League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1101: :beginning! (in)

The boundless purple mist spreads out, and they condense and scatter, as if they were settled by an invisible force, only lingering in this hall. (8) 』(一)中┡』文网WwんW. 81.Zw. COM

Ye Che stood there, propped up a cover with the force of the paragraph, blocking the purple cover.

However, his face is not good-looking, because Ye Che knows that the power of the paragraph is always useful, but the purple mist filled with the entire hall does not seem to dissipate.

At the time of Ye Che's eyes, the cylindrical giant glass tube was printed in his eyes.

Because at this time, from the above, there was a sound of "squeaky", and a crack appeared in the glass tube.

Ye Che heart shocked, this glass tube, it is not to crack open it! ?

In an instant, he remembered the big purple face, and the cold hair was erected.

The crack on the glass tube is still expanding. Finally, at a certain limit, with the slamming, the glass tube with a width of tens of meters and a height of nearly 300 meters is completely fragmented.

Then, a huge ice sculpture entered Ye Che's line of sight.

"This is..." Ye Che has stunned his eyes, and the ice sculpture is extremely transparent. Through it, you can completely see the frozen creature inside.

This creature, Ye Che is too familiar, it is exactly the same as the Zuan madman, Mondo!

However, his eyes were closed and his body was frozen by the extremely cold ice. There was no life characteristic or breath on his body.

Just as Ye Che's eyes looked at him, Mondo's ice sculptures suddenly began to linger with strange light.

These lights are irregular, but the beauty is amazing!

They entangled and floated, and then gathered in front of this Mondo ice sculpture, a thin, tall figure in the light, slowly appeared.

The solid white, blue and cold scorpion, and the cold and sigh of the face, she has not fully revealed, Ye Che knows that she is the ice shooter, Ai Xi!

"You finally came……"

As the light dissipated, Ai Xi’s figure finally appeared. She looked up slightly, and the crystal blue scorpion fell on Ye Che.

Ye Che is a spirit, looking at the almost flawless Ai Xi, completely breathless.

He has not seen a beautiful woman, whether it is a lifetime or a lifetime, he has never seen a beautiful woman.

But compared with Ai Xi in front of it, it is simply a difference.

Just like the temperament of the gods, they can marry their countless streets.

Nothing than he had seen before, Aich should be a projection at that time, so it looks awkward, as if watching a movie.

And now Ai Xi, Ye Che can feel that it is completely true, so it gave him such shock.

Ai Xi, the first female shooter in the Ice League in the League of Legends, has a self-contained attack. The person who is proficient in her can face almost any adnetbsp; Ye Che and Ai Xi have seen it more than once, and when she sees her, The heart is not too excited.

But if you are excited, you must first lift the crisis.

"Can these purple mists be removed?" Ye Che pointed to the majestic purple mist and asked.

"Once the time is lifted, the whole earth will perish."

Ai Xi said coldly.

Ye Che suddenly squinted his eyes, lifted the purple mist, and the earth perished. Let's play hi! ?

Seems to know Ye Che's doubts, Ai Xi slightly sideways, his eyes fell on the huge Mundo behind him, his eyes flashed a bit of complexity, and then said: "These purple fog, it is Black Madinger spent three years, The pharmacy that was researched!"


"Yes, you can control the heroic pharmacy. If it is not, I will not dare to appear in the real body, otherwise he will wake up!" Ai Xi’s voice, although it was cold, sounded very comfortable.

These purple mists are actually potions!

Ye Che's heart is slightly shocked, and some of the energy emitted by these agents can maintain the survival of so many mutations, "Mondo", but now, the real Mundo is completely enveloped in this purple medicine.

"He... really is the Zuan madman, Mundo!?" Ye Che still can't believe it. For Aich, he is not surprised because he has more contacts.

But this is almost 70-80 meters high, and it is close at hand, so Ye Che couldn't help but ask for an exit.

In addition to the height and height, this Mondo is exactly the same as the Mondo in the League of Legends, so he does not doubt, just just ask.

However, Aich shook his head and nodded again.

Shaking his head and nodding, what do you mean?

Ye Cheyi.

"He is Mondo, not Mondo." The more complex the look in Ai Xi's eyes, Ye Che even saw a sigh of sadness.

"It’s Mundo, not Mundo..."

Ye Che is a wrinkle, and in the same sentence, he seems to have heard it.

Slightly thinking, Ye Che thinks about it. Not long ago, in the source forest helmet, only the sword of the sword was left, and he said this.

He said that he is Juggernaut, not Juggernaut!

At that time, I thought that there was nothing at all. It was just a mystery, but now it seems that this sentence is very problematic!

"You just said that he will be mad. What you mean is that when he is not mad, he is so much. When he is mad, is it bad?" Ye Che thought for a long time, only that it was possible.

Ai Xi took a deep breath and didn't have the interface Ye Che said. Instead, he asked an inexplicable question. "Do you know the principle of data transmission, copying, and cutting?"

Wen Yan Ye Che’s face could not help but have a smear of color, so good, how to ask such a violation.

However, seeing Ai Xi's face is somewhat solemn, Ye Che also knows that she is definitely not asking for no reason, so seriously said: "The deeper principles, I don't understand, but at least I will operate."


Ai Xi nodded, and then said: "Outside the black murder uterus, you should have met the Hex micro-robots, they can work synchronously, can produce the same reaction to the same instruction! The principle is that they are implanted The same procedure!"

"I believe you also know that a piece of text or a picture or video can be copied directly, and the program is equally ok. So just a program is needed, and after copying the input, you can control countless Hex micro robots and let them Synchronous operation."

Hearing here, Ye Che did not understand a bit, and did not understand what Aich wanted to say.

Ai Xi turned a blind eye to Ye Qi’s eyes and suddenly sighed, saying: “Black Madinger, known as the most intelligent hero of Valoran 6! Even he is getting bigger for the wisdom of more mortal people. The brain capacity, he did not hesitate to experiment with himself, and made a thrilling experiment, and Hemingdinger is the smartest hero on the 6th of Valoran. He succeeded, and the price paid was only the head became bigger. A few laps."

Ye Che nodded, and he knew that.

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