League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1071: : The most ferocious adc! (on)

However, Ye Che can not have the slightest meaning of the gun, Ping a just shot, he instantly switched the big move form, the gun in his hand, immediately turned into a thick warhammer, and then the body jumped up, squatting Lucian’s head smashed the past. (8) (1) "中Δ"文"网WwㄟW. ㄟ81.Zw. COM

Jess’s “Land of the Sky” is a locking technique, and the casting speed is extremely fast, unless Lu Xi’an flashes out, or there is a displacement of the direct shuttle space of ez, or he’s incomparable to Jess’s “Land of the Sky”. Familiar, otherwise it is extremely difficult to avoid.

Obviously, it is impossible for Boxing to make a flash, but it can't reach other conditions. After all, he rarely confronts Jess, so he is smashed.

This damage is not comparable to the first level. The hammer will add extra damage, plus the armor that was destroyed before the gun, and the original Lu Xi'an has less blood than Jess. Hong’s brow wrinkled.

He did not expect that this Jess was so fierce.

When I first arrived at level 2, I even rushed over without even the line of soldiers.

The key is that he has no way to escape his attack. The e-skills are added, the big moves are changed, and the double-plus is added. Even if the boxing spirit is extremely decisive to open the displacement skills, it can't hide.

After all, Lu Xi'an's displacement range is a little bigger than Weien.

If so, let's play!


Lucian started taking medicine and Jess started taking medicine.

The bodies of the two sides are directly entangled together. There is no way to entangle them. Jess's hammer form q is with a reduced state. Lu Xi'an can't have a kite unless he opens the displacement.



Jess's hammer hammered the meat, Lucian's double gun, a on Jess, but also creaking.

Only after three hits, Lu Xi'an's face changed, because he underestimated the damage and armor bonus of Jess hammer form.

Under the hammer form, Jess's flat a will have additional damage bonus, and improve his armor and magic resistance, although Jess's initiative attack attracted the hatred of the soldier, so that Jess's blood volume is already better than Lu Xi'an. A little lower, but Lu Xi'an has not forgotten, this guy's hammer form e-skills, and the cannon form of q skills, has not let go!

"Remove a wave first!"

At this point, Quan Hong is not going to fight.

"咻", he directly turned on the displacement technique "cold pursuit", but "cold pursuit" has now become a cold escape...

"Wait is now!"

Ye Che grinned, he knew, Lu Xi'an opened the displacement, the next one, I am afraid that it is flashing to escape.

After all, Quan Gong is a master. He will calculate the damage, and then he will not open the flash. Once it is bombarded by the Jess gun, and then followed by the flash, I am afraid that not only will the two strokes be lost, but the people will also be killed.

Therefore, Lu Xi'an of Boxing has just used the displacement, and a "canopy" golden light will light up from Jess.

"What, flash!!"

"My God, the flash is all open, Ye Che killing has been decided!?"

Looking at this scene, everyone’s eyes are smashed, and this is too ferocious!


The fist is faintly smiling, and with his eyes, he already knows what will happen next.

"Thunder blow!"

I saw that Jess had just flashed, and the hammer in his hand was heavily swayed. Lu Xi’an just stood still, and he was hammered by the hammer and the hammer was behind Jess.

This move was seven hundred years ago, and 9% of Jess would.

Many will flash a "Thunder blow" to hammer the enemy to their own defense tower, and then kill, but there is no Ye Che's so decisive and confident, a hammer to force the Lu Xi'an to the back, Jess instantly converted The battle form immediately became a distant hero from melee.

Then he slammed and slammed a on Lu Xi'an.

The Thunder strikes a percentage of magic damage, and the first level can hit 8% of the maximum health + all the magic damage of the ad. In this case, Lu Xi'an's blood is at least a quarter of his life.


When he was just involuntarily volleyed, Boxing knew that he had made several fatal mistakes.

One is to underestimate Jess's motivation and injury, but the second is to underestimate the cruelty of the little beast, and actually directly flash to kill.

At this time, with Jess's hammer, Lu Xi'an almost returned to Ye Che's wall-to-wall area, separated from his defensive tower by a distance.


Jess turned into a remote adc, splashing Lu Xi'an's blood, and Quanhong never dared to fight back.

As soon as he was awake from the retreat, he immediately flashed and opened the treatment. The blood volume suddenly recovered to nearly half, and then ran wildly towards his home.

"Young man, forbidden me, Dalai Levin now regrets it?"

Ye Che's heart is extremely refreshing, and when he sees the fist-headed squirrel, he only thinks that his head is extremely accessible.

Just kidding, Jess played adc, but one of his seven hundred years ago, he was not afraid of any adc, with the help of a ferocious, but also a set of take-away existence, singled out, with Jess’s burst. Who are you afraid of?

The main definition of adc is that it can continue to output. Jess can not only consume remotely but also explode in the later stage. The continuous output is not more than adnetbsp in the case of cooling and full. The original Ye Che did not want to sacrifice to bully the children, but forbidden. Delevin is disgusting with himself, and he can't stand it.

This game is not three hundred and sixty degrees of fancy killing this boxing, Ye Che himself looks down on himself!

"Hero, don't run!"

A piece of information flashed out of the public screen, and the boxing was too fast to be injured.

"This is a confession!" The boxers of Quantian and other boxers are also angry.

At this time, even if Lu Xi'an flashed, it was only back in front of Jess, and the treatment was just out of the position of Jess.

So I can't walk out of Jess's flat a range.


Jess slammed Lu Xi'an's blood to a, and Lu Xi'an did not dare to fight back. Quan Jinzhi knew that Jess had a treatment in his hand!

But with Jess's flat a, Lucian is still far away from Jess's flat a range.

However, he was relieved when he was in his heart, and when he stepped into his own tower, his eyes suddenly tightened.

I saw it, followed by a white and bright energy ball, slamming into his body.

The interface is gray and black.

The tips of FirstB1ood also sounded!

Dead, only two levels, the boxing will be singled out!

Seeing this scene, in addition to the boxer, everyone is splendid, as if the new big 6 is now.

They are now, this Jess hit adc, it is too fierce, it is just like crushing!

At this time, Ye Che slowly turned his head and looked at Quantian Heng outside the league arena. He made a mouth shape: "The first time..."

Boxing Tianheng instantly turned his face to the extreme. He naturally understood the meaning of this leaf, which is obviously the first time that his relatives were killed!

Ps: Daisy, come to the recommended ticket to reveal the face.

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