League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1111: : Landing diamonds, adult king!

"What do you say!?" There was a anger on his face, and he was really angry. (8) (1) "中Δ"文"网WwㄟW. ㄟ81.Zw. COM

All his glory, all honors, in addition to the strength of the king, are built on the merits!

Now, the domain emperor has denied everything about him, actually said that he is not as good as a small diamond IV!

"Maybe you forgot, he still has a name, called Che Shen! In the world of Shenglin, at least saved the young hero of my heroic city, and let go of the city, the city of the sky, the palace of the supreme, chaos The magic sea area, together with hundreds of millions of young geniuses, is because he has saved his life. This alone is enough to resist the achievements of all the boxers!"

The voice of the domain emperor was calm, but the information revealed by it made some people in the place, the masters, suddenly stunned.

The fist is still in the middle, but it is also a shock. He feels that he seems to have dug a big pit for himself.

"What, he is the clear god!?"

"My grandson has given me countless times, if it is not because of this clear god, I have already died in the Holy Forest world!"

"I heard that he has received countless top-level equipment in the world of Shenglin, enough to kill everyone, but he gave up, and he was hostile to the unknown existence in the world of Shenglin, and he did not know life and death!"

"I rely on, I just had to do something to him, and I was almost killed by the boxer!"

After hearing the words of the domain emperor, there were people in the place, all in awe.

They did not enter the Holy Forest world at the beginning, so they did not know Ye Che, but the name of the **** of God has been lingering in their hearts.

After all, the contribution of this clear **** is too great, and the lives of hundreds of millions of people! Moreover, they are all young people of genius level!

The face of the wind, the knife and the face of Zhao Fengxian also changed. Because they came in a hurry, they rushed directly into the palace of Hemingdinger, so it was too late to ask the people who are the heroes of Ye Xue’s hero.

It is only now that I know that Ye Che is actually a screaming **** that has been rumored not long ago!

Suddenly, they felt that this matter was complicated and saved the lives of hundreds of millions of people, including many children and grandchildren present. This credit is simply against the sky.

Not to mention credit, just saving so many children, grandchildren or children is enough to make it impossible for them to shoot Ye Che.

Otherwise, it is completely extinct and has no personality.

"Field emperor, you!"

The domain emperor looked at him coldly and continued to explode. He said: "Maybe you still don't know, six months ago, this Ye Che was just a black iron segment..."


"The trough, this is impossible!!!"

"After half a year ago, it was a black iron segment. This is not to say that this Ye Che, it took less than half a year, from black iron to silver and then to gold and then to platinum, until now the diamond, hey, drill IV!! These are all completed within half a year!!!!"

"This...this exaggerated?"

Everyone, even including boxing Weiyang, Xiliufeng, Knifelong, Zhao Fengxian, sunny and former as a trade protection Ye Che's knife Qing Cang, Zhao Xiu and others, were also shocked by this news.

"It seems that I was shocked when I heard the news. It is still good."

The domain emperor saw them, and the bottom of his heart whispered.

Ye Qi looked at the domain emperor with a strange look. It seems that he should carefully investigate himself.

As for Quantian Heng, he always thought that he was gold. He should have reached the diamond in the world of Shenglin. He felt that there was nothing, so he did not say that he did not know the fist.

The fist is not like the domain emperor. At first, he did not know the power of Yee's League of Legends, so it is impossible to investigate a diamond in the district. As a result, the degree of shock at this time is not much weaker than those.

"The domain emperor, you said that he was a black iron six months ago, huh, huh, what you mean is that he only spent less than half a year, over four major stages, 2o multiple small stages, reached the diamond IV!?"

The fists have not seen the domain, the emperor has always helped Ye Xue, so there is no tribute to the words, only the face is directly torn.

“Yes!” said the domain emperor.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, joke!!!"

Chuan Weiyang suddenly laughed loudly and immediately said: "I am not a fist, but I am the most powerful king at the age of 86. I have reached the current five-year-old, only only one hundred and seventy-two years old, even so. At the beginning, I used diamonds to reach the diamonds. I also used them for twenty-six years. You told me that this small beast was rushed to the diamond by black iron for half a year. Oh, do you think people are idiots at the place!?"

Waoli is on the back of Ye Che's instep, with a metal navel, his feet patted his stomach and whispered some kind of music. After hearing the words of the fist, he directly laughed and said: "Idiot, the 80-year-old king." The child born to my big Valoran, who has landed a diamond, has the strength of the strongest king directly at the age of sixteen!"

"After landing, diamonds, adult kings?"

At the end of Ye Che’s heart, there were thousands of grass mud horses running by.

At this time, I heard the fists of Weiyang said that the people in the room directly suspected that the domain emperor said, one by one suspiciously looking at Ye Che.

"You don't believe it. After the event is over, you can naturally investigate. But I tell you, our heroic city, can this rise in the intercontinental war, and a lot of hope falls on him. I decided to go with him once in the death ruling. He went directly to the opposite side of the customs. The opponent was the Pope, and the order of the gods! After that, at the knife house, so1o won the boxing, this point, the knife family, the family of Zhao Jiayu Old, are all seen by the eyes!" The domain emperor said.

Some people in the place, the lowest is the master, he naturally wants to give such a reasonable explanation to so many people, after all, now is not a dictatorship era, his domain emperor wants to convince the public, must stand and live.

"When is this true??"

Knife Long, Xi Fengfeng and Zhao Fengxian's gaze fell on those old people.

After the knife qing Cang, Zhao Xiu and others proved, the eyes of everyone were suspicious, a lot less.

"Drilling IVso1o is the end of the explosion, this is not a real battle, it is completely based on real technology!"

"Diamond IV, you can finish the peak of the eternal, this is simply not to think about it, is it not to say that silver gold, killing platinum diamonds is not a problem?"

"Although the slinger still needs to research, but the words in the domain of the mouth, the credibility is still very high!"

"It seems that with such a strong alliance technology, it is really possible to drill for half a year!"

"It is estimated that this child is a true genius of the millennium, and this achievement is even more terrible than the monarchy of the Supreme Court!"

After knowing that Ye Che is a clear god, all of them naturally began to help Ye Che to speak.

In any case, at the very least, you must first keep your life.

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