League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1061: : Chaos forbidden!

Ye Che nodded to the knife and stalked. When the knife rushed, he waved his hand and closed the sensor light curtain. Then the whole land rose and flew away. (8) "Δ(一)中文网WwW. 『81.Zw. COM

"Back home!"

After the fists and sorrows looked at the knife that was far away, a wave of hands, all the boxers, all of them had enough horsepower to rush to the boxer.

However, the boxing and other people are directly tearing the space and starting to hurry.

However, there is a long way to go to the boxing field. Even if it is a boxing break, it takes four or five minutes to get there.


Inside the boxer, the space splits directly.

In the next second, seven people were wearing a horrible figure, and they walked out from inside.

For people, the face is white but necessary, and the eyes are full of majesty. This person is Quanhong.

Only in the moment when Gong Hong just came out, his majesty became a boundless anger.

I saw that there was nothing on the ground, and there was nothing inside.

"Being played!!!"?

The fists crossed the hands of the abdomen, slowly let go, the two palms and ten fingers gradually clenched, and the force of the looming segment began to flow between the fists, gathering a faint trace of light.

The black robes of the masters of Boxing have no wind and waves. If the whole person does not move the mountains, it makes people feel that something terrible is brewing in their bodies.

And the fists around him, and the face of the other five strong, are also extremely unsightly, and they are almost gloomy.

"Knife home...Zhao family...Rain house...Xijia...Ouyang family...Li family...and Lejia...If my boxer has an accident, my fist will be this life, I will never die with you. , never die!"

The boxing anger is extremely extreme, the strength of the whole body and the field madness.

In an instant, the sound of the treacherous sound "rumbling" sounded, and the earth shivered.

Boxing Tianheng, and the other five, who are also smoldering with each other, looking at the empty ground, the eyes are going to slay!

But at this time, there was a strong wind in the sky. In the next second, a figure that was beaten into a pig's head fell from the sky.

"No heart is old!?"

The eyes of Quantian Hengyi are bright, and this is not the heart of the old family. It is the name that is guarded by the boxer.

The fists didn’t bother to look at the face of the hole, Tinghong’s boxing and boxing, and they couldn’t help but say: “Those guilty... are placed in the innermost position of the boxer by the little animal...”

"The innermost?"

When the boxing day is constant, I will understand it in an instant. The innermost position of the boxer is tens of thousands of meters away from here. This is deliberately letting others wait for people to find people, and they are desperate!

Boxing Hong was angry, but he couldn’t think of it, and he was given a piece by Ye.

But no matter what, as long as people are safe, he has also lost a lot.

No matter at this time, the fist is unintentional and talking, but the tone is a little timid.

"The guilt is safe... just... just..."

"Just what!!"

Boxing Tianheng and Quan Hong’s heart have a bad feeling.

"Just the young master and the lady are taken away by the little beast!"


The fist of the fist is a tight fist, and the blue veins on the arm are exposed.

The boxing, but calm down.

Just now, he was angry, thinking that Ye Che took away the boxing guilt, is the meaning of the domain emperor, the domain emperor in the hero city is simply an unparalleled behemoth.

Therefore, Boxing is an anger against his inability, but now, only taking the lady and the young master, this act is obviously the meaning of the kid himself.

"What did he say!?"

Quan Hong asked with a calm face.

"He said... I want the lady to come back, and at noon tomorrow, let Tianheng Shaozhu bring a little girl named 6 Yao, and go to the knife house for personal change!"

The fist did not say anything, and looked at the fistlessness without revealing the trace.

"6 Yao, who is 6 Yao?"

The fists of Hong Kong’s eyes fell on the face of Quantian.

Quantian insisted on biting his teeth. He knew that this matter could not be stopped now. After all, it was already related to his own mother, so he took a deep breath and said: "6 Yao, is a friend of the little beast, it is possible It’s a little girl...”

Boxing Hong directly heard the contradiction in Quantian’s discourse. Frowning and looking at Quantian, he asked: “This is called 6 Yao’s little girl, should I be in your hand? Why, you still don’t know them. What is the relationship between people!?"

"This... you come with me!"

Boxing Tianheng did not explain it. He said a word and took the lead to go outside the boxer.

The heart of the boxing heart flashed through the suspicious color, and the body moved, and also followed up, the same follow, naturally there are five mortal old people.

Quantian Heng is on the road, and it is extremely fast, but it took a full half hour to reach the destination.

This place, looking from the outside, only feels a variety of colors flashing.

In the air, there is a faint mist, which is blue, red, colorful and extremely chaotic.

From time to time, there is a fascinating energy that leaks out of it.

"Chaos forbidden?"

Boxing and others looked at the scene in front of them and directly recognized where it is.

Chaos and forbidden land is a special area in the heroic city. It is said that this is a holy place built by the twelve strongest kings more than 400 years ago!

The chaotic forbidden land is a large collective name, which is divided into the forbidden land of water, the forbidden land of fire, the forbidden land of wood, the forbidden land of the earth, the forbidden land in the dark, the forbidden land, and the chaotic forbidden land that no one dares to set foot!

These forbidden places are the heroes of many heroes, and they know the true location!

For example, you majored in fire heroes, such as fire men, fire women and the like.

Then, when you enter the forbidden place of fire, you will be able to comprehend its true meaning more easily. Therefore, chaos and forbidden land have always been places in the heroic city where many strong people often practice.

However, this chaos is forbidden only for those who have the following functions, so for several decades, Quanhong is here for the future.

"Father, come with me."

Quan Tianheng said, and stepped in.

Boxing and other people moved and followed.

In the chaotic forbidden area, there are all kinds of strange areas. On the ground of the forbidden place of fire, all are hot and incomparable flint. In the forbidden place of wood, there are all kinds of purple bamboo, and trees with extremely vibrant life.

However, after entering it, it is necessary to spend a huge amount of demonic nucleus to activate the energy release of its forbidden land for potential repair, so it is not a valuable person who cannot afford this cultivation mode.

Along the way, they saw people who were sitting on the ground from time to time.

However, only Chuan Heng did not look at them, and has been rushing forward.

Ten minutes later, one of them couldn’t help but said: "The last bright and forbidden land has passed. Tianheng is the master. Where is the 6 Yao?"

"almost there!"

Quantian Heng returned with a sigh of relief. After about two minutes, he finally stood still.

At this time, they have come to the chaos, the innermost position.

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