulled in.

The next second, the eyes of the sword, the head of Jian Shengyi, has been printed in front of the eyes.

Juggernaut's face, like a light bulb, shines like a light, just like he woke up.

However, Ye Che still cares where the sword is easy to wake up at this moment. When the consciousness is just awake, he wants to rush out of the helmet and regain control of his body.

"You are in a hurry?"

Just then, a man’s magnetic voice suddenly sounded.


Ye Che angry screamed, but just as soon as he heard a voice, he stopped, this voice...

Thinking, Ye Che suddenly turned his head and looked at the head of Jian Shengyi. He dared not to believe and cautiously asked: "Yes... are you talking?"

"Can't say that, I can't speak now, so it's just what you perceive."

On the head of Jian Shengyi, something like a light bulb is bright.

"You are Juggernaut!?"

Ye Che asked again, he also understood, time has passed so long, their attack has arrived, but they will not kill themselves anyway, in this case, anxious is useless.

"I am... but not... This is not important at the moment. I think you are in a hurry because of the enemies outside?"

The magnetic voice is not rushing.

Then, instead of waiting for Ye Che to speak back, he continued: "In fact, you don't have to worry at all. We belong to a small inner space. The time ratio is completely different from the outside, so even if you stay here for a year, only one second is outside. And already."

"Inner space, time ratio?"

Ye Che lived, he only heard the dimension space, what is the inner space.

“I am surprised? Actually, the inner space is just a branch line, and the real one should be called the cover space.”

The head of Juggernaut swayed slightly.

"Cluster space? I have only heard of dimensional space."

Ye Che shook his head.

"Dimension space is just a small branch of the set space..."

The words of the magnetic sound are not salty or light, but the words make the leaf brows screw up.

"Don't believe? Then I ask you, where are we now?"

"The source forest helmet is in it."

Ye Chedao.

"What about the helmet?"

The magnetic voice said, not waiting for Ye Che to answer, he continued: "The helmet is in your body, you are in the boxer, the boxer is in the heroic city, the heroic city is in Asia, Asia is on this planet, the planet is in the solar system, The solar system is in the Milky Way... It’s always in the universe, right?”


Ye Che lived, and did not understand how the magnetic sound understood this.

“I am surprised? But this is not the point. Now we are discussing why it is different when you understand it! After I just said, that is, a smaller object or space must exist in another larger space. Can it exist in the right?"


Ye Che nodded.

"Do you know the origin of the universe?"

"Know, it was the big bang. The universe was originally a very dense point called "Singularity." One day, the singularity had a big bang, expanded, and step by step, forming the universe today. ”

Ye Che replied, this is common sense, so he can answer it.

"The question is coming. Then, before the big explosion of the universe, what is the "singularity" you said, in which space?"

Listening to this problem of magnetic sound, Ye Che directly stunned.

Yes, since a space needs to exist in a larger space, the original "singularity" exists in which space.

Then, the space where the "singularity" exists can be in which space, so that there is no end to it.

"As I just said, you are in a helmet, your helmet is in your body, and you are in the universe... This is going to be bigger, so what about small? Cells, molecules, atoms, particles, quarks..."

Ye Che understands a bit, and is uncertain: "What do you mean by saying that in our space, there are still many spaces that are exactly the same as ours? And outside our space, there are many spaces that are exactly the same as ours. ”

The head of Juggernaut, raised slightly, said: "Yes, that's what it means, but the space is the same, but the time is different."

"Time is different?"

Ye Che asked.

"Tell this to you, a room with a diameter of only ten meters, and a room with a diameter of one hundred meters, and finish them in a straight line. Which one do you need to spend more time? Obviously, it is a diameter of one hundred. Rice's house, perhaps a metaphor is not so appropriate, you only need to understand that due to the density, the closer to the inner space, the greater the density, so the time goes faster. The closer to the outer space, the lower the density, so the time Relatively slower!"

The magnetic voice is here, Ye Che’s face is already amazed.

Because, at this moment, he suddenly thought of a white dwarf, waiting for each planet!

The flow of time there is completely different from that on Earth!

I even thought of the day in the sky, the year on the ground, is it that the day, the fairy world, is actually a cover over the mortal, a larger set of space! !

In this way, there is a day in the sky, the first year of the earth!

"You should understand, in fact, it is very simple. For example, we are talking here, maybe in a certain inner space, this dialogue has already been born. The inner space is layered on one layer, and there are countless layers. That is to say, our conversation has already been born countless times."

Ye Che suddenly heard some cold hands and feet.

When the magnetic voice came here, it seemed to smile and said: "So, you don't have to worry about it. If you stay here for a year, it's a tight time outside, because the source forest helmet is specially made. Come out, inner space!"

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