League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1105: : Time is tight!


Ye Che Gao snorted, his face full of excitement and flushing. (8) (1) Zhongyu Wenwang Ww*W.ん81.Zw. COM

He felt that in the left arm of the source of the gods, the constant source of energy spewed out, and with the energy of the previous violent explosion, Ye Che had already felt that he is now fully capable of controlling the **** of the source. The spurt of the force in the left arm of the soldier.

Not only that, Ye Che feels that the source of this soldier can fully manifest itself with his own mind, or at any time in the body.

Ai Xi seems to be very satisfied, her face is slightly unconsciously passing a smile, and then said: "Below, the second source of the source of the soldiers!"




In the bottom layer of Hemingdinger, with the combination of the source of the gods and the combination of Ye Che, the destructive power is getting stronger and stronger.

There were all kinds of pits that were pitted everywhere, but after the metal was destroyed, it was actually creeping, like a living being, and it began to slowly recover.

At this time, Ye Che has truly blended the arms, legs, and body of the source of the gods!

Ye Che can feel that, in terms of strength alone, his power at this time is at least ten times more than before!

And now, only the source of the gods weapons, and helmets!

"Easy... are you still planning to come out??"

Axi suddenly stopped the action in her hand, faintly speaking.

The next second, in Ye Che's surprised eyes, he only felt a sway in front of him, and then a head appeared in front of him.


Ye Che was slightly surprised and called out.

He is not sealed, why can he come out! ?

Although I saw the surprise on Ye Che’s face, the Juggernaut’s head turned to the head if nothing had happened. Then he pointed his attention to Ai Xi and said, “You really have to kill it so much. In Valoran, you have been chasing me. Don’t give up, now time and space are different, you still have to stop!? I have said many times, I really don’t know why Heiminger will release me from his laboratory, and the memory of his laboratory. I don’t even remember it at all. It’s just a madness from time to time. You are so!!”

Ai Xi did not answer, but glanced at him coldly, then waved his arm, and the ice blue energy was wrapped in the head of Juggernaut in vain.

"Mom, do you want to be so rude, so I am also his copy!" Juggernaut’s head was screaming again and again, but it was quickly wrapped up in this ice blue energy, and then the whole pulled into the body behind Ai Xi Ice sculpture.

"This..." Ye Che is a little embarrassed, a little unknown.

"He is the only experimental product released by Hemmerdinger. We naturally have to find out the reasons. Later, he did not know when we came to this time and space along the way, but then it has been mad since then, but in desperation, only Seal him first. After all, maybe his memory will wake up one day. At that time, we can know why Heidinger will give him freedom! Now he can self-produce the gods, but because of the source of the gods. The power has begun to be combined with you, without the power to restrain him." Ai Xidao.

That's it!

Ye Che nodded, but his heart was dark and awkward. It turned out that this sword is only a replica.

"Well, let's start to integrate the helmet, and the weapons!" Aich said.

Ye Che suddenly sinks his heart.

With the foresight of the car, the fusion of the two is extremely fast. In less than ten minutes, it has been combined with Ye Che.

Suddenly, a figure wearing a gray armor in Phnom Penh appeared in front of Ai Xi.

This figure is about one meter and seven or eight, holding a golden red sword. The shape of this sword is extremely strange, just like holding the backbone of a dragon, giving a sense of thrill.

He just stood there quietly, and the energy field scattered around him caused the air to vibrate.

The source of the gods is as thin as a flap, and fits tightly on him.

"Try the power!"

Ye Che said to himself, the next moment, his eyes were condensed, the sword of the source in his hand, slammed in front of him!

At that moment, he only felt that there was a horrible energy in the kit of seven sources, and then all of them rushed to the source of the sword.

"Drink!" Ye Che burst, the power of the whole body, but also burst.


In the meantime, in Ye Jing’s horrified sight, the space swept by the source’s sword, the layers collapsed, and the intricate space cracks appeared in front of him.

This space crack directly spread to a few hundred meters away.

"Tear space!"

Ye Che's eyes wide open!

The tearing space can only be done by anyone, and he can only do it by drilling IV. This is simply incredible.

"The power of the source of the gods is related to your position. The higher your position, the stronger the strength it will release. After a long period of time, it will grow with you! It is currently green. The quality of the order, from now on, every time you increase the level of the segment, it will grow once! Even in today's powerful to the top of Valoran, the source of the gods only have some generals who can rob the planet energy, each In the first order, there are five stars. Once you reach the five-star green stage, then the next stage, the source of the gods, will enter the awakening stage!"

Ai Xi said that her cold face is very serious. Obviously, what she said now is extremely important!

"The source of the gods, now the green level, I will grow once for each step, once I reach the green five-star, then break through once will wake up, well, I remember, but what will happen after awakening?" Ye Che asked a little while stroking the sword of the source.

"Awakening is the promotion of true quality. It will be promoted from the green level to the blue level. The attack power and the defensive power will be greatly improved. At the same time, its attack will have special effects. It is the most proud of Hemedinger..."

Ai Xi said, suddenly frowning, but stopped the words.

"How?" Ye Cheyi.

"The people who came with you have already reached the bottom!" Aich said.

Then, with a wave of arms, a light curtain appeared in front of Ye Che.

Ye Che's eyes fell on it, and his look sank instantly. He saw the figure appearing on the light curtain.

"Listen, you have three months of preparation time from the trip to Valloland! I will come to pick you up when I arrive in three months! So you have three months to solve all things on earth. To put it bluntly, the disaster on earth is indeed brought about by our arrival! Those abyss demons are the dark forces of our Valoran. At the beginning, when we launched time and space, many powerful abyss demons, It is also coming! But the sinful disaster is not us, but Heiminger, not because of him, we will not fall into this situation! Three months, can solve the hidden dangers of the abyss devil, it depends on you, Because you traveled to Valoran on this trip, I can't guarantee that you can still return to the earth..." After Axi took back the light curtain, his eyes looked slightly more complicated to Ye Che.

"Three months..."

Ye Che sighed, it seems that it is time for the real show master!

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