League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1106: : The biggest treasure!

At this time, while Ai Xi’s voice fell, he waved his hand and suddenly a small humming sound rang. (8) (1) Chinese website WwんW. 81.Zw. COM

Ye Che turned his head and saw a two-centimeter-sized, delicate robot that was covered in snow and white.

It has four wheels under it, and it is very fast. Ye Chegang just appeared it, and it has already arrived at Ye Che's feet.

Then, the white robot looked up slightly, and looked at Ye Che from above and below. Suddenly his eyes were shining, and he said: "Oh... a great piece of experiment!"

Ye Che’s face suddenly appeared in a dumbfounding color, looking at Ai Xidao: “What is this thing, open it and take me to experiment?”

"Human, please pay attention to your words, I am a serious robot, not for people to play and sell!"

The expression of this white robot turned into an awe-inspiring state, and yelled at Ye Che, and took the body by the way, hitting the tip of the leaf.

Ye Che almost didn't come up with a sigh of relief, and her face was a little red.

Ai Xi’s face flashed a hint of helplessness, but she still pointed to Wally and said: “You don’t have to look down on it. It’s the most useful assistant before Hemingdinger did not expand his brain capacity experiment, but later After Heminger’s brain capacity and wisdom were greatly improved, it was abandoned and finally we were present.”

Speaking of this, her look is a mysterious color, watching Ye Che said: "Do you know... the power of the heroic fantasy world, who is the masterpiece?"

Ye Cheyi, the next second, an incredible thought, emerged from his heart.

Then, Ye Che suddenly bowed his head and looked at the robot called Warri.

I rely on, don't tell me, the heroic fantasy world is created by this goods.

"Youth, the worship that you have in your hot eyes, I have already felt it!" Waoli said lightly, and it seemed to have a flame floating in its round eyes.

Ye Che was a little dumb, and for the first time, robots were forced to play so hard.

"Yes, this time is too long. The power of the heroes I have accumulated for hundreds of years has been exhausted, and I can't suppress it. You two will leave! Ye Che, maintain the energy of the tile, It is the power of a hero. You only need to give it a heroic power on a regular basis. It will always run. It should be of great help to you during these three months!"

Aich said that the light particles on his body began to dance.

Then, her body slowly became illusory.

"Go out... remember, you only have three months..." Ai Xi is waving in vain.


Ye Che only heard a squeak in his ear, then turned around.

By the time he came back again, he had already arrived outside the door of the Helminger Palace.

"Well?" Ye Che suddenly felt that there seemed to be something foreign on the foot. When he bowed his head, he was now covered in white snow. He was opening two small claws and holding his own instep.

This guy, Ye Che smiled involuntarily.

At the same moment, countless screams followed, and Ye Che looked up and saw a figure of people, which was smashed out from Hemingdinge.

"What's the situation!? I just got the fifth floor entry method!"

"Hey, how come out?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

Everyone who was thrown out was amazed and looked around with vigilance.

However, when they saw that other people were inexplicably coming out, the bottom of their hearts could not help but be loose. After all, what they were most worried about was the baby in the heroic relics, which was taken away by others.

At this time, more and more people have been thrown out, and all people's faces have emerged with serious colors.

So many people are popping up at the same time as the Palace of Hemingding, and everyone knows it is extraordinary.

Finally, when the boxing was not in the center, the knife king, the domain emperor, and the five kings of Xi Fengfeng and Zhao Fengxian also fell outside the palace of Hemingdinger, and the scene suddenly set off a commotion.

"Even the kings have been popped up, this dark Meringe Palace, what happened in the end!?"

"Who is it, who has touched what kind of institution, so it leads to such a thing?"

Just when everyone was talking about it, suddenly, the door of Hemingdinger’s door “咔咔咔” began to move, and then, with the horror of everyone’s eyes, “bang” and shut down.

In the next second, the body of Hemingdinger was even more distorted, and then disappeared completely in the same place under the stunned eyes of everyone.

"Cancel... disappeared!?"


Everyone is stunned, don't you have to run away! ?

They stunned, and Quantian did not hold it. He snorted, then turned around, his eyes were in the crowd, and he swept around. Soon, his eyes fell on a figure, and then his voice was loud. The opening channel: "The Palace of Hemedinger suddenly shut down, absolutely flawed, must have been someone who has already won the treasure of the hero, otherwise, it can not be closed for no reason!"

While Chen Tianheng said, his eyes have been fixed on Ye Che, which makes everyone's eyes look forward to the past.

"That's right! Before the Palace of Hemedinger, there was no reason for the shock. Now we are being bounced out again. Someone must have gotten the treasure!"

An old family of the boxer, attached, said that he looked at Ye Che sneer.

To say that whoever gets the treasure is the most suspected, naturally it is Ye Che who is considered to be the son of a hero!

Seeing that everyone has set their sights on themselves, Ye Che did not say anything. He did not want to deny it fiercely, otherwise he increased his suspicion.

Seeing Ye Che's face calm, everyone's heart suddenly became a little uncertain.

However, at this time, the tile that clung to the back of Ye Che’s instep, suddenly pointed at the scorpion, shouted at the fist of the fist, "You are so smart, how do you know that my home is clear?" Treasure?"

Quiet... The scene is silent!

The next second was a heavy breathing sound that sounded loudly on the field.

Including the domain emperor, boxing Weiyang and others, all of them are very aggressive in the shooting of Ye Che.

"Hahaha, God helps me too, this time you are not dead!?"

The heart of the boxing day is overjoyed, and his face is even more floating. He looks at the tile and smiles and asks: "Little robot, you tell me, what is your treasure?"

When he saw that Wally seemed stupid and stupid, he began to ask directly.

And this kind of inquiry is extremely vicious. Once Ye Che prevents Wally from answering, it shows that Wally is indeed true, and does not stop it...

Ye Che’s face has already changed, and he sighs low: “Walley, you...”

"The treasure I got is me, I am the biggest treasure!!!"

Ye Che’s words have not been finished yet, but Wally has already answered with a serious look, and also wielded the white mechanical claws, a smug look.

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