League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1077: : Ye Che, desperate! ! !


The boxing was shocked, and it was too late to react. He saw a change in the shape of the grass. The man’s arm with cherry blossoms wrapped around the cherry blossoms, and his feet rushed out under the blessing of the gate. Ω (eight) (a) Ω "Chinese network WwW. ┡81.Zw. COM

"Hey, hey!"

Did not hesitate at all, Quan Hong immediately flashed the displacement and opened, crazy to escape to the second tower.

Ye Che did not open the flash, so the fart was chased in the back, and the fist was hard to catch up between the two towers and the high ground before he pulled away.

However, the so-called departure of this guy was blocked before the Second Tower.

Seeing this scene, Knife Qing and others are drunk, can't this be a big hatred, and obviously can kill, give him a bad time?

It’s really appropriate to torture the head of the boxer’s home from the tower to the second tower! ?

Ye Che feels very suitable. Ye Che feels that she is very kind, compared to the things that Quantian always does. At least there is no blocking spring.

At this point, looking at the block in front of the second tower, a pair of Ye Che who waited for their own appearance, the fist of Hong Kong tears the leaves of the heart have.

He has a hunch that I am afraid that if I pass it today, my reputation will be stinky. I must be promoted by the knife, the rain, and the Zhao family. I am afraid that I will not be a family owner.

And the mood of Quantian is not much worse than the fist, and his face is very blue.

Outside the arena.

"Small beast, you forced me!" Boxing Hengzheng laughed, then, directly facing the back of the same ugly old family, began to voice.

"You, this little animal is so insulting our boxers, shouldn't we kill!?"

"Of course!"

"The old man had long wanted to shoot this little smash!"

"If it is not the domain emperor, he is today, hehe!"

"Less master, is there a way you can?"

The old people of the boxers have asked or asked.

"Yes! I will wait until he comes out of the league arena. I have a law that angers him. When this little beast can't help but stop me, you can kill him on this ground!!!! ”

Chen Tianheng said here, seeing the faces of the seven old people behind him, naturally understand what they are worried about, and sneer, they continue: "You can rest assured that this kid is indeed worthy, but he is a genius, but a living genius, It's useful! As long as you shoot fast and kill him with the thunder, the domain emperor can never sin for you for a dead genius! After all, you are a good man, and there are my boxers ancestors present, Ye Che Dead, what can the domain emperor do?! By the time, Ye Che died, this game is not likely to be promoted. After all, even the protagonist is gone, who believes?"

Hearing here, the old eyes of the boxing family are instantly brightened.

This is indeed the truth. As long as you kill this little beast in an instant, even if you are a domain emperor, you can only hope to sigh.

Moreover, the reputation of the boxer has also been saved!

"Little master wise!"

"Just do it, the area drilled IV, we suddenly attacked, and with all the power, no one can save him!"

"Haha, I can finally vent my grievances!"

The boxing family is old and excited.

At this time, Boxing chose to hang up...

After all, the enemy is so persecuted, even if it hangs up, it must be said that no one has no principle.

Seeing the hang-up of the fist, the purpose was reached, Ye Che suddenly smiled, and then completed the 15o to fill the knife, ending this crushing seems to be a game.


Taking off the British soul helmet worn on the head, Ye Che and Quan Hong left the seat almost at the same time, and then went outside the arena.

Only one person's face is full of calm, the other person, but his face is gloomy.

The fists and thoughts are chaotic, and they have not recovered from the raging, and in his mind, they have always reminisced about the damage and skill of Jess.

Thinking about it, I actually had an idea to try it out.

At that moment, he could not help but be more shameful.

"Good, good afterlife, not bad, Ye Che, this Jess hit adc, is it your own?"

When Ye Chegang came out of the league arena, he saw the emperor revealing a smile and asked himself.

Aside, the fists are not looking at their own eyes, but also revealing a touch of appreciation.

"The hero is here, the wonderful hand is got it." Ye Che said slightly lightly.

If this game wins, it means that the boxing is not a dilemma.

One of the strongest kings, to be honest, does indeed make Ye Che Alexander.

However, when Ye Che’s voice just fell, a sneer voice suddenly rang from the ear. “Little beast, look here...”

This voice is a fist!

Ye Che's brow slightly wrinkled, and then went to the boxing sky to go to the past.

I saw that the fists were constantly moving, and the six Yaos on the side seemed to have a few words.

6 Yao seems to have a trace of confusion on her face, but she is also inexplicably familiar with Quan Tianheng. Under the memory confusion, she finally nodded, and then she reached out and took the handkerchief from Quantian Heng. It seemed to be kneeling down. Body.

"what did you say!?"

Ye Che's face changed.

"Oh, the shoes are dirty, too lazy to bend over, this is not going to bother your little lover to help wipe it..."

Boxing Tian Heng smiled and said, deep in the eyes, but flashed a touch of Sen Han.

Let 6 Yao shoes! ?

Ye Che’s heart began to spurt with anger. However, he did not lose his mind. He knew that the boxing was not present. He couldn’t take this boxing, so he just shouted: “6 Yao!!”

This voice shouted, and the words of the domain emperor could not be stopped.

However, 6 Yao did not respond to Ye Che’s words. As always, he leaned forward and leaned forward.

"Chong Tianheng, you are looking for death!" Through the power of the field, Ye Che snorted at the fist, and the plainness of his face has disappeared.

Then, instead of waiting for Chen Tianheng to return, Ye Che’s body moves, and he has to stop the movement of 6 Yao.

However, his body just moved in the direction of the boxing constant, a few bursts of sound, just like the practice of countless times, and at the same time.

"Protect less master!"

"Little beast, you dare!"

"Don't dare to attack Tianheng Shaozhu, death sin!"

"A big dog, go to hell!!!"

With the appearance of these explosions, the seven horrible bodies suddenly smashed the space and appeared in front of Ye Che in a blink of an eye.


The space shattered, the space rumbling, and the ground of the courtyard of the knife house could not stand this heavy pressure, and it was directly shattered.

As soon as the seven figures appeared in front of Ye Che, Ye Che felt that the whole body was sinking, and in a moment he was forced to be crushed by the horror to the extreme.

"Seven Van Masters!!!?"

Ye Che's pupil shrinks and the scalp is numb.

And these seven masters seem to have been preparing for a long time, just to live in Ye Che's body, they have their own heroes in their hands, and then with the power to tear the space, head to Ye Che's head.

A shot is the full force!

This is the power of a collection of seven masters. Once you are in the middle of the leaves, the gods will not save him, and you will die!

This scene is really too fast, even if it is a domain emperor, in this moment, there is no time to rescue.

"Boxer, you are looking for death!!!"

Knife Qing and other people are furious, but this moment can only be looked at, the hands and feet are cold.

"Small beast, go to hell... your little lover, after you die, I will be good... Oh no, take care of it! Hahahaha!"

At this moment, the fist is always laughing.

Ps: What? If you add more to you next Monday, ask for support 噢^_^

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