League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1045: : One, three hundred years

Originally, Ye Che was still thinking about what Juggernaut said, but when he heard his last sentence, it was a shock of his heart. At this moment, he seemed to think of something. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM

"What do you mean by saying so much to me? I don't think I want to explain the time here, is it different from the outside world?"

Ye Che looked at the eyes of Juggernaut's head, some strange.

Before, he really thought that Juggernaut was just to make himself feel at ease, but after listening to his last sentence, he understood that he thought it was too simple.

From the words before Juggernaut, Ye Che can fully imagine the vastness and incredible space of the cover, but now, someone can create an alternative small inner space, which is a miracle.

The key is that this makes the inner space seal the existence of Juggernaut, who is it! ?

"Yes, time is just a mention. It is important that you have a big problem now!"

On the head of Juggernaut, his eyes flashed slightly.

"How to say!?"

Ye Che’s voice sank.

"You have seen Aich..."

The words of Juggernaut turned sharply.

"I have seen it, but I have not seen it for a while."

Ye Che nodded, and immediately, looking at the sacred eyes of Juggernaut, he asked a question: "How do you know?"

"You have Ai Xi's breath... oh... and Ainivia, Notilus, En, and Vickers and Rexe..."

Juggernaut seemed to have slightly deflected his head, and then the tone did not rise and fall.

"Ainivia, Notilus, Vickers, Rexel?"

Ye Che repeats a bit of awkwardness. The names of these four are the ice crystal phoenix, the Titan, and the eye of the void and the emptiness of the beast.

"More than... There are still a few extremely concealed breaths that have been lingering on you. If I expected it to be good, you have already been locked, so I said that you have a big problem!"

The sound of Juggernaut's head is dull, but Ye Che is not calm at all, and even has a feeling of scalp.

Think about it, if one day, someone suddenly tells you that in your daily life, a monitor has been locked in monitoring your every move, how you feel at the time.

Ye Che is now like this, and the goose bumps on his body are all up.

He knows that Juggernaut did not make a mistake, because he himself had seen Aich, and the avatar of the beast, the woman in the purple dress, as for the Titan and the ice crystal phoenix and the eye of the void, Ye Che also confirmed, that is It is the giant iron shell that met in the heroic fantasy world, and the ice crystal phoenix and the eye of the void that came later.

At that time, I did not get the "source forest", and the natural swordsman could not know what happened at that time.

Then, this sword holy head is indeed felt by the breath.

"Who is monitoring me!?"

Ye Che's face is a bit gloomy.

"I can tell you that you can even help you to dispel these breaths of surveillance, but you have to help me a little."

Juggernaut said that his head was ups and downs in this inner space, and there seemed to be some kind of power to hold him.

"Don't tell me, do you want me to let you go?"

Ye Che’s eyes are slightly stunned.

"Can you talk to me in this tone? How do we say that we are also old friends who have not seen each other for more than 300 years."

The tone of Juggernaut seems to be somewhat helpless.

More than three hundred years?

Ye Chewei.

"Don't forget, this is the inner space. You have been here for more than three hundred years..."

Said Juggernaut.

"Well, let me help me, talk about it..."

Ye Che looked at the look of Juggernaut's head and flashed a sympathy.

Once the Promise Juggernaut, the presence of so many people in the League of Legends, one of the most heroes of the five kills, is now trapped in such a dark and cold place, thinking of this, Ye Che's tone is very moderate. stand up.

To be honest, Ye Che also thought about ways to release Juggernaut. However, his mad scene at that time has always been vivid, and Ye Che is really afraid to do so.

"I know what you are worried about, but you obviously want more. With your current ability, there is really no way to help me out."

Juggernaut said, regardless of Ye's slightly faint look, he continued: "Now, you understand the existence of the cover space, and it is obviously clear that the world is not as simple as you seem, you are now Where the place is, even for the "they", even the dust can't match, but the advantage is that "they" can't get in, just as the human body can't enter the world of atomic and molecular bacteria, and can only rely on other ways. Erosion."

"You may want to ask who "they" are, since "they" are so powerful, why should they erode the dusty place, unfortunately, my memory is missing, I don't know it at this time, but I know that in "they "When you break through this space and go to a higher-dimensional set of space, something is forced to stay. "They" seem to be looking for..."

Something left behind, Ye Che's pupils shriveled slightly, and the things left by "they" are absolutely a fetish. Otherwise, it is impossible to even have such a strong presence as "they", and they have always been obsessed.

At this time, Juggernaut's words were slightly stunned, saying: "And I want you to help, it is related to this matter!"

As he said, his gaze jerked and said in a word: "Just, I feel the sigh of "they", although this breath is extremely light, but I still feel it! This is really me. Why is it mandatory to pull you into the source forest helmet!"

"Feeling the breath of "they"!?"

Ye Che is a micro-shock.

"Yes, the source of this breath is the so-called heroic **** of "they"!! I need you to help me get the heroic image of the boxer. This heroic **** is as good as I expected, and the interior also contains the inner space. If I can get it, I can fuse the inner space of the source forest helmet with it. At that time, the rest of my body can be activated, so that I will be much better, and the flow of time will gradually grow with you. The world is close, and after the final synchronization, I can give you a lock on the body."

Hearing the words of Juggernaut, Ye Che did not immediately agree, but frowned: "The outside situation you know, there are four or five diamonds I, and they all rely on the power of heroes, I can only protect myself at most. How to get a hero idol!?"

"The power of heroes? What is the power of heroes? At most, it is just a fake and pirated version. Sealing my strength is the power of the orthodox hero!"

Juggernaut said.

Golden red energy, is the power of the orthodox hero?

Ye Che’s eyes reveal a strange color, and his eyes sweep against the golden red energy that has suppressed the head of Juggernaut.

"I will teach you how to control the power of smelting heroes. In your current overall state, you should be able to increase your hero skills by 50 times, to a hundred times or more, and over a hundred times. Your body will collapse! Ten times, you are just weak, and it is a little uncomfortable for a while."

Juggernaut said that an inexplicable fluctuation was directly introduced into Ye Che’s consciousness.

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