League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1091: : swearing, dead!

Ps: I really didn't update the status today, but I still resisted the confusion and updated my mind. My dad fell from the upstairs because of cleaning up things. About four meters high (the wooden building at home), ears Nearby is full of blood, it is very likely that the cranial blood, now in the hospital nursed back to health. ┡(8)(一)中文文网Ww%W. 81.Zw. COM

Now I barely got out of a chapter, and maybe I can update a chapter before ten o'clock.



Some people in the place felt that there was a cold behind. However, it was not until someone answered, and a hearty laughter was already passed away.

"Ha ha ha ha, Wu Yang brother, the domain emperor, don't come innocent!"

When the voice fell, everyone only felt that the figure flashed, and suddenly there were three more powerful figures in front of them.

"Old ancestors!"

"Old ancestors!!"

Knife Qingtian and Zhao Xiu, watching two of the three people, the words are full of surprises and surprises.

Another person who is called a voice, but a family member, is also full of excitement.

These are all, although they have finally arrived outside the Blue Flame Island, but they have no leadership of their own kings. After all, they are a little embarrassed. Now they see their own ancestors, and naturally they are very excited.

"Knife, the wind, Zhao Fengxian!" The domain of the emperor's face unchanged from the three men.

The face of the fist that was originally sullen, the babies that appeared in the three, but they recovered from calmness, and then looked at the three people faintly: "You three are not on the front line, run here to do it?"

There is still a hint of luck in his heart, thinking that the three are only subconsciously following.

"What? Why? You don't tell me, you have to go back to the heroic city from the front, and cross the 10,000-meter deep ocean, then enter the big deep pit, just to appreciate the scenery?"

Knife Longpi smiled and said, Knife Long is the ancestor of the knife family. The whole person looks like a blade with the same handle, sharp and sharp.

At this time, with the words of Knife, the nearly 100 strong breaths are getting closer.

Then, it turned into a stream of light, falling in front of the Palace of Hemingdinger.

Ye Che’s eyes swept away, and everyone’s breath was unfathomable.

"Nearly a hundred people... In this way, the top players in the heroic city have come....but this news, who is leaking out..." Ye Che secretly said, his eyes are not revealing The person swept over.

At the same time, with the arrival of these mortals, when their eyes fell on the palace of Hemingmedinger, a voice of amazement and a breath of cold air rang from their mouths.

"My God... This is, it is really a heroic relic!"

"God, the news really passed down well, the palace of Hemingdinge, is this the remains of the Daming family!!!"

"The remains of the heroic body have not appeared for hundreds of years, and my Yuwen family is rising!"

All the masters, at the moment of landing, can not remain calm, looking at the palace of Hemingdinger, all of them have a blooming light.

Looking at this scene, I took another look at the eyes of the emperor and the fist of the young man who had already started to be cold, and the knife and the wind and Zhao Fengxian did not continue the topic, lest they both stimulate them.

"You are quiet!"

There was a majesty on the thin face of the wind.

In an instant, all the people who were boiling incomparably were quiet, and they watched the winds one by one.

"The remains of the heroic body represent a new routine tactical play, the new hero inheritance and the hero will be born!" The tone of the sound of the wind, although as usual, is very appealing.

Look at those who shine with their eyes, they will know.

"How to do?"

The fist is not sent to the domain emperor.

Although the power of the field has been banned, the district can still be heard.

"Out of the ghost! The kill!" The eyes of the domain's Sen Han, swept through the knife, Chong Chong, Zhao Xiu and others.

Inside, the biggest suspect is them.

His true killings were extremely blasting, and three more kings joined in. The obvious wolf was less meaty, how could he not hate.

"In the current situation, this is not the point!" The fist is not wrinkled.

"Oh! Nothing, they are even if they come in, don't forget, the heroic relics are definitely not so easy to get, and we, but the sons of heroes lead the way! Because it is only the relationship of memory, even if Ye Che is somewhat blurred But we should also know some, this is our advantage!" said the domain emperor Shen Sheng.

The fist nodded and nodded, his eyes fell on Ye Che, and his heart was slightly safe.

"Under the domain, the younger brother, you are not going in?"

At this point, the wind saw it.

Behind him, there are also Koulong and Zhao Fengxian, and everyone is also gazing at the domain emperor and boxing.

"You are too smart to come in. It’s too late to laugh."

"It is a great merit to find the remains of heroes. This is a great event for everyone in China. It is not too late. I will take a step forward!" Zhao Fengxian heard the fists of Weiyang and said directly.

Zhao Fengxian wore a long black dress with a slight wrinkle on her face. Although she was a king, it was a pity that she was too old. It was a bigger grade than the age of the boxing, but the strength was weaker than the boxing.

So on the scene, she is the most urgent for the remains of heroes.

As soon as the voice fell, her whole person crossed the space in an instant and rushed over to the gate of the Palace of Hemedinger.

This scene was born too fast, not only the people present, but the other four kings did not react.

"Want to win the first opportunity!?"

The smile on the face of the fist is disappeared instantly, and the whole person has to step through and follow the past.

However, at this time, only to listen to a sigh, Zhao Fengxian just crossed the space to the front door of the Palace of Hemingdinger, the whole person was struck by lightning and again and again.


When I saw this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Feng Xian?" The ancestor of the knife family, the knife eyes are condensed.

"There is a strange force field near this gate. My sincerity is completely chaotic, and I can't cross the space!" Zhao Fengxian said with amazement, his eyes on the gate of the Hemingdinger Palace, and the shooting continued.

“Can't you use Shinji?” Ye Che’s heart was slightly shocked.

The rest, as well as the brows of the domain emperor and others, also wrinkled.

At this time, it seems that Zhao Fengxian touched the door forbidden. Under the horror of everyone, I only heard the sound of "咔咔咔", and then there were five singular turrets from both sides of the gate. Rise up.

At the same moment, the door was slowly opened, and a short purple robot that slowly came out from the inside.

The short robot, with a barrel that looks ordinary in his hand, has a purple flash in his eyes. When everyone looks at it with a little curiosity, it slowly opens, and the sound is like two pieces of aluminum. Fighting, it makes people have a lot of goose bumps.

"The Palace of Hemingdinger, the aliens are forbidden to enter, swearing, and dying!"

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