League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1112: : Lord God, is a magical place (four more)

"Yuyang brother, you also heard, don't say anything else, just say that he saved the lives of hundreds of millions of young Junjie, we can't let him be killed by you, after all, you are also a king, a shot to the diamond... and The intercontinental war of the gods is about to open, or else..."

"The younger brother, I have learned from the old mouth of a knife family in my knife. It’s your home fist Tianheng... It’s OK, I believe you know what it is, it’s better than this. Put it down for the time being, and wait until after the Intercontinental War, and then make a final conclusion. (8) (1) Chinese Network WwW.81.Zw.COM"

"My heroic city has been dying in recent years. This is the son of a hero. He has great merits and talents. At the same time, in the League of Legends, diamonds can kill the strongest king. In the intercontinental battle, it is definitely A peerless black horse! It will definitely make me a hero in the city, and I will be famous overseas. I hope that you will focus on the overall situation!"

Knife Long, Xi Liufeng and Zhao Fengxian three people, said one after another.

Before, they only thought that Ye Che was just a good luck man, only the identity of the son of a hero.

But the heroic remains have been found, and the son of the hero does not seem to matter.

But now, after the opening of the emperor and the old proofs of the various ethnic groups, they realized that the young man in front of him had such a deep foundation.

For a time, the wind suddenly changed.

"You really want to protect him!?"

The fist is not in the face of the iron, but his heart knows well, watching the current situation, I am afraid that this leaf has not been killed.

"Hey, you don't have to say threats. Your boxer's own skills are not as good as people. One is the peak, one is drilled, but one is killed by a drill IV. This is a big joke. Now you are the strongest king, even more I have to take it for myself, for me!"

The domain emperor snorted.

Everyone in the field, but also one by one, throwing a weird look.

"Good, good!"

The eyes of the fists of the young, one by one from the domain emperor, Xi Liu Feng, Gong Long and Zhao Fengxian swept over, without concealing the cold in his eyes.

Then, like a hungry wolf, after staring at Ye Che, the body suddenly flashed, disappeared directly into the place, and then left the sea floor, rushed to the top, and soon disappeared.

The fist does not understand, here, can not tolerate himself, in order to prevent himself from harming Ye Che, I am afraid that it will be excluded by the domain emperor and others.

However, they can't protect Ye Che from time to time. At that time, the fists will definitely be hand-worked by Ye Che!

Looking at the back of the boxing of the fist, everyone knows that he will never let Ye Che so easily.

Ye Che took a look at the back of the fist, and there was no accident in his eyes. This result, he actually expected it.

Even if there is no domain emperor, he will personally say that he is a clear god, so that those who can not shoot themselves.

Then, as a son of the hero, announce a message.

"Ye Che, now the trouble is solved, the hero treasure, should be able to come out?"

At this time, the voice of the wind and the wind that Ye Che said was extremely harmonious, and there was the meaning of the initial high.

The rest of the people, one by one, look forward to seeing Ye Che.

"The treasure I have!"

Ye Che nodded, and then the source of the gods began to slowly emerge in Ye Che, and soon, Ye Che has been holding a heroic sword, squatting under the invincible momentum, appeared in front of everyone.

"This... a whole set of hero artifacts!?"

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Before that, the sword can directly kill the peaks of the eternal, the whole set of hero artifacts, how powerful it is!

In the eyes of Xi Feng and others, it is even more innocent.

"Hey, don't be excited, this equipment has been integrated with me, that is, only I can use it." Ye Che smiled.

The look in everyone's eyes is faint.

They know that Ye Che did not lie, because this set of equipment appeared directly from Ye Che's body, which means that he became his exclusive hero.

"So... other treasures? For example... Is there a way to break through the king!"

Knife asked with a eager face.

Ye Che’s face suddenly appeared in the color of contemplation, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Ye Che, you think carefully, this matter is very important. Our Chinese in the intercontinental war of the year, we can not get a good name, because because of the foreign forces, there is a surviving king!" Say.

"The existence of the king over!!?" Ye Cheyi.

The rest of the people were also amazed, and they heard the news for the first time.

"Yes, so the heroic relics are very important to us!" The domain emperor's face was a bit awesome.

How is it possible that someone has become the strongest king? It seems that after the end of this matter, ask what is the situation of Wally!

Ye Che secretly screamed, and then seemed to think about it. He slowly looked up and asked the people faintly: "You have heard of Xiao Xiao Mo, don't you, Master God?"

"The Lord God?"

"What is the name of a certain power?"

The brows of the people wrinkled.

"What do you mean?" Knife Long, the domain emperor and others, also revealed a suspicion.

"Tell this to you... I can get diamonds in half a year, it is related to the Lord God!!"

Ye Che language is not surprisingly endless, and when this is the case, someone in the place is in great shock!

"What, you hit the diamond in half a year, and this is related to the main gods!?" The face of the emperor also appeared in shock.

"The Lord God, listen to the name, it should be an organization!"

"Yes, but I can train a person from black iron, half a year to drill IV, presumably should be famous, why have we never heard it??"

Someone at the place is boiling.

"Let's say, when the son of my hero has not yet awakened, one day, I met an old man. He said that my bones are very strange. The purple air behind me gathers, the air transports against the sky, the hegemony, asks if I would like to join. His organization is going to save the world!"

Ye Che is not salty and not faint, this is if it is told by an ordinary diamond, some people will dismiss it at the place, as fart!

However, Ye Che wears a full set of hero artifacts, as well as the record of the second killing of the boxing, and there are all kinds of anti-day deeds.

So at this time, everything he said, including the domain emperor, was serious and serious.

"And then? You joined!?"

A master, can't wait to ask questions.

"I was supposed to refuse. After all, this old man is too ugly. I am a principled person. I also play with heroes. I never play ugly. Later, he said that joining his organization will get initial exhibition funds, huh, Exhibition funds can seduce me?? Well, after I joined his main gods..."

"Wait!!! How suddenly joined!?"

A master with a round face and a round face, he took a step forward and asked with amazement.

Ye Che glanced at him and continued to say: "Well, after I joined his Lord God, I realized that he was only a bishop, but the Lord God is a magical place..."

"Wait, you haven't said how you suddenly joined!"

This is something that does not give up.

The next second, but now Ye Che straightened his eyes, not only that, but many of the rest of the audience also turned a blind eye to him, and for a time made him completely squat in place, how, he had this problem Very good! ?

"Idiot, do you have to say that he knows that he loves money and joins?"

"It's really an idiot, who doesn't love money, and it's true nature!"

"I really have no eyes..."




The master of this face is round and round, and after hearing these whispers, the bottom of his heart suddenly wants to cry and tears. Nima himself is only pointing to the core of the problem, why is it inexplicable!

At this time, Ye Che continued his flickering, no, it is to save the world!

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