League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1104: : The source of the gods! ! !

Ps: Recently, there are some downturns in the state. To be honest, I just want to think about the plot for several hours. I owe you two chapters. I will try my best tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be four. Thank you, my friends. (8) (1) Chinese website Ww┡W. 81.Zw. COM



Ye Che's look is slightly moving, and he has set foot on the master. This is not a big temptation for him.

You must know that there are still a large number of enemies waiting for him to respond. Once you can step on the masters, he is sure that even if the king himself shot him, he will not be afraid!

However, Ye Xie’s heart is just beginning to get excited. Ai Xi has said: “Don’t misunderstand, I don’t mean to let you reach the ranks, but let you have the strength to compete with the masters! The position is not a glimpse. To be promoted, one step at a time must be made, so that it can be turned into a power that truly belongs to you!"

Ye Che nodded, although the heart is still somewhat regrettable, but not too concerned about it. After all, he also knows that the rank that relies on his talent promotion is not real.

Seeing Ye Che nod, Ai Xi's eyes fell on Ye Che's chest and said: "So now, I will activate the complete source of the soldiers for you!"

"The source of the gods!?" Ye Cheyi.

"The source of the gods, is the most powerful force of Hemingdinger except himself. It took his entire brain for more than 30 years to create a childlike shape! Of course, the body in your body. The source of the exclusive Juggernaut is only the quality of the green stage. There are several levels of promotion space, but although it is only the green level, on the earth, it is already the most powerful god, once activated. , enough for you to deal with everything!"

Ai Xi said that from time to time, Jingmei’s face was covered with light particles.

Source style, is it built by Hemingdinger? And in my body, is the quality of the green level, there are several grades of promotion space up?

This information, Yi Ke listened to one by one.

In the world of Shenglin, this source forest almost obliterated the existence of all geniuses, and even almost never even escaped its poisonous hands, and the power of its internal heroes is even more amazing.

And that's just a helmet, the power of the hero.

But now, Aich has to activate all the parts for his own use, Ye Che can't imagine how powerful it will be!

However, at this moment, a doubt has floated on Ye Qing’s heart.

"How do you know that I have the source of the gods?" Ye Che brow slightly wrinkled.

"Do you think that it is a coincidence that you landed in the watery island of the sea of ​​chaos and met with Xiaoqing?" Ai Xi said, the blue eyes were deep, but there was a smile.

Ye Che suddenly felt shocked at the bottom of his heart, and instantly understood that the sea of ​​monsters is so big, more than 95% of the places are oceans, but they can prefer to fall on the island of Minamata, and with Maokai. The seed met.

All of this was led by Ai Xi.

Ye Che has a little helplessness at the bottom of her heart. This feeling of planning a trip in the dark is very uncomfortable, but with his current strength, there is no way to dominate his own destiny.

"I Ye Che, since I can be a true king in the League of Legends! In reality, the same can be!"

An inexplicable belief, suddenly flashed in Ye Che's mind.

At this time, Ai Xi lightly opened his lips and said: "You come over..."

Ye Cheen sighed and walked over.

Just after standing, Ye Che felt a burst of aroma, and then his shoulder was pressed by a white palm.

"I am now implanting the source of the gods for you, the process may be a bit painful, you need to be patient!"

Ai Xi said that she is like a blue jade crystal scorpion, quietly facing Ye Che.

Ye Che laughed at himself and said: "When I came to this age, I didn't learn anything. I learned to endure pain. You can let go!"

Ai Xi’s mouth seemed to be slightly twitched, but her eyes returned to a cold state. She nodded, and the next second, an ice crystal blue, exploded from the palm of her hand on Ye’s shoulder.

At that time, Ye Che only felt the seven parts of the source of the gods, and at the same time, a shock, then slowly moved.

And soon, this slow movement began to speed up.


Ye Che seems to hear the sound of blood flowing when they move in their bodies.

At this point, the first hand of the source of the gods is the first place in place.

This is an arm made of unknown metal, with a strange shape, bright gray color and a golden edge on the edge.

Under the control of Ai Xi, it has just combined with Ye Che's left arm, and there is a terrible force inside it, wanting to shoot it out.

As soon as this horrible force appeared, Ye Che was shocked. On the diamond hand bones, it sounded like a "squeaky" sound, as if there was a feeling of being cracked.

"The platinum bones on your body, as well as the diamond bones, are now combined with the gods of the source. Otherwise, ordinary **, even with my help, you can't bear the destructive power of the source of the gods!"

Feeling the surprise of Ye Che, Ai Xi said a faint sentence.

"Oh, you are really thoughtful, it was so long ago, I thought about it for me now." Ye Ching resisted the urge to turn his eyes and said.

"I just gave you the opportunity, you can achieve the current achievements, but also your own efforts... Then later... you must not let me down!"

Ai Xi’s voice suddenly rises high. The next second, her eyes are condensed and she sighs low: “He!”


Ye Che only felt the left hand jerk, then a bright gray gold arm armor, presented from above.


Just in the left hand armor of the source of the gods, Ye Che only felt that the meridians in the left hand began to jump wildly, and the blood in his arm was like boiling, and it was completely boiling.

At this moment, the feeling of Ye Che, the whole left hand, seems to be burning.

"Resist, as long as you support it, it can be used forever!" Ai Xi Jiao snorted.

Ye Che's face sheds cold sweat, but there is no snoring. For him, this pain is compared with the bones that were burnt all over the body. This is simply a pediatrics.

At this point, he felt the arm and the source of the left armor between the gods, as if there was a tangled fiber.

These fibers began to unite their left hand and the source of the gods.

However, with this close unity, the sense of enthusiasm has reached its limit in an instant!


Ye Che screamed fiercely. He felt that his left hand was going to explode. On his left hand, there was a horrible energy brewing. He didn't spit!


Ye Che squatted for a while, then his right hand supported the ground, and his left hand pulled in vain. Then, he slammed.

At this moment, the source of the gods on the left arm, a huge green light, flashed away!


At that time, I only listened to a series of serial explosions, and the special metal floor that could not be destroyed even by the king and even the king actually fell in directly.

Of course, the king cannot destroy the slightest, but also because he cannot borrow the power of the field.

At the same time, this kind of depression began to spread and spread. After the increase of the layer strength, it spread to more than ten meters, and gradually subsided!

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