League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1100: :beginning! (on)

"Da da da……"

Ye Che walked lightly on the metal floor with a slight squeak, and soon he came to the edge of the big pit. (8) (1) ΔΔ文网WwんW. 『81.Zw. COM

"Hey, check out..."

Suddenly, the seven variants "Mondo" turned around, and there seemed to be a flash of excitement in their eyes. While they wanted to say something to Ye Che, they pointed their fingers at the big pit.

Ye Chu was a little speechless because he couldn’t understand it.

But looking at the mutated "Mondo" who are also excited about the hot colors, Ye Che couldn't help but take a step forward, and then looked at the probe in the big pit of the seven variants "Mondo."

"What's inside?" Ye Cheshun said to himself.

However, the next second, Ye Che only felt a pain in the buttocks, and the back of the buttocks was smashed, and it was directly off the ground and fell into the pit.

"Mondo, I rely on your uncle!!!"

A voice of sorrow and anger, from the mouth of the pit in the big pit, passed far.

He did not expect that this road has always been a very good-natured variation of "Mondo", and now he has played this set.

"Ah, ah~~~"

The last word, echoed in the entire pit, and then became smaller and smaller.

Seeing Ye Che fell into the big pit, thousands of mutated "Mondo" in the field, actually excited to scream at the edge of the big pit.

The sounds of their collection, the big monks, spread wildly in the entire house of Hemingdinger, making countless things stunned.

They are not ignorant, and in the third layer of the Palace of Hemingmeding, they are too familiar with this voice.

This kind of physical defense is strong, the head is wrapped in metal, and there are almost no monsters, which are already a nightmare for these masters.

Once you meet, if there are a few people who are united, if it is a person, it will definitely die for a lifetime.

At this time, I heard the earth-shattering howl. They thought that these "Mondo" monsters had to be dispatched. They couldn’t help but find the passages. They all started to gather together.

Of course, the boxing is not in the center, except for the five kings of Xifengfeng, Yuhuang, Gonglong and Zhao Fengxian.

Among them, Boxing Weiyang and Gonglong, have already arrived at the fourth floor, and are trying their best to find the way to the fifth floor!

At the same time, Ye Che was stunned after a few tens of seconds of falling, and he finally fell to the ground.

Suddenly, he groaned with a sigh of relief, and then Ye Che looked down subconsciously.

At first glance, it was a big shock.

The ground, or the metal structure, but can no longer see the metal wall passage, and because I have seen the map, Ye Che understands that the only thing that has no metal wall passage, only the lowest level in this heroic relic!

"Is it right, I came directly to the bottom!?"

Ye Che's eyes are bright.

He thought that the big pit, since it is up and down, every layer has it, then if it falls, it is very likely that it will reach the bottom!

The original Ye Che's look was still a bit sorrowful, but after seeing himself directly to the bottom, the eyes of laughter were stunned.

Standing up, Ye Che began to look around the environment.

His gaze saw a flowing purple stream at a glance.

This purple creek flows in the hall in the form of a surround. There are blisters rising from time to time. This purple river is hot!

As the blisters burst, a purple mist rushes out and then slowly rises.

What makes Ye Che feel the most is that these purple mists are actually condensed and not scattered!

"It seems that the purple mist they have captured is produced by this purple river..."

Ye Che said to himself, but the next second was shocked, and the whole person was stunned.

Just purple fog, you can make those mutations "Munduo" so powerful, then, the purple mist completely constructed by liquid, how powerful! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Che's eyes can't help but flash a madness.

However, he just dared to think about it. When he thought of the distorted body of the mutated "Mondo", Ye Che felt that he was still excused, and he did not want to become like that.

After hard to let his eyes move away, Ye Che looked at the center of the hall again.

In this heart, there is a huge cylindrical glass tube.

This glass tube is incomparably huge, its top end, direct contact and at the highest point of the main hall, about three hundred meters.

The width is also tens of meters thick.

In the glass tube, there is a white chill, which makes Ye Che can't see inside.

This made Ye Che unable to walk past, and then close to it, close to want to observe.

However, in the next second, a huge purple face suddenly appeared in the glass tube, just in the direction of Ye Chu.

The face was almost two or three meters long, and there was a three-meter-long cyan tongue. From the mouth of the face, it pulled out.

However, his eyes were closed, but the frosty ice crystals condensed on his face.


Ye Che's sly squats almost stood up, and the whole body was back four or five steps, full of horror.

Almost the same moment!

"Boom ~ ~" The entire Black Meringe Palace, violently shocked up, as if a ten-level earthquake occurred.

Ye Che’s heart was horrified. At this moment, he was frightened. The purple river that had been flowing around the palace was completely suspended. The purple light flashed and the mystery was very.

Then, they merged in the air, and suddenly, a huge purple water polo with a hundred cubics appeared.

The next second, in Ye Jing’s horrified eyes...


This purple huge water polo bursts into a strong shock wave, such as the ripples on the water surface, with an amazing degree, and spread out instantly!

The purple water polo seems to contain an atomic bomb. Its energy is shocking. The whole hall is trembled madly because of this terrible energy. It seems that the entire heroic relics must explode completely. general.

Ye Che didn't expect such a thing to happen. He didn't have time to dodge, and there was no place to hide!

"Mom, I won't be a monster!?" This was Ye Chu's last thought, and then he was drowned by the purple energy tide.

The upper level of the Palace of Hemedinger, the upper level, and even the entire palace of Hemingdinger, violently shakes up.

In the metal channel, the fists are not in the center, and the winds, the kings, the knives, and the Zhao Fengxian, as well as those who are strong, are all changed.

"How come?"

"How did this heroic relic sway?"

One by one, I was shocked.

“It’s hard to be done, someone got the inheritance of the hero’s remains!?”

"The heroic remnants of the king can not shake, want to make such changes, absolutely someone has the inheritance of the hero!"

"I hate! Who is it!!! Who is it!!!"

Countless or sorrowful, or sighing voices, rang in the palace of Hemedinger.

At this time, the bottom layer of the Palace of Hemingdinger has been completely covered by purple mist!

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