League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1099: : Thousands of variations "Mondo"!

Ps: Thank you for your support. If possible, I will try my best tomorrow. The main line of this book has officially started!



Despite this, Ye Che’s heart still has a hint of luck, and it is only a coincidence that the seven variants of “Mondo” look to this side. Ω (eight) (a) Ω "Chinese network WwW. ┡81.Zw. COM

But when I saw the seven variations of "Mondo" directly turned around and rushed over here, Ye Che couldn't help but scream.


Ye Che's slap in the face, the entire metal channel seems to tremble, a deafening sound.

In the next second, his palm was completely diamondized, and a shot on the wall, the whole person, like a javelin lightning, swept away in the distance.

There was an urgent "whistling" sound in his ear, and Ye Che’s ears were windy, but he was full of horror.

The seven variants of "Mondo" are not for themselves. The key is to give up the enemy who has played for so long, but in turn, what is the meaning of chasing yourself! ?

Ye Che is sullen and full of strength.

But the footsteps of the seven mutated "Mondo" behind him are getting closer and closer.

Their degree is terrible, even faster than Ye Che.

Ye Che knows that according to this situation, he must be caught up.

"This is impossible! Ai Xi let me come here. My strength at that time is completely inferior to the present. Once I meet them, is it not dead!? Plus now they suddenly inexplicably sense me, then Crazy chasing me, is it..."

I thought that Ye Che suddenly stepped forward and stopped!

He wants to gamble, otherwise according to such a situation, he will be caught up in as long as ten seconds. If this is the case, it is better to stop and try.


Ye Che fell heavily on his feet, stopped himself from continuing to rush forward, and then took a deep breath and looked back.

Almost for a moment, the seven-variant "Mondo" came to Ye.

Their cold heads, pure white eyes, staring at Ye Che, seem to be exploring something.

"call out!"

Almost at the same moment, Ye Che’s power of the paragraph is in the past, against the blood of the colorful hero.

As the blood of the colorful English soul is activated, a hint of inexplicable breath suddenly comes from Ye Che.

This kind of breath is not felt by the leaves, and other people have never felt it, but these variants "Mondo" seem to feel it.

In their eyes, at this moment, they showed a sorrowful color of sadness, and they stood there one by one, watching Ye Che.

This is the first time Ye Che has observed them at such a close distance. The absolute strength of the three-meter height and the explosion-like purple muscles is extremely shocking to Ye Che's visual sense.

However, at this time he was in doubt, because in the moment he activated the colorful blood of the soul, the seven variations of "Mondo" seemed to be full of emotions.


The mutated "Mondo" on the left side suddenly moved, pointing at Ye Che's back.

This kind of action makes Ye Che Chang breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that he guessed it right. Everything in the palace of Hemingdinge seems to be affected by the blood of the colorful soul.

"What is this colorful English soul blood, it can affect the heroic relics..." Ye Che secretly said.

At this time, the seven mutated "Mondo" had crossed Ye Che's body and then went to one of the passages.

Seeing Ye Che is still there, one of the variations "Mondo" can not help but out of the strange sound.

"This is... let me follow them?"

Ye Che stunned, and then just a slight sink, he followed.

Then, for the next period of time, it was almost the most tormented moment in Ye Che’s life. After the seven-fold variation “Mondo” left and right around for more than half an hour, Ye Che’s horror now seems to have gone. Extremely deep, it seems to have come to the mutated "Mondo" nest.

Just a distance of more than 100 meters, Ye Che met at least twenty heads and seven variations of "Mondo". When Ye Che passed, he looked at it with cold and bloodthirsty eyes. The cold hair is upside down.

But in the next second, they didn't know what they had sensed. They all stood there, sorrowful in their eyes, and then watched Ye Che go away with the seven variations of "Mondo."

Along the way, Ye Che met at least two hundred variations of "Mondo"!

This number, those who come in, once met, are afraid to be directly destroyed.

Ye Che took a deep breath and his face was full of surprise.

There are so many variations of these "Mondo". In this heroic relic, what depends on what survived?

They are not robots, except for the head, the whole body is also **, according to the conservation of energy, to maintain such a large body, you must consume a considerable amount of energy to do it!

At the time of Ye Chu’s self-guessing, the mutated “Mondo” in front of the road had stopped, and Ye Che looked up and saw that there was a cracked large pit standing there.

Around the pit, countless variations of "Mondo" are there.

Ye Che roughly estimated it, at least a thousand.

This scene can not help him to take a breath of cold, this is the variation of thousands of heads of the mortal "Mondo", the visual impact of gathering together, it is terrible.

But the point is, what are they doing here?

Thinking of this, Ye Che looked into the cracked crater.

The pit is incomparably dark, like the mouth of a giant beast, and these variants "Mondo" facelessly stand on the edge of this "big mouth".

Suddenly, Ye Che’s eyes were condensed. He now, in this cracked big pit, there seems to be any fog, and it has drifted out.

These fogs are purple, they slowly drift away, and then spread around here, but most of them are melted into the body of these variants, "Mondo."

With the incorporation of purple mist, the sounds of these "mutual" bodies have been heard, and their faces have suddenly shown great enjoyment.

Ye Che went up the crater and didn't see the metal ceiling. It was actually a dark pit.

The two large pits correspond to each other. The purple mist here is leaking, and it floats over it.

"Is it... on the upper level, is there such a place?" Ye Che said to himself, and his heart was dark and shocked.

Because he thought of it, this heroic relic, but there are five layers, if each layer has such a nest, the number of variations "Mondo"...

Thinking of this, Ye Che did not dare to think again, this is really amazing.

You must know that these variants are "Mondo" and you can finish it all at one end!

At this time, the seven "mutations" Mondo seemed to have scattered signals. The thousands of heads were full of expressionless expressions, and the variation of the purple mist, "Mondo", looked up one by one and then looked at Ye Che. Come over.

Ye Che looked at this scene, and the scalp was somewhat fried, but after all, he experienced so many lives and deaths. He was also a cowardly person. He only took a breath and then walked over with the seven "mutations". .

Blocking the road, the variation of the "Mondo" around the big pit, let the road open quickly, but their eyes are always staring at Ye Che.

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