League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1103: : For eternal life!

Ai Xi’s eyes flashed a bit of pain, saying: “In my memory, several ontological heroes have been caught, and then he was blacked out by the experiment he had been thinking, but was constrained! These experiments are inhuman. To the extreme, but Hemingdinger has no feelings, but the more frenetic, to know that he is willing to start with himself for the sake of experiment, not to mention other people!?"

"In the captured heroes, only Jian Ji escaped. She told me... All the heroes who were arrested were all smashed, and Heidinger wanted to study the flow of the power of the position, and in various circumstances, The change in the power of the segment, and then he used the transmission of time and space to create a heroic shell without memory..."

When it comes to this, Aich’s entire body trembles. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM

Ye Che was caught in a cold, and at this moment, he suddenly remembered the evil spirit, but it was also related to Hemingdinger! ?

"He did these experiments, what is it for?!" Ye Che asked.

"For eternal life!"

Ai Xi took a breath, "Black Madinger said a word, be careful, science is changing with each passing day... He wants to have a never-ending scientific exhibition, he wants to survive forever, to reach the point of being smart. So, he broke the hero's body and wanted to see their bodies. What is different from ordinary people, why some heroes can live for so long, and then improve."

"That year was the most chaotic year! Under his control, the heroes of the replicas, the Valoran 6 was turbulent, and in less than a year, it was full of smoke, less than ten years, almost It was fragmented! And this year, Hemingdinger finally made new progress for eternal life! In pursuit of more powerful forces, he began to combine the power of the position with the power of the dark forces... the heroes will begin to chaos And the typhoon Jianhao Yasuo is a test piece..."

When I talked about it, Ai Xi’s expression flashed a bit of pain and seemed to recall something bad.

Ye Che was still caught in what Ash said, and did not notice this scene.

"Okay, you don't need to know what to do next. Let you come here, but there is one thing that you want to entrust to you."

Aich said that her look seemed to be a little tired.

Ye Che's gaze, fixed on her face, nodded: "You say."

"Munduo behind me is the power of the dark forces injected into the darkness. After hundreds of years of research, the combined strength has become more mature! Compared with hundreds of years ago, at least improved. A hundred times, under this power, Valoran could not accommodate them, so Hemedinger began to build the world!"

“Building the world?” Ye Che’s eyes narrowed.

"Strictly speaking, it is the construction of the planet. I have to say that the wisdom of Hemingerdinger has indeed reached the level of mortal after that experiment. He began to increase the volume and stability of Valoran 6 infinitely. To the extent that many descendants of heroes, in order to avoid being eliminated, slaughtered, and destroyed, have begun to recognize this power, and even fanatically pursue this power, but there are also many heroic descendants who are suffering from it. ""

"What do you mean..." Ye Che asked.

"I hope that you can enter the Valoran 6 and save the remaining blood of the heroes... Otherwise, with the heart of Hemingdinger, I am afraid that they will end up with only one dead end..." Ai Xi Look, some grief.

Ye Che is a bit dumbfounded, pointing to his face and asking a question: "You let me enter Valoran and save them?"

He is not good at all. This Nima is just an international joke. He is just a small diamond. He is in a tough situation on earth. Aich has let him enter Valoran.

Ahi has just said that the power of the original residents of Valloland has been hundreds of times stronger than before!

Hundreds of times what concept, and still on the original basis!

Breaking through the strongest king can have the power of a general hero, but it is hundreds of times stronger than the power of a hero. Ye Che can't imagine it!

"You can rest assured that since you are allowed to enter Valoran, you will naturally guarantee your safety! You have the crystallization of all the power of heroes. Once activated, unless you are personally shot, you are safe and secure!"

Aich said.

"The crystallization of the power of all heroes, do you mean?" Ye Cheyi.

"Colorful English soul blood!"

Ai Xi’s gaze fell on Ye Che’s chest, and then waited for Ye Che’s reaction. He continued: “The ability of it is not mentioned for the time being, but Valoran is 6, you are right and wrong! Our heroes are now The only thing that can be self-motivated is that Heiminger’s power is increasing, and we are naturally not weak. In the battle with him for hundreds of years, it has been many times stronger than before, but compared with Hemingdinger. Still seemingly weak, but because Heminger is conducting an experiment that can cause qualitative changes, we have a chance to escape from Valoran. After hundreds of years, his experiments are revealed according to the signal source on Valloland. It is very likely that it will be completed in the near future. Once he realizes, he will definitely send an evil army to arrest him. At that time, your earth will be destroyed and become the energy body of his Valoran superstar!"

Ye Che's face is a bit gloomy, saying: "So, you want me to take the initiative? But why is it me??"

"Because, you are the strongest champion in the world seven hundred years ago!!! In today's Valoran 6, because everyone's power is too big, in order to avoid the destruction of Valoran 6, so I have set the iron law, I have not obtained permission, and I am not allowed to use the power of the hero. I can only use the League of Legends to maintain my status! With the strength of your strongest champion, you can definitely get recognition in Valloland!"

"You...you know that I was a man seven hundred years ago!?"

Ye Che suddenly slammed his eyes and shouted out.

"Because you, I personally picked it out..." Ai Xi’s eyes flashed a strange color.

"I personally picked it out? Even so, how can I go through the whole seven hundred years and come here!" Ye Che asked in amazement.

"This question, I am currently refusing to answer, otherwise your mood will be too ups and downs, which is not conducive to the next thing to do."

In the eyes of Ai Xi, it seems that there is a flash.

“Is the mood going up and down too much?”

I have to say that Ai Xi’s words completely ruined Ye Che’s appetite, and even he was so blindly watching Ai Xi.

How come from here seven hundred years ago, has been the secret and secret of Ye Chu hidden in the bottom of my heart.

Now because of Ai Xi, it is completely hooked up.

"Then, what are you going to do?"

Ye Cheqiang resisted the urge to beat people and asked the next question.

"It's very simple, let you set foot on the master!" Ai Xi's cold blue eyes, flashing a touch of light!

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