League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1092: : The end of the day to meet the enemy mode!

"Good swearer, dead ???"

Everyone present, including Ye Chul, heard the words of this short robot, and all the faces were full of funny colors. "(8) (1) ┡中┡文网WwW. 『81.Zw. COM

Just kidding, there are more than one hundred people in the presence and the five strongest kings.

This little robot actually dared to say that the singer died.

"Hey, arrogant, dead? Grandpa, I will dismantle you first!"

A big man with a naked upper body and a muscle explosion, a sinister fire in his eyes.

This big man majored in Mondo, his temper was violent, and he saw a small robot who dared to threaten himself and others. When the voice fell, he rushed over.

Halfway through, his whole body muscles, madly swelled, his flesh-colored muscles, slowly becoming purple and bigger, just two times more than Swah Singh.

Although this strong man seems to be arrogant, he is actually timid. He knows that although this robot seems to be low and small, it is a relic of the heroic body. There must be something unusual.

So directly is the full force shot, he wants to directly kill the little robot, the first one, rushed into the heroic relics, won the first opportunity!

This is his real intention!


Under the full collision of this purple muscle man, the sea water exploded madly, and the sea water along the way was directly turned into a vacuum state, and the whole person, in the blink of an eye, arrived at the gate, the purple fist of the right hand casserole, The sly face of this little robot smashed past.

"Smash you!" Purple muscles burst into a burst.

The field can't be used, and the truth can't be used, so he is directly brute force.

At this time, in the eyes of the purple short robot, suddenly there was a blue lightning flashing. "The warning is invalid, killing! Hecks storm magnetic cracking!!!"


When I said that it was too late, under the gaze of everyone, when I saw the fist of this purple muscle man, I had to blast it on the robot. A rotating magnetic field storm suddenly saw it in the barrel of the robot. Spewing out.


In the next second, I heard a loud bang, and under the cold of all people, this was the purple muscle of the Hecks storm, and the whole person was shrinking.

"How... how..."

The purple muscle man was so stunned at this moment that he only felt that there were countless tiny particles in his muscles that were raging.

These particles are magnetically strong, and they are madly stirred in their own internal organs, brain, and limbs.

With the stirring, the strength of the purple muscles suddenly weakened, the muscles began to shrink, the line of sight began to blur, the water began to steam, and the power of the position was mad at this moment.

Just less than a second, after the expansion, up to two meters five purple muscles, hard and concentrated to less than half a meter.

Then, in his more screaming screams, he turned into a human skin, and this human skin, slowly falling from the air on the ground, has been steamed, without traces.


A silence...

Everyone who saw this scene, all eyes and eyes, looked at the place where the purple muscles completely evaporated.

Ye Che is also full of face, this purple muscle man, but a master of the genius, by the so-called Hecks storm magnetic cracking, actually directly flew away, it is too horrible.

And Boxing, Quantian and others are stupid, and they look at the little robot one by one, and they don’t even dare to move.

The domain emperor, boxing Weiyang, Xiliufeng, Gonglong and Zhao Fengxian are also full of shocks, completely unexpected to see such a result.

"Hykes storm magnetic cracking... a terrible attack..."

For a long time, the domain emperor spit out a sigh of relief, and the tone was astonishing and fanatical.

In his heart, he even thought that this was only in front of the door of Hemedinger, there was such a terrible weapon, and the things inside were more mysterious.

Thinking, the heart of the domain emperor bounced a few times.

At this time, after hearing the words of the domain emperor, the talents reacted and attacked. This is not the merit of the short robot, but the weapon in its hands!

For a time, everyone’s eyes fell on the barrel of the little robot, and it was full of heat.

Ye Che is also a shock in the heart, watching the ordinary gun barrel in the hands of this short robot, can not think of it, its attack can directly kill a master!

However, at this time everyone just dared to look at it with enthusiasm and dare not go forward any more.

After all, the purple car big man's foresight is still there.


Looking at the people who started to stir up, the domain emperor said: "When you want to enter the palace of Hemingdinger, you must first kill this little robot. Although its attack power is strong enough to kill the masters, we are so many. People, if they attack together, it is powerless to stop! And our five kings join hands, presumably enough to withstand its attack!"

"The domain emperor is wise!"

"To be right, this short robot attack is stronger, and only one attack can be made at a time. We can easily dismantle it under our joint efforts!"

The faces of everyone are showing joy.

At this time, the domain emperor, the fist is not in the center, the wind is flowing, and the five people, Gonglong and Zhao Fengxian, have stood together.

Although they are expensive kings, there is no slightest flaw in this kind of attack that they have never seen before. They must join hands to destroy it instantly with the thunder.


Five people broke through the water, and more than one hundred people behind them, including Ye Che, also slowly followed the past.

However, just five people, such as the domain emperor, just gathered strength, stepped on the steps before the door, the eyes of the short robot, its blue thunder, appeared again.

At this moment, everyone's heart is a moment of tension.

They didn't forget that when the purple muscles died, the blue robot thunder appeared in the eyes of the little robot.

However, when the five kings, such as the domain emperor, are waiting for the gods, the cold voice once again sounds from the mouth of the short robot: "Detecting high-risk energy bodies, starting the end-day level to meet the enemy mode!"

As its voice just fell, under the horror of everyone, a series of "咔咔咔" sounds rang.

Then, there were hundreds of short robots holding the Hex storm magnetic bursting gun barrel, which surged out of the gate.

"The trough!"

Looking at this scene, there is a person who can't help but burst into a foul mouth.

Originally dealing with such a short robot, they were afraid, and now there are hundreds of people directly, this is the rhythm of life!

The five kings, such as the domain emperor and the boxing fan, are also somewhat dumbfounded.

Looking at the hundreds of short robots that were bombarded with the Hex storm, Ye Che was secretly stepping back.

Just kidding, even the people can't get a blow. If hundreds of Hecks storms are blown up, don't even mention it. I am afraid that it is the strongest king. If there is no field strength, it will fall. Let's go out of the game.

Ps: Thank you for your concern to my dad. Anyway, I will definitely make up for the owed chapters. Then don’t think of the blue water island’s story, because this is a very important and important turning story, so it’s meticulous. some.

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