League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1054: : Be the bodyguard of Ye Che

"Looking at the knife and arranging the sword, I said that the **** of the gods came to see him. (8) (1) Chinese "WWW.ㄟ81.Zw.COM"

Ye Che smiled.

"You come to see the great man?"

A group of guards blame, this is a killing star, ran here, it would not want to dismantle the knife family clan, take the hero gods, which makes each of them a little restless.

Ye Che is very calm, facing everyone, saying that he does not want to fight.

Seeing Ye Che's expression was peaceful, one of the guards nodded. It was very atmospheric. He first invited him in and let Ye Che wait in a hall. They went to report it.

This is a big thing. These guards are afraid of problems. They are all afraid to take it lightly. Facing Ye Che’s feeling of being like an enemy.

This made them feel ridiculous. It was obviously a young man who was only 20 years old and caused so much pressure on them.

After Ye Che waited for a moment in the hall, he suddenly remembered the knife and knife, and thought about it. Ye Che would turn into a smoky smoke disappearing, and he quickly wandered around the knife house.

But he did not know, as he disappeared, soon, the entire knife family was in a mess.

Numerous noises sounded from the inside of the house, and even the outside world was alarmed. Many people on the street looked around and revealed the color of suspiciousness.

"what happened?"

"The fierce young man entered the knife house and the result disappeared inexplicably, let them be enemies!"

In fact, the knife house has indeed been in a big mess, killing the stars, and suddenly disappeared, so many people are extremely nervous.

You know, the young man has just dealt with the boxer. Now come here, anyone must be shocked.

Ye Che casually strolled around the knife house for a while, heard the noise, could not help but stop, strode out, rushed to the front hall, just appeared, hula, immediately surrounded by a large group of people, the atmosphere was tense pole.

In the distance, several old people strode around and followed a group of people.

These people look at Ye Che's eyes, they are all vigilant, one by one as the enemy.

"I heard that he is the one in the world of Shenglin, can you save a hundred dollars?" someone asked.

"Not bad!!"

"Because of his footsteps, the loss of the boxer is great, not only the heroic gods are lost, but the Diamond III Diamond III Platinum Strong, dozens of dead, not to mention the destroyed buildings, and the lost reputation, this time the boxer is really Completely degenerate into a laughing stock."

These words are heard in the ears of the knife family. The feelings are different. Some people are indifferent and indifferent, and those old people are both surprised and regrettable.

Surprising nature is Ye Che’s enchanting talent, but unfortunately this young man is not his own family.

"You are really awful, how, after the big boxing, I want to come to my knife to scatter the wild?" A few old people, some people chilled.

"Who are you!!"

Another person asked.

"My name, you will know if you ask him."

Ye Che suddenly smiled and his eyes fell on a young man next to the old people.

This person seems to be in his early thirties. After seeing Ye Che’s first sight, the whole person is already in a state of procrastination.

"Knife blue, what's going on, you know him?"

One of the old knives who drilled I asked, frowning.

"Recognize... know... he is Ye Che..."

The blue face of the knife is bitter, and looking at Ye Che’s eyes, there are flaws and unbelievable.

Yes, this unfortunate child really followed the fist of Tian Heng, Zhao Wuji came to the knife blue of the two realms, although he was just to join in the fun, did not shoot Ye Che, but the knife blue did not forget, he took it away There is a young man in front of me.

It was a kind of native hero equipment, a cloak that could touch the crit.

"This god, it is not going to be a sinner." I heard that he went to the boxer before, just to find the boxing constant, did not find, only to the boxer, and killed dozens of diamonds III and other masters, but also several hits I seriously injured, even the heroic gods are lost..."

The blue heart of the knife is uneasy.

Apparently he thought more, Ye Che now casually draws a trace of heroic power, the power can be more than ten times more, the district's smart cloak, has long been in the eye.

But at this time, I saw a phantom flashing, and there was already an ordinary old man in the field.

"Qing Cang adults!"

After seeing the face of the old man, all the people in the room were present.


Knife Qing nodded, then frowned and looked at Ye Che, said: "You have not yet left the city, now the boxer has almost been throwing out to search for you, you still stay in the city, now it is a big swing to my knife home, It’s really daring.”

"You don't have to worry about this. I am coming to your knife house and I am going to make a deal with you."

Ye Che’s voice was peaceful, and the words spoken made the group of people around the knife house frown.

These words are too unkind, the knife is a noble master, and is respected and loved by countless knives on weekdays, but the young people who have no long hair, actually come to a sentence, you don’t care, just like peace talks.

Knife Qing was not concerned about it. When he learned that this young man could stop the big tricks of this age, he had already treated Ye Che with his heart.

“Hey, trade? I don’t know what kind of deal you want!”

Knife Qing can't help but say, this Ye Che is young and can have any good things. Wouldn't it be a heroic image that he wants to get from a boxer to trade with himself?

However, the heroic god, because the rules of the domain king in the heroic city, even if it is given to himself, it is equivalent to a display.

"I need you to be my three-day bodyguard."

Ye Che calmly said.


"Is this kid crazy? Let the masters, do bodyguards, and take it for granted!?"

"I really thought that the boxer had resisted the ancient tricks of the boxing, and it was so powerful. Funny, no three of the masters saved him. I dare say that he could not support the second trick of the ancient head!"

"Oh, I am forgotten!"

After hearing the words of Ye Che, the children of the knives laughed.

Knife Qing is also a smile, said: "Before the boxer bless you out, your kindness to me has been repaid, but it is okay to communicate with each other, but you want me to be your three-day bodyguard, but it is Overdone, how to say, I am also a monk, do yours..."

"You are the master of the blade, want to know, the phantom lore skills of the male knife?"

Ye Che suddenly asked with a strange look.

"Phantom lore?"

Everyone is at a glance.

"As long as you do my three-day bodyguard, I can teach you the phantom killing skills of the male knife." Ye Che said seriously to the knife.

"You want to teach me the skills of a male knife?"

Knife Qing forgively smiled and asked.

After a short period of horror, the rest of the people laughed one by one.

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