Originally, they were not worried when they learned that Ye Che went to the boxer. Δ』(8)Δ(一)中文』Δ网WwW. 81.Zw. COM

It is impossible to expect this flaw with the means of boxing, so I deliberately left a defensive player.

So now, what about that?

All the boxers, including Quantian Heng, Quan Hong, Tang Daohui and others, all turned their eyes.

Finally, on the left side of this group of guilty guilty, I saw the face that was beaten and bruised, and the face of the miserable color also crouched on the ground.

At this moment, almost all the masters of the boxers are crying in my heart!

The fists were gloomy, sweeping through the thousands of boxers, sweeping through the eyes of the panda's eyes, and then fixed their eyes on the six people who were floating.

"Good, it seems that you all want to be right with my boxer!"

Boxing Hongyin said coldly, he knows that this time he was planted, and he counted thousands of dollars. He did not count this little beast named Ye Che, but in a short time, he has drawn so many helper.

With his mind, I thought of another point in an instant, that is, a district diamond, why can I pull so many helpers! ?

When the thoughts turn, the heart of Quan Hong is getting cold.

With so many helpers, it is too ridiculous to collectively help a drill IV. These kinds of signs make Quan Hong feel like someone behind is pushing.

However, in the heroic city, who is the one who dares to have the strongest king! ?

"The domain emperor..."

Boxing Hong silently recited a name and suddenly slammed into a shock.

However, he is only faintly guessing, but he is not sure enough, but only this speculation, Gong Hong will understand the seriousness of this matter, one is not well handled, and it is more difficult for the boxer to bear than the loss of heroes.

At this time, after hearing the words of Quan Hong, among the six Van Goghs who stood in the air of the boxer, Zhao Xiu shrugged and said: "I didn't fight against your boxer. I just promised Ye Xiao. The safety of the brothers, these guilty thoughts on the Ye Xiao brothers, the nature of this group is extremely bad, I naturally helped a little."

Zhao Xiu’s words, I heard that some people in the place had pumped their mouths.

These guilt, the strongest is only Platinum, and the Ye Xiao brother in Zhao Xiukou, but can resist the existence of the mortal in a short time, need to help, but also shameless?

However, at this time, Boxing did not speak, and they naturally did not say anything.

But when they thought that Boxing would be angry, Boxing actually took a breath and calmed down, then looked at Ye Chedao: "I can not pursue the fault of these Eastern sinners, but now, right now, Let go now!"

Boxing now has a feeling of faintness. This is something he can't handle. From the words of Zhao Xiu, he once again deepened his previous guess.

Guarantee the safety of Ye Xiao Brothers? Why is it guaranteed?

Obviously, some people have instructed, and who can refer to the movement of so many clan?

Only the absolute overlord in the heroic city, the domain emperor, can do it!

This point, if he wants to break the sky, he can't think of the reward that Ye Che exchanged after convincing them in the League of Legends.

"It seems that this matter has to ask the ancestors to personally go out!"

Boxing has tightened his fists, indicating that he has a well-thought-out look.

The rest of the boxing masters who were present, after hearing the words of Quan Hong, provoked a sneer at the corner of their mouth, thinking that their homeowner was only planning to rescue the boxer and guilty.

"You can rest assured that I Ye Che has always said one thing. In the summoner canyon, I said that I would give the blue buff to the single blue buff, saying that the head of the person is the head! As long as you let people go first, I guarantee that you all the fighters. Guilty, all safe and sound!"

Ye Che said in awe-inspiring way, saying, but a wave of his hand, "squeaky", a force of a paragraph directly drawn to a woman who was squatting at the end, whispering his face.

A **** spot suddenly appeared on the woman's face, and everyone who looked at the execution ground changed color.


A young boxer of about twenty-seven eight, standing on the high platform next to the execution ground, suddenly screamed.

"Let's let go!"

Ye Che will scream again!

"Home...owner, don't let people go first."

"This group of sinners in the East is just a group of people. Don't let my boxers hurt because of them."

These boxers are also anxious, after all, their loved ones are among this group.

Quan Hong nodded. He actually had this intention. After the speculation just happened, he knew that this young man could not be able to handle it in a short time.

Don't say anything else, just now that you are holding this leaf, you will have seven!

The boxer, who lacks the heroic image, is not an opponent at all.

Even if you can block three or four people, what about the ordinary children of the boxers, watching them die by guerrilla?

So nowadays, we can only stabilize the situation first, and wait until the ancestors return to make plans!

"Okay, let me go!"

The sound of boxing is calm, but those who are onlookers can all hear the chill that is hidden in his tone.

"Oh... is it really let go?"

"The boxer lost his face, and he was so excited that he went to the execution ground. The home of Nima was directly directed by Chess, and he laughed at me."

"Looking at the calm look of the old man, I will really wear it. I guess he is going crazy at this moment."

"What about being angry again, so many boxers are squatting in the hands of Chess, he can only hold his nose and accept it."

After hearing the words of Quan Hong, the people onlookers secretly ridiculed them. Although most of these people are because of the favor of Ye Che, they are more annoyed that they have been shot by the boxers.

I thought that these people were really sinners. For a long time, this was just the layout of the boxers. With a total of 500 people, it was really chilling. When I whispered, it was hard to hear how hard it was.

"Qing Cang predecessors, you take them first."

Ye Che sees those who have executed the sentence, and began to give Dongping Jian, Nishang and other people began to loosen, and the heart could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then said.

"it is good!"

Knife Qing nodded, his face was refreshing.

He has never done such a cool thing, and he has compromised the home of the boxer. He looked at all the ugly people, but he couldn’t help but look at it. Five hundred people from the Eastern Region in the execution ground were covered.

"Don't resist, I will take you to a safe place."

Knife Qing smiled.

In the execution of the 500 people in the Eastern Region, they nodded and nodded their faces.

This is something that I can't imagine in my life. Now I can get close contact.

Soon, with the knife and the field of the Qing dynasty, Dong Jian and others were all included in the field.

"Now, you have fulfilled your promise!"

Boxing Hong looked at Ye Che, and his face was expressionless.

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