League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1098: : Weird variation "Mondo"! ! !

Among the thirteen figures, there are three figures, Ye Che is very familiar, it is the boxer who joined forces to kill their own three!

There are three more, it seems to be the family of the family. ┡(8)(一)中文文网Ww%W. 81.Zw. COM

The six men joined together and fought wildly with the other seven figures.

When Ye Che's eyes fell on the seven figures, he sucked a cold breath, and his eyes were full of incredulousness.

The seven figures, about three meters tall, licked the purple muscles of the body, bulging high, like a python twisting on the body.

In the abdomen, the eight purple abdominal muscles give a thrilling feeling, the thick arms, like the peerless soldiers, the squatting boxers and the six of the family's six fangs.

But this is not the point. The point is that this purple body and style is exactly the same as the Zuan madman, Mondo! ! !

In addition to the head!

The heads of these seven figures are all made of King Kong, and they are not afraid of these attacks.

They have a large syringe on their back and a syringe in their right hand, always looking for a chance to shoot them on the enemy.

The left hand, but with a rusty kitchen knife.

Ye Che saw with his own eyes, a Xi Jiafan accidentally licked the knife of this kitchen knife, the whole arm instantly collapsed, this kitchen knife seems to contain an unparalleled virus!

A feeling of creepy hair began to rise in the heart of Ye Che.

First of all, the ‘caution’ on the residual map. Now it’s the same body as Mundo, and there’s more than one. It’s really weird. What exactly is it made of?

Still born, there will be?

The fourth layer, even the bottom, the ghost knows that something terrible will exist.

For a time, Ye Che’s heart even played a retreat.

At this moment, Ye Che only heard a very miserable scream, and a family member of the family was given a slap in the face of this mutated "Mondo".

Almost just an instant, on the old face of this famous family, the blood vessels on the body immediately appeared like a small insect.

Then it swells and swells wildly. Some blood vessels burst directly, and some blood vessels are as thick as a little finger.

And these cyan blood vessels begin to become purple with the degree of visible to the naked eye.

The hair on his head fell, and then the brown head grew out, giving off an unpleasant smell.

His eyes seemed to be pulled by a pair of invisible big hands, and they suddenly became bigger and bigger. Then, because of the excessive catalytic force, the eyes were shot out, and their eyes were bloody.

Then, his tongue was blue, crazy and long, and he was pulling out of the big mouth.

His mouth is also seven or eight times larger than before, occupying one-half of the face.


Three seconds later, this Xi Jiafan, from a handsome middle-aged handsome guy, turned into a sly monster.

Seeing this scene, the other five strong, even if you are expensive, this moment is also cold and cold.

"Fast... Contact the clan, ask for support!!!"

One of the five men, an old boxing family, said with amazement.

This old age should be very old, even if it has been using the power of the paragraph to maintain the image, it looks like a 50-year-old man, there are many wrinkles on his face.

"Understood, the Eagles are old!"

Aside, a young and many boxers, nodded quickly, and at the same time had to pick up the things of their own clan.

At this time, the seven mutations "Mondo" roared, the virus chopper and the strange syringe in the hand, culled again.

What is even more terrifying is that the family member who was smashed by Mondo, who was in the body, also groaned in the throat, opened his mouth wide and opened a bite at them.

Upon seeing it, the faces of the five people became extremely blue.

"Boxing, you ask the ancestors to rescue, I will block this blow for you!" The Eagles snorted and screamed, and three heroes with a strong breath appeared.

He is risking damage to all heroes, and he has to fight for time.

The boxer Eagles looked at these variations "Mondo", their eyes were extremely gloomy, they were really powerful, the attack of the heroes fell on them, and only about five centimeters of wounds could be cut, and the mutation "Mondo", single On the thickness of the muscles, there are three or four decimeters, which cannot be hurt at all.

The mobility is also terrible, and they can't do it if they want to escape.


At this time, the old hero of the eagle, and the chopper of the three variants of "Mondo", collided together and made a roar.

The old eagle's heroic device trembled madly, and there seemed to be a danger of cracking, but fortunately, it was still blocked.

That boxing was overjoyed, and the source of the rescue signal was released, and it was released.

However, when it was said that it was too late, the signal source in his hand had just come out, a dazzling three-color energy group, suddenly with a terrible breath, madly rushed over to him.

"Hero skills, someone sneaked!!!"

The fists are big, the eagle is old, and it is also a look of horror.

The timing of the release of this heroic skill is really terrifying. It is the time when the old power of the eagle is exhausted and the new force is not born.

Then I heard a "bang" sound, and it was about to fall on the old Eagle and the boxing.

"not good!!!"

The two were shocked, and under the rush, they only had time to sway a layer of power and keep them in front of them.

However, this heroic skill is blocked, and the mutated "Mondo", followed by the attack, they can no longer block.

"Do not!!!"

The eagle old man and the boxing scorpion, his eyes widened, and then he felt that his eyes were black, and his head had been directly cut off by the three-headed "Mondo" virus kitchen knife. "Ye Che, Ye Che, little beast, you dare to attack, ah ah, I want you to die!!!!"

The only remaining boxing family is old and screams.

He has already seen the three-color fusion technique released from Ye Che, and he saw that the sneak attacker is exactly the Ye Che!


This boxing family is old and completely mad. He knows that he has escaped the mortal situation today, so he does not defend at all. The whole person turns into a lightning bolt, and madly rushes toward the direction of the three-color hero skill.

He only wants to change his life, just want to kill the beast who sneaked on his own people!


Ye Che did not move, leaning against the corner of a hundred meters away, a whisper of expressionless expression.


Then I heard a sigh, the last old body of the boxing family just jumped, and the back was tied by a squirming "Mondo" syringe.

Originally, with their strength, they can fully support the arrival of the support, but because Ye Che seized the opportunity to take a very decisive blow, but instantly destroyed.

The remaining two seats are old, and my heart is cold. With the variation of "Mondo", the old moment of slaughtering the boxing family, the white face of the face escaped.

While fleeing, their hearts are cold, I don't know what kind of hatreds Ye Ke and the boxers have, and in this situation, they are sneak attack on them.

That is a full three masters, so dead!

At this time, looking at the three of the seven people who had killed themselves before the boxer, all of them changed into people who were not ghosts and ghosts. Ye Che’s heart could not help but spit out a sigh.

It’s been turbid, he’s been stunned for a long time.

However, he was waiting for him to think that the seven variants of "Mondo" are going to continue to chase down the old family, but they are in vain. These seven variations, "Mondo", are actually brushing their heads, and they are slightly raised. The virus kitchen knife is actually pointing in this direction.

"God, isn't it... now I am, how is it possible!!!"

Ye Che’s eyes are wide in vain.

Ps: Thank you for your concern to my dad, thank you ^_^.

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