League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1078: : Come on, block me! ! !

However, the ridiculous laughter from Quantian’s voice, Ye Che could not hear. (8) "(1) Chinese Δ" network WwW. *81.Zw. COM

He only felt that this moment, like the sky will fall down.

Infinite pressure, with suffocating power, makes Ye Che feel that his head is being squeezed by the golden hoop, and he has no time to think about anything else.

Seven people, full of seven masters, this power is enough to compare the strike of Fan Feng!

Ye Che is not a diamond IV. If it is not his strong body, he usually drills IV. He is afraid that if he is subjected to this pressure alone, he will be directly crushed and died.

This scene was born too fast, Ye Che did not expect it at all, this is actually the killing of Chen Tianheng on his own arrangement.

At this point, no one can save him, the only thing that can count on himself is himself!

"Guardian ball!"

Seeing the attack of these seven people, with the power to break the space, when they fell on the leaf that could not move, they slammed into the mouth of Ye.

In the meantime, I saw a milky white cover that bloomed from Ye Che.

The hood was crystal clear, with a thick and strange atmosphere on it. As soon as it appeared, it just happened to resist the attack of the seven bombardments.

"Defensive top heroes!!!?"

The seven singers had a glimpse of an incredible color in their eyes.

The defensive class of heroes is okay to say that as long as there is a military exploit, you can buy it.

But this kind of top defensive hero that can defend against the attack of the masters, but there is no warfare to buy, only in the vestige of the ancestors, there is a chance to find!

At this time, between the seven singers, the attack has been smashed above the "Guardian Sphere".

Then I heard the "咔嚓" sound, and under the joint of seven full-faced people, the "Guardian Method Ball" suddenly cracked. Then, just for a second, it was directly turned into sporadic pieces, broken. Cracked open.

This scene shows that Ye Xuexin is bleeding, and the value of the "Guardian's Method Ball" is only a matter of more than one billion years of warfare. It is a reward for Wang Hao under the magical sea.

But when it was used for the first time, it was destroyed. How can Ye Che not hate it.

The eyes swept through the seven people, and the seven people naturally felt the killing in Ye's eyes.

"This son can't stay!" The seven old people of the boxing school are all stunned, and the top defensive heroes, even if they can't afford it, can be owned by the Diamond IV in this area, which really makes them feel up and down.

Therefore, if you don’t do it, you have to shoot again.

However, once unsuccessful, there is a chance for them to shoot again.

At this moment, I only heard a cold, a faceless expression, and the figure of majesty appeared in front of the boxer.

This figure is a golden robes, and the eyes are shining like the sun and the moon.

The seven of the boxers did not feel the slightest fluctuation in space, and this person appeared out of thin air.

"domain emperor!!!"

Seven of the boxers, at the same time as the cold, fear, but they also know that this fast killing operation is only a complete failure.

They have not counted the count, and this little beast has the top defensive hero.

At this point, the domain Huang Gang appeared in front of Ye Che, his right hand was lifted, followed by a stroke.


If the sound of an object being torn by both hands, between the seven places and the domain emperor, the space suddenly breaks, revealing a crack in the black lacquered space, and then collapses.

These seven boxers only felt that all the true feelings of this moment were instantly chaotic, and the field behind them was directly broken.

In the next second, the seven faces were white as if they were subjected to some kind of invisible slamming. The corners of the mouth overflowed with blood, and they fell from the air on the ground, and then retreated.

Almost in synch, when the domain emperor appeared, Ye Che’s body pressure disappeared, and then he swayed and rushed in the direction of Quantian.

However, Ye Che was not stunned by anger, and even his mind was extremely calm.

His goal is 6 Yao, first take 6 Yao to a safe place, and then find a boxing day to settle accounts.

"call out!"

Ye Che is very fast, and he has already come to 6 Yao in an instant.

"Dream!" Chen Tianheng saw it, burst into a burst, the next second, a golden pistol, has appeared in his hands.

Then, he shot like a dragon, the gold gun in his hand, directly smashed Ye Qi, the air around the gun was completely exhausted!

I have to say that the deterrence of this gun is enough to make Quantian Heng proudly call the king in the second stage of the drill.

But Ye Che is now, not the first time in the two realms of Ye Che.

"Go to your mother!" Ye Che saw this boxing Tian Heng, actually came to block himself, stunned for a long time, finally burst.

After a low bang, a group of three-color energy groups that made the fists of the fists shrink and suddenly collapsed.

"Come on, block me!! Fifty times three-color fusion skills!" Ye Chu burst.


At that time, the three-color energy group violently exploded in front of the boxing Tianheng.

However, Ye Che did not appear. When he used the power of heroes, 6 Yao’s eyes burst into strange colors.

"6 Yao, go!"

Ye Che said in a hurry, then grabbed 6 Yao's arm with his right hand and instantly moved away from the explosion site.

6 Yao seems to feel something in Ye Che at this moment, and there is no resistance, but there is a look of extreme peace of mind on his face.

At the same time, Ye Chegang took Liu Yao away from here, and he heard a "bang", and the place where Quan Tianheng was in, suddenly exploded.


The endless wave of energy spreads out in a circular madness, and the ground of that piece is cut off by a layer.

Fifty times three-color fusion technology, it is exactly the equivalent of a strong one!

According to Ye Che’s estimation, this boxing day will be hit by this blow, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

However, as the smoke dissipated, the scene of Ye Che's face was gloomy.

In that place, Quantian Heng stood without any damage, except that his face was pale, and even the clothes were not damaged.

Ye Che's eyes moved and fell on the person who was in front of Quan Tianheng. This person's face is white, like a teenager, it is the fist!

"Damn!" Ye Che tightened his fists, while hating, at the same time, his heart was secretly scared. Fifty times of the three-color fusion technique, even a bristles of the boxing, could not be hurt, the gap is too big. It is.

"Ye Che, it seems that you are really as old as my boxing family, I want to attack my Tianheng grandson!" The fist is not expressionless, but his heart is clear, before the ring in the seven Waiting for it, this Ye Che wants to kill Quan Tian, ​​it is impossible.

Therefore, it is very likely that Quantian could not stand the humiliation of his father, so he made this happen.

However, after all, Chen Tianheng is his grandson, the heir to the boxer, and he naturally will not watch the fists of Tian Heng being punishable by the domain emperor.

So, I have this question, I want to confuse.

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