League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1113: : The founder of the main gods (five)

"But this old man is only a bishop, but teaches my hero skills and routines, but can slap the king! It is conceivable that his own true strength will be terrible! And he is just a bishop. Just already!"

Ye Che said, watching everyone's eyes have appeared in sorrow, continue: "And the treasures in today's heroic relics, you have not guessed wrong, in addition to this set of hero artifacts, there are hundreds of hero skills and routines and training methods I dare say that with these heroic skills and routines, I will soon be able to rush to the strongest king, and I can apply for the assessment of the bishop's bishop! Once I become a bishop, I will use the contribution points for other hero skills and routines. When you get it, you can get great discounts!"

"What, in the Lord God, can you also exchange hero skills and routines?"

Everyone stays. (8) ┡ (1) Chinese 『『Ww%W. Ω81.Zw. COM

In this era, whoever does not regard their own understanding and skills of heroes, stunned, like the martial arts cheats, is afraid of others know.

And this main god, listening to Ye Che said, but as long as there are enough points of contribution, you can exchange.

Think about it, diamonds can hang the skills and training methods of Fan Feng and the king, how complicated it is, and they have to believe, after all, there is a living example of Ye Che here.

"Ye Che, what do you say about this Lord God?"

The brow of the domain emperor was deeply wrinkled.

Because even if he is, he has never heard of this organization.

"Chu Shen, you will not be fooling us. According to you, if this organization really has such a bug, I am afraid that it has long been known to everyone, and its reputation is so loud, how can it be unknown?"

"Yes, since these organizations have such a counter-intuitive means, as long as they are slightly revealed, it is enough to make the strength of the entire human race rise several stages! After all, a black iron reaches the diamond section in half a year, and its means is simply Like a ghost!"

"As you said, the old man is just a bishop. It is so powerful. Then his strength is at least the strongest king! What about the bishop? You never say that the founder of the teaching has become the strongest king. !?"

There are many masters who have raised questions.

Although Ye Che’s own deeds are indeed miraculous, they are not so easy to believe.

"The more powerful the king... No, no... You have taught the Lord God, it’s too simple!"

Ye Che shook his head.

"The more powerful the king, the more simple!?"

Everyone stayed.

"I have been in the Lord's Divine for half a year. Some of these things, I also know a little bit. Let me tell you this. The bottom of the main gods is the god-selected disciple. This level, every half month, can be seen at the bishop level or below. The master broadcasts a live broadcast. At the same time, when the bishop broadcasts live, he will give a speech explanation for his own operation! In the second stage, he is a god-selected service. The main gods at this level can watch the bishop level including the archbishop every week. The masters broadcast three games, of course, this is only one of the benefits..."

Ye Che said that a very serious, even the level of positions within the main gods are revealed.

"This is impossible!"

"How could this kind of organization exist!"

However, Ye Che’s voice fell, and all the people directly drank the sound, and the face was awe-inspiring.

Just kidding, in this era, how can there be such a selfless organization, which is a teaching operation, and a live demonstration of the live broadcast, whichever peak or the strongest king will be so idle!

Think about it, if there are military people who will take their own school, will they be taught out?

Moreover, it is still in the form of live broadcast, whoever teaches is not known!

"Ye Che, your talent is outstanding, the millennium is rare to see, it is indeed commendable! But even if you do not want to surrender the treasures in the heroic relics, you do not need to fabricate such lies to deceive!"

Knife Long snorted, before he still believed Ye Che's words, but after hearing the bishop and the above-mentioned strong, personally live demonstration operation, he completely did not believe.

"That way, you always said that I got the hero treasure, I am here, you can search, see what I got! I can honestly say that in the heroic relics, I have a hero artifact suit, and the second is a hero. Skills routines and training methods, as for the third, is a very unbelievable news." Ye Chedao.


Hearing Ye Che directly made people search, everyone could not help but blasphemy, some believe that after Ye Che's words, after all, let them search, and what is questioning.

However, Koulong domain emperor and others, but focused on the last sentence of Ye Che.

"Message, what news have you got!?"

Ye Che shrugged and said: "You may feel incredible when you say it. Actually, when I saw this news at the bottom, I was also shocked! Because I saw a message on the bottom wall, which is a message. That is In this world, there is still the existence of the heroic ontology, they have been quietly guarding the world! After that... more mention of the Lord God!"

"Haha, there is still a heroic body on the earth? You are more and more able to pull, why don't you say that Valoran's hero is on the earth?"

"The heroic body records that it has long since disappeared with the power of the hero! You now not only say that there is a heroic body on earth, but also related to what the main gods, this is not a compilation!"

Everyone laughed.

But in the next second, they couldn't smile, because they all saw the shock of the domain emperor, the wind, the knife and others.

"This... is it..."

Everyone stayed in the air, and the expressions of the four kings made them feel vaguely.

"You really, at the bottom, I saw this message!?"

Zhao Fengxian asked, she was the first serious opening, and she never said anything before.

The rest of the domain emperor, Xi Lifeng and Gonglong three, also looked at Ye Che with a serious look.

These do not know, but they have guarded the devil's lair but have encountered the extremely sinister danger several times, that is, there are several extremely terrifying abyss demons in the devil's lair.

But every time, before it came out, it was directly suppressed by some kind of incredible power.

They can feel that this power is completely stronger and stronger, like a master!

Because of this, they are now taking it seriously.

"It is because I saw it! So I will tell you my origins, and the Lord God! Because I suspect that the Lord God, is the hero's body, created!"

Ye Che's eyes were slightly condensed and he said something that made them completely shocked.

This time he is ironic to show the main gods, otherwise, it is difficult to completely defeat the abyss demons on earth!

He wants to use the main gods as the blueprint, and within three months, unify the whole of China!

Now, if the domain emperor and others still don't believe it, then he will be able to pick up all the people with a total of 36o degrees in the League of Legends. When they don't believe they are not motivated by the Lord God!

Ps: fifth

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