League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1114: : Lord God, one hundred places!

"The Lord God is created by the heroic ontology!?"

I heard Ye Che’s guess that everyone was in a big shock!

But when you think about it, this possibility is really great. Otherwise, whoever can do it for half a year will cultivate a black iron to the diamond! ?

If it is the actual strength, then the domain king and others are fully trained, still can!

However, the League of Legends, there is no time to practice, training, it is impossible. After all, in this era, with the mechanism of the League of Legends, the cost of training is too great. Δ (eight) (a) Chinese Ω network Ww * W. ┡81.Zw. COM

The second point is also explained, only the heroic body, can be so selfless to live broadcast!

"This... I really have this possibility! Before I came to my knife house, he was proficient in a male knife, and I was ruined by me. I went to the Zhao family, used to kill you, then Yu Jia, etc., the hero who shot, Almost always changing! It is a heroic sea. The key is that every hero is fascinating! Who can teach such a disciple, even the strongest king, it is absolutely impossible, the hero pool of the hero's strongest king is not so deep. !"

At this time, Knife Qingtian spoke. This doubt has always existed in the heart of him and Zhao Xiu, Yu Yulin and others.

It’s just that it’s about the secrets of others. They haven’t raised it yet, but after seeing Ye Che’s own start to say this, he couldn’t help but say it.

Then, after listening to the elaboration of the knife and other people, everyone’s eyes were changed.

Only then did he know that his hero was a heroic sea, without a heavy one.

"From the order...to the next road, including the wild, adc, the assistant did not see, but proficient in four positions, but also reached the level of perfection, I can not think of anyone who can teach, This has nothing to do with talent!!!"

"Yes, even the strongest king, the proficient position is limited, let alone teach people, and Ye Che, according to the knife and other people, is simply proficient! Then, that the Lord God really... ......"

There are people at the place where the masters, when they say it, are all excited.

If the main gods are really created by the heroic ontology, if they join in, then it is not, the strength will fly sharply! ?

The eyes of the domain emperor and others are also extremely bright, and they think deeper and farther.

They thought, if you can connect to the heroic body through the main gods, then the breakthrough of the strongest king, completely absent!

"That Ye Che...The Lord God, how can I join?"

The knife squinted at Ye Che and asked.

In fact, when Swordsman said that Ye Che had completely abused his male knife, he had already believed in seven or eight points. In addition, after various heroes of various fancy styles, he was completely convinced.

Because even he himself can't do this, and he has nothing to do with talent!

Then, in addition to the personal teaching of the hero's ontology, he really can't think of any other possibilities.

"Speaking of joining the Lord God, hehe..." Ye Che suddenly sighed.

"Why, is there any restriction on joining the Lord God?" Seeing the expression of Ye Che, everyone's heart has been raised, and there are many people who have questioned Ye Che and raised questions.

"This thing should be said when I was in the Eastern Region. At that time, I was still a small gold, but it was also the time when my League of Legends technology surged. It was because of this that I succeeded in the main gods and I became promoted. God chose to serve, and was qualified for the misunderstanding! Of course, every live lecture, I may have to contribute points! But there are regulations, I can only choose 100 people to join the bottom of the main gods. And must ensure that no one other than them can know the existence of the main gods, otherwise there will be a big disaster! But at that time, my League of Legends technology rose so much, I was supported by countless people in the East, and I was not bound to join the Lord God. As for the number of people who have been taught, you have also seen that the East is being attacked by demons, and there are countless deaths and injuries. Countless people who have joined the Lord God are dead."

Ye Che's expression is a bit stunned, but this is not pretending. He does have some uncomfortable feelings.

However, the Eastern Region itself has created the Lord God's religion, must say it, because after returning to the heroic city, he can guarantee that all his own information will be checked by these people!

But now speaking in this way, there is no problem, but it increases the credibility!

"What do you mean, you have only one hundred places in your hands?" asked a master of the family, frowning.

You must know that there are more than one hundred people who are present, and if there are only one hundred people, how can they be divided?

Upon hearing his question, Ye Che’s heart finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that these people are already believe.

Do not believe it, after all, hard power and deeds are placed here, pre-emptive, anyone who believes in the points.

In addition, the main gods are not empty shells, they can also join, which adds credibility.

"One hundred places is not a problem. I have said that the information I got in the remains of heroes is enough to become a bishop-level figure. By then, the number of places will increase tenfold!" Ye Chedao said.

"Ten times, that is not a thousand people!"

Some people’s eyes are screaming at the place. If the thousand people are all the top powerhouses in the heroic city, then the rise of the heroic city is just around the corner! ! !

"But the bishop's assessment is a bit cumbersome, so I still need two or three days to..." Ye Ching still said, but the people who were directly impatient, interrupted the words.

"Ye Che, this... or not, now you accept 100 people first? When your assessment is over, continue to receive?"

"Right right, first accept 100 people to join, so let us look up at the heroic light of the hero's body!"

All of them said that they were unable to maintain their peace of mind, and they were all excited and shivering.

The heroic body, this is tantamount to the fanatic scientist who saw Edison. The dozens of descendants of Wudang suddenly saw Zhang Sanfeng. The Buddhist disciples saw the Buddha, and they could not maintain their excitement.

The domain emperor, Xi Fengfeng, Zhao Fengxian and Gonglong, one by one!

Once you join the main gods, it means that you have the opportunity to watch the hero's body for live broadcast. What an honor! So even if they are the strongest kings, they look at Ye Che with a look of anticipation.

However, Ye Che did not directly agree to it, joking, the main gods are so easy to enter, it is not worthless!

Therefore, after a long time of indulgence, he said: "You see, there are more than one hundred and thirty people present. I will accept 1oo people at random. It is definitely not fair. So, we will return to the hero first. Metropolitan area, and then long-term discussion!"

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