League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1115: : Shi Jin’s news

"Can be, naturally it should be!"

"Ye Xiao Brothers are righteous!"

Everyone nodded, after all, whether they can join the main gods, but also count on Ye Che. Ω (eight) (a) Ω "Chinese network WwW. ┡81.Zw. COM

At this point, Ye Che’s eyes suddenly showed a strange smile, and then suddenly said: “This matter is over, right, about the hero treasure, or do you search for it?”


Everyone's eyes flashed, it seems to be a little moving, but I thought of the Lord God, but no one dared to open this head.

Otherwise, once you are annoyed with Ye Che, don’t give a place to be sad, they have no way. After all, now Ye Ke has a hero artifact in hand, no fear at all.

But those who dare not, one person is dare.

"I am coming, Ye Che, don't mind, since you said that you are convinced that you are really as you said, then there is nothing wrong with my search, you can also give everyone a confession."

Knife went up one step and said.

Ye Jing looked at him carefully. He now offered this search himself, in order to completely dispel the concerns of all people, or the concerns of the four kings in front of him, so as not to always remember yourself, and have a heart.

"call out!"

The time card was removed from Ye Che’s wrist and then flew to the knife.

Then, Ye Che removed the hero artifact, and there was only a thin layer of clothing. This layer of clothing was completely unobstructed by the perception of everyone.

See no problem, Knife began to search for the time card in his hand.

About twenty seconds later, he searched and then handed it over to the king and others. Soon, the four strongest kings sighed and they did not find anything.

"It seems that the bottom of this heroic relic, the last treasure is really only a hero artifact, and those routines..." The wind whispered to himself.

But the hero artifact, and Ye Che have been bound, the routine is passed down in Ye Che's mind, and you can't dig the leaves of Ye Xue.

For a time, their eyes were a little bleak, but they did not notice that the tile that had been rolling on the back of Ye Che, who could think of it, this stupid robot is the biggest of Ye Che’s trip. reward.

Although everyone feels a little bleak, but after remembering the main gods...

"Ye Che, it is not too late, we will return to the hero city!"

The domain is directly open to the road, and everyone gets the approval.

Ye Che nodded, and then everyone was excited to go to the deep pit, Ye Che, is in the middle stage.

Just moving, a figure, has come to Ye Che.

"Ye Che!" Shouted quietly, he looked at Ye Che's eyes, there was emotion, but also awkward, the original small gold, did not expect a blink of an eye, even in such a large number of people talking and laughing, now, is more control The number of places of the Lord God.


Ye Cheyi, he had already been sunny before, but he didn't have a chance to talk. He had to move closer to the past, but he didn't want to be clearer.

"It’s been a long time since I saw it. I can’t think of you reaching this level.” Sunny smile.

Ye Che did not wander with him, but asked a little nervously: "Shi Jin... Where is it??"

He had asked Dongfang Jian before, but Dongfang Jian also shook his head. He did not know where Shi Jin went. He only knew that he was saved by the sunny, but he was alive, but he did not know.

"Shi Jin?" Sunny and stay, and then the face sinks a little.

"Come on!"

Seeing this expression of clearness, Ye Che’s heart could not help but jump.

"Hey, he is not in danger at present, but... the hero badge is damaged, and the power of the hero is lost. In addition, he is seriously injured and so weak, so... it has been scrapped..." The tone was somewhat complicated.


Ye Che’s heart suddenly trembled, and the memory returned to the day when Shi Jin Day and Day trained himself.

The hero badge is destroyed, it is irreversible, that is to say, Shi Jin has to be a shackle in this life, without the power of the slightest position!

"Chong Tianheng... Damn! It’s cheap to kill him like this!!!"

Ye Che eyes, some red.

Along the way, because of the relationship between Ye Chu, both of them are a bit dull.

The rest of the people, however, are boring their heads and have not said much.

However, this time there were four kings who were old drivers, and the degree of returning to the heroic city was more than doubled. In less than two hours, Ye Che arrived at the heroic city.

However, everyone did not leave, all with the domain emperor, came to the imperial city of the hero city.

At this time, they all stood in the hall of the domain emperor, and then fell on Ye Che.

"Original, it only takes two or three days. After I become a bishop, the number of places will increase greatly. You all have a share! But I know that your feelings of joining the main gods are very urgent, but the current quota is only one. Hundred, you should discuss it yourself. I will now prepare for your work after you join the Lord."

After Ye Che finished, under the leadership of a bodyguard, he randomly selected a house and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, Ye Che quickly picked up a hero helmet and opened the heroic story system.

The heroic story group has several levels of division.

The lowest level 1 is the most basic heroic group of words, with a maximum of 5,000.

Level 2 medium hero story, requires 1 million credits, the maximum number of 10,000.

Level 3 higher heroic story requires a credit of 1oo million and a maximum of 50,000.

Level 4 and other heroic stories require a credit of 1ooo million and a maximum of 100,000 people!

Level 5 story space requires a credit of 100 million and a maximum of 1oo!

As early as before, Ye Che’s heroic story group has been upgraded to level 4 and so on!

Open the heroic story group, Ye Che's gaze, one by one swept over the above head, these avatars, many of them are all bright, but now, there are seven out of ten all extinguished.

At least half of these avatars that are extinguished will no longer illuminate.

Some of them died in the Eastern Region by the demon attack. Some of them died because of the fists, so they all died in the hands of the bluestone monsters.

With a slight sigh, Ye Che’s eyes swept over the chat messages in the group. Those who had joined the Lord God before, the only remaining people, may never be used by him again. However, since they can survive to this day, they must be in the heart. Always have a thought on the Lord God.

Ye Che smiled slightly, maybe, sometimes only need to have thoughts, it is enough.

Thinking, Ye Che re-created a story group!

And this group of things, naturally only 1 level!

"Walley, do you really want to be the creator of the heroic fantasy world?" Ye Che re-constructed the material of the new story group, glanced at the tile on the instep, and then asked.

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