League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1072: : The strongest adc! (in)

Ps: Today is four chapters, not happy? Am I the most handsome author?

Come and come, follow my left hand and right hand in a slow motion, what? (8) (1) Δ┡文网WwW. 81.Zw. COM

Two chapters tomorrow.



"This... is this dead?"

"Is it just level 2?"

"This is not the key, the key is completely crushed like killing!"

The boxers and others all sighed in the bottom of their hearts, and they didn’t care about them, but they just talked about the murder.

In the field of the emperor's eyes, a smear of dignity, like a slide in the mind, anxiously replayed the screen of the kill.

"The form of the artillery, first open the e-skills and the door is close to the enemy, and then the remote flat a shot, the flat a shot, the big change is the shape of the warhammer while the second relocation increases, and then the q is close..."

The domain emperor muttered to himself.

Aside, the smile that has been maintained on the face of the fist is still slightly stagnation, saying: "Under the remote level a, Lu Xi'an armor is about 5 o'clock, and the Jess, who is close to the combat hammer, is increased by double resistance. In addition to the additional damage attached to the warhammer, Lu Xi'an can't compete with each other... Level 3 is even more difficult, Jess cannon form, the next three hits, there will be 2.5 attacks, that is, three combos, and then The combat warhammer is also a shield magical injury. Once Lu Xi'an is hit by q, even if there is displacement, even if it is ran, it is also a crippled body... And at the sixth level, Lu Xi'an wants to play Jess under the same equipment, it is difficult !"

"So, this hero is playing adc, it's really ok!"

The domain has a soft interface and the eyes are bright.

"How can you? Do you dare to practice??"

When the king of the field suddenly took a sigh, he did not dare to learn a new hero, or learn to learn the essence, and learned that he could spend too much time in the king's section. It took too many games.

He did not dare to risk the loss of destiny and practice.

Unless... someone has special guidance!

At this point, after killing Lu Xi'an once, Ye Che cleaned up two waves of small soldiers, and Lu Xi'an came to the line. After all, this is Lu Xi'an, who can't even afford the sandals.

Ye Che glanced at him, his mouth slightly twitched, then retreated and turned back to the city.

Jess is a hero who has nothing to lose. There are additions, reductions, and repelling. There are explosions and continuous output and consumption. The only thing missing is the amount of blue!

This hero is a hero who is extremely blue!

However, Ye Che naturally dared to play with him, and he was ready for the lack of blue. Anyway, once the blue is lost, the enemy must have died...

Back to the city, Ye Che bought two short swords and a straw shoe that attacked +1o, and then changed from time to time to go online.

However, Ye Che did not go straight to the line, but released a “plus door” from the side, and then “electric shock” aimed at Lu Xi’an who was filling the knife.

"Electric energy shock" is the same as ez's q, the distance of flying out is about 6oo code, but once it passes the "additional door", the distance can be doubled in an instant, and it can directly hit the enemy outside the 12oo yard, which is comparable to the two. The distance of a female police officer a.

Not only that, but the damage is also increasing.

And Jess has a trick of about 3o% of the players, that is, qe, q instantly open the "additional door", so the enemy can not hide unless there is displacement and flash, because the degree is too fast, and the stone It’s not much worse.

At this time, Ye Che did not open qe, after all, this is also considered a small card.


Then I heard a loud noise, a white air wave in the wall, such as the comet hitting the earth, turned into a streamer phantom and flew to Lu Xi'an who was still filling the knife.

Jess's "electric energy shock" can be no less than ez's q, "electric energy shock" can be sputtered, that is, range damage.

However, just in the "electricity shock" shot, the fist of the boxing fist vainly shrinks, this moment the strength of the peak of the show is vividly displayed, in this energy light wave will be bombarded on the body, Lu Xi'an body in the hands of the fist Pulling out a residual image, it is a sneak peek!

"it is good!!!"

The boxers cheered in an instant, and the faces of the faces appeared flushed.

This sudden rise of the level of light waves, they scared them, did not respond at all, but the boxing is not the peak of the Fan, actually escaped in the past with a millisecond difference!

"Small beasts, hiding from our homes, we don’t even think about it!"

"The previous killing was just that the owner was not on the road with Jess."

"Let you be a person, and be slammed as you wait!"

The crowds of the boxers all chilled up, and the fists of the mouth were raised with a cold smile.

"It's a bit of a skill, this is completely instinct to avoid..."

Ye Che smiled, but did not care much, after all, his adj, Jess, is not the middle of the goddess tears to consume the flow of Jess.


After escaping from Jess's remote cannon, the boxing heart was slightly loose in the moment, and then looked at Jess, who slowly walked to the line behind the wall, the more intense the killing of the heart.

However, I felt a very obvious pressure, and I was attacked by myself.

Whether it is the strong counterattack of Jess 1 and the fierce killing of level 2, and the long-range murderous long-range gun, it shows that Ye Che is an extremely dangerous opponent.

This kind of breathless feeling makes the fists of the heart collapse.

"how to spell?"

Boxing looked at Ye Che, who was carrying the thick warhammer and began to fill the knife. His brow was tightly locked and he was a little bit stunned.

If it is other adc, even if he takes a blood on the opposite side, he is not worthwhile.

Because those adcs are crisp, at this level, they dare not take the initiative to attack.

And many adc displacements, he can hide, he can also control the distance of the knife.

But this Jess is different. The special one has a momentary approach, and there is a burst and a long-range continuous output. He wants to release the kite, and after the change of the hammer, the double resistance increases, and the soldier can be ignored in a short time.

So watching Jess come up, the boxing is a bit imaginary. In order to prevent the mad dog from opening and rushing, he quickly stepped back a few steps, only to wait for the small soldier to be extremely disabled before he dared to make up one.

Looking at the boxing of such a humble, some of them could not help but say this.

The presence is a master, the senses are very sensitive, even if these are just whispered, but also heard by those who are boxers clearly.

"It's a joke, is this a strategic retreat!"

"Is this what? The little beast takes the blood of the heroic mechanism and takes a blood. Is it hard to do it first?"

"A group of papers talk about the soldiers!"

The masters of the boxers deliberately raised the sound and gave a counterattack.

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