League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1053: : The means of punching heaven! (four more)

"Too Shang Zu Shi?"

Under the boxing of the ancient, boxing constant, and the young man and so on, all have a look on the face, but also a heavy heart fell. (8) (1) Ω Chinese Network WwW. 81.Zw. COM

The ancestors of the boxer are the strongest kings of the church. If he shoots, even if the **** escapes to the other side of the earth, he will be smashed back.

"Now, you will go to see the emperor with me, and mobilize the insight, hey, I think there is no way to erase the escape route?"

Boxing Hong said coldly.

In his heart, like a mirror, it can erase the monitoring. No one can do it except Zhao Jiayu and the knife house.

But now there is no time to deal with the hatred of these three families, until the heroic gods get back, this hatred will be reported back one by one!

Soon, Boxing, Boxing, Quantian and the other two masters of the boxer directly tore the space and came outside the palace of the Emperor.

At the same time, Ye Che, who had a painful day, slowly fell asleep and opened his eyes.

I have to say that Ye Che’s physical resilience is indeed terrible. Yesterday, he was still soft and ruined. With a rest, the body was no longer a problem.

Not only that, Ye Che even felt the body, but it was a strong one.

"It seems that there are some advantages in the destruction of the body through the power of the hero, but the cost is too great."

Ye Che smiled, then climbed up slightly with some legs, and then began to wash and dress.

"Wake up? Well, I will erase the mark now."

The voice of Juggernaut suddenly sounded directly in Ye's brain.

Ye Che was suddenly surprised.

"Don't be surprised, after the space is merged, the time inside the helmet is almost the same as the time flow of the space you are in. It's less than a minute apart. In this case, I can naturally talk to you directly."

After that, don't wait for Ye Che to react, and straight: "Then I started!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Che only felt that the back of the neck was slightly hurt, just like there was something that disappeared.

"Get it, I can only break through the power of the hero. I have to erase these things. I am probably sleeping for about half a month. You should be careful."

After that, Juggernaut suddenly went silent.

Ye Che was slightly silent, and a big stone at the bottom of his heart was also put down.

When I first heard that Juggernaut was being monitored, it was really a scalp. At this time, I heard that this thing like a stab in the back was erased, and naturally I feel refreshed.

However, Ye Che does not know that with the eradication of these imprints, there seem to be unusual movements in several places on the earth that are inexplicable, but obviously these are not related to him at present.

"The boxer has such a big event, and the boxing Tianheng should be back, but the other powers of the boxer must have come back. In a short time, it is almost impossible to hold the boxing constant... However, everything can't be absolutely! ”

Ye Che's mouth twitched slightly, then he walked out of the restaurant, and then found a place where he could connect to the inner network of the hero's metropolitan area, let the little dances go up.

Soon, the little dance will store a variety of materials that can be learned in the scope of authority.

“Where is the master, where is the sunny place?”

"It is recorded that the front line is resisting the abyss demon."

The little dance is crisp and boring.

"At the front?"

Ye Che's face, suddenly a bit of blue.

Since this is sunny, how to protect 6 Yao, how to protect Shi Jin, Oriental Nichang and other Eastern countries?

“Is there any news from people in the East?” Ye Che asked.

However, he knows that this is very embarrassing. In the eastern part of the district, it is placed in the heroic city. If there is a drop of water, how can there be a message?


Sure enough, the little dance gave a deeper answer to the leaf brow.

"It seems that we can only start from Quantian Heng!"

Ye Che secretly said.

Thinking about it, he thought about it and let the little dance go to the location of the knife house and went straight to it.

At this time, outside the palace of the Emperor of the Kings, Quan Hong, Quan Tian Heng, Quan Gu and the other two and the young boy were all black face and walked out from inside.

"How is it possible, how can the domain emperor favor the kid!?"

"Not only the inspectors are not allowed to watch, but even let me personally take the shots. Even the ancestors of the ancestors are within the scope of the ban, and there is no reason for this.

The face of Quan Hong is full of anger.

He couldn't figure out how to do it. The domain emperor just used the insights, and suddenly they drove them out, and then issued such harsh orders.

"Will, the domain emperor and this kid know?"

The two of them, one of them with a birthmark on the face, foxes questioned.

"Impossible! How big is that kid? The domain Huangfu is what he can see. Besides, the domain emperor has never stepped out of the palace for more than ten years. Where can he see it! There is only one possibility, I suspect, the domain emperor Will you lose the heroes of our boxing heroes, and then start with our boxers! Otherwise, how can it be so obvious to the kid!"

Another name, said with a dignified face.


There is a firm color on the face of Quan, and said: "I haven’t known how much my boxer has played on the front line for so many years. I have trained countless elites. If he dares to swallow my boxer, the front line There is a great chance of losing, so this is absolutely impossible!"

Boxing also nodded and said: "I think there must be something else, but it doesn't matter. Since the domain emperor just refuses to allow me to work with the Taishang master, it means that the words have not yet said death, and The domain emperor also clearly stated that the kid is still within the heroic city. If this is the case, you will immediately lay down the nets, and I will have to look at what it is, and dare to go with my boxer!"

"Father, I said before, this little animal named Ye Che is a native of the East. If his strength is good, it should be from the world of Shenglin, there is no background! So I have a good idea to force him to show up, but there will be some trouble in the sunny master."

Boxing Tian Heng said quietly.


Where is the boxing master now, what kind of masters are clear, and it’s a top priority to hurry back to the heroes!

“Do you remember those people who were exiled in those areas of the heroic metropolitan area?”

In the eyes of Quan Tianheng, there was a hint of coziness, and then said.

"It is natural to remember that these people dared to cover the sinners of Shi Jin. Although there are masters of the Qing dynasty, it is inevitable that they will be acquitted. They are all assigned to the labor camp, so what do you mean?"

Quan Hong turned and asked.

"I promised the Master before, but I didn't investigate them, but if they made a big mistake again, then we can't blame us, so as long as this... Then... I don't believe this little animal will not show up!!!"

Boxing Hengheng said coldly, before in the world of Shenglin, because Ye Che was free from death, he knew that if Ye Che could choose to save himself, it would be impossible to save himself, so naturally he was not grateful to Ye.

In addition, this time Ye Che named the surname and hit the door, saying that he was asking himself to sin, how can he not be annoyed.

In particular, at the beginning, this kid was just a self-destructive existence. Nowadays, he dared to climb onto his own head. His natural killing is even higher.

"This is a good note!"

The boxing eyes were slightly bright, and even the younger brother of the boxing Tianheng was the first time that he did not fight against the boxing day, and nodded secretly.

The rest of the boxing and other people, even more than a face sneer, apparently fully agree with the words of Quan Tianheng.

At this time, Ye Che has come to the front of the knife house, slightly sinking, and then walked over.


The guards who stood in front of the knife's house saw an ordinary person coming forward and went straight to the eyes. They had to continue to drink and open their mouths, but they just drank a word, their eyes suddenly collapsed, and their mouths fell. Take a sip of cool air.


These seven or eight guards, looking at the face of Ye Che's face, almost scared.

For a moment, an incredible idea floated to their hearts. This god, shouldn’t just pick the boxer and come to the knife to open the knife? This... this Nima is too exciting!

Ye Che was originally planning to show a sly smile, but after seeing the look of these guards in horror, they could not help but also stunned.

Then I looked at myself from the left and right, grace, slender body, healthy skin, handsome and handsome, but how these guards saw the demon god.

Ps: Four, this chapter has more than six hundred words, one hour late, sorry to pull.

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