League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1107: : Take him down!

This little robot is the biggest treasure?

The look of everyone, suddenly weird, and many clan who have hatred of the boxers, looked at the fists of Hengtian with a smirk, and they did not understand the mistakes, and Chen Tianheng seemed to be played by a robot. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww "W. %81.Zw. COM

The face of Quan Tianheng was really gloomy.

Ye Che saw a heart but fell, the next second is a dumb smile, now this tile is really like a pit.

However, it is true that it is true. This tile is the creator of the heroic fantasy world. It is definitely the biggest treasure of this trip!

"Ye Che, you have less smoke bombs. You are the son of a hero. You have already got the inheritance of the heroic relics!" Chen Tianheng saw this snow-white robot, it seems that some of the bad whites, and then pointed the spearhead to Ye Che.

"Why, are you going to grab it??"

Ye Che's eyes suddenly stunned a little.

"Hah, everyone heard no, he said so, obviously admitted to get the hero passed down!" Boxing Tianheng said loudly.

Ye Che is standing in the same place. If he looks at an idiot, he seems to be looking at the hurricane's fist, and he does not explain it.

"Ye Che, now the palace of Hemingdinger has disappeared, and only you are the most suspected in the presence. In this way, you take out the inheritance of the heroic relics. You are the biggest hero after all, we will leave a copy for you."

Chuan Weiyang’s face squeezed a smile and said.

"Leave a copy for me? Even you start to shameless?"

Ye Che said it was a direct sneer.

Before, the fists were still mad at themselves. Now, once the heroic relics are involved, the lions are directly open, and Ye Che is too lazy to be polite to him.

"Bold!" The old man of a boxer, seeing Ye Che’s disrespectful fist, immediately screamed, and then said with a look of silence: “In the palace of Hemingdinge, you are doing it to me.” What is it, I believe that you know it well, may wish to tell you that no matter whether you can get a hero treasure, you can't walk out of this sea!"

"Ye Che, hand over the treasures of heroes, and see that you are the son of a hero, we can not be embarrassed!"

"Although you are the son of a hero, it is just a small diamond, a treasure of a hero, not one you can swallow!"

"Hand it out, if the value is high enough, we can even guarantee that you will walk out of this sea safely!"

After seeing that the boxing family has begun to reveal the killing intentions, all the presenters are no longer concealing the desire for heroic treasures, and they have heard the sounds one by one.

Looking at the green light that emerged from these people's eyes, Ye Che felt that if there was no king in the presence, they were afraid that they would have embraced themselves.

In the middle of the crowd, the sunny face was a bit complicated. He did not expect to actually meet Ye Che here, and Ye Che became a son of a hero, and he was suspected of getting a treasure.

"Ye Che, hero treasures come out, they said it is good, the treasure of this heroic relic, not you can swallow it, blame you only did not leave directly after you came out, now there are four kings, I am present You can only guarantee that the boxer can't hurt you at most."

The domain emperor sighed and said.

Ye Che's heart is slightly warm, no matter what, this domain emperor still really treats himself.

However, he has his plan, and naturally it is impossible to compromise.

Ye Che's face was unchanged, his mouth was slightly provoked, his eyes swept over the crowd, and said: "The boxer hates me, I believe you also know, so that as long as you work together to kill all the boxers present, I Take out the hero treasure!"


Boxing Hong, as well as Chen Tianheng and others, have a big heart.

Everyone on the scene was also a stunned look, and their eyes were subconsciously glanced at the boxers. This is the hundreds of people who are going to sweep them behind.


In vain, a cold screams, this coldness is like a heavy hammer, and it is nailed to everyone's heart.

When everyone looked at the source of the sound, they saw the fists of the face slowly sinking. This reminds me that among the many people in the boxing, they can also include the strongest king of the boxing!

"Little guy, you don't have to provoke the time to delay, give you ten seconds to think about, take out the hero treasure, otherwise, I don't mind letting them take it directly!"

“Yes, our patience is limited!”

At this point, Xi Fengfeng and Zhao Fengxian finally spoke, but with an opening, they only gave Ye Che ten seconds.

They will not personally shoot Ye Che, otherwise the most powerful king, but the diamond shot, it is too ugly to eat.

Hearing that they would not shoot, Ye Che’s heart could not help but sneer, and then closed his eyes and meditated.

This scene naturally makes people in the place feel awkward.

"This kid is crazy, dare to ignore the words of the king!?"

"It’s not like looking for death!"

"Oh, don't see the coffin without tears!"

Everyone present at the scene is talking about it, but the boxers are all overjoyed!

The king is furious, and no one can save this leaf!

Even the domain emperor, but also brows wrinkled up, he did not expect, Ye Che is so stubborn.

"It seems that he has to suffer from some flesh and blood. After all, he has to participate in the intercontinental war. After the white, the wind and the imperial phoenix will not take him."

At this time, ten seconds have passed, and the eyes of Xi Fengfeng and Zhao Fengxian suddenly overflowed with cool colors.

"Take him!" Zhao Fengxian sighed low.


When Zhao Fengxian’s discourse fell, five of the old men disappeared instantly, and they first started.

Among them, it includes the boxing!

They are the most hated of Ye Che, and naturally they must take advantage of this justification, and even the opportunity that the realm can't stop, let Ye Che suffer a bit.

Six masters turned into a fierce streamer, taking Ye Che!

"finally come!"

Ye Che took a deep breath and the source of the gods began to vibrate.

"Clarity, kill them, a group of spicy chickens, actually dare to besiege you!"

Ye Che's instep above, Wali wow wow.

"Ye Che, you have today, this time, the domain emperor can't keep you! Even if you don't kill you, I will directly interrupt your limbs and let you suffer, to comfort my boxing family in the spirit of heaven!"

Chuan Hong’s voice was low, and the fingers were clawed, and they were pinched directly to Ye’s shoulder.

On his finger, it belongs to the power of the unique position, and it is madly shaken. Once you pinch Ye's shoulder, I am afraid that the skin will be pinched directly.

The rest of the boxing family are also going to attack Ye Che from different angles.

After seeing the boxers have already shot, the rest of the people are not in action. After all, there are six full shots, which are already extravagant.


The sea water moved with the call of Gong Hong and others, and it was shaking wildly.

In the eyes of Quan Tianheng, he smiled.

However, when Ye Che is going to be taken directly by Chen Hong and others, a dazzling golden light suddenly appears out of thin air.

This dazzling golden light is held in the hands of Ye Che. Its entire body is like the backbone of the dragon, with a majestic and shocking power.

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