League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1116: : Powerful tile power!

Wally lazily turned over on Ye Che's instep and said: "This is a nonsense!"


Wen Yan, Ye Che's hands-on, could not help but pause. (8) (1) Chinese network WwΩW. ㄟ81.Zw. COM

In the next second, Ye Checai smiled bitterly: "Can you talk well?"

"Of course, you can give me a hero, no, come and play!" Wally's eyes suddenly opened, and the light said.

Nima, still have a dozen!

Ye Che turned a blind eye, and he used the power of the hero, and he only dared to come to it with a hint of brilliance.

Ye Che automatically skipped this topic, flashed a curiosity in his eyes and asked: "Since you are the creator of the heroic fantasy world, can you..."

" Stop and stop!!! It's impossible, it's impossible! I can't help you cheating. The ultimate goal of the League of Legends is fairness!! How can you be like the ultimate robot with a sense of justice? I am counting on me to help you cheating, dirty, too dirty!"

Wally suddenly stood up from Ye's instep and screamed fiercely.

"Dirty, your uncle, shut me up!" Ye Che's eyes narrowed.

Mommy’s own words have not been finished yet, this wali is screaming, the brain hole is too big, I want to rebel!

When Wally suddenly got a glimpse, it must have been that someone had never been so fierce, so he was in the same place for a while.

"I mean, since you are the creator of the heroic fantasy world, I don't know if I can check it out, the information of the domain emperor and others." Ye Che saw that Wali was so dull, and her heart was a little funny. Asked on the mouth.

"Furious father, I also hope that Dad will check the information for you, hey, dream!" Waoli came back and snorted.

"The power of the five heroes..."

Ye Che is faint.

"Cough, this... This is still negotiable. After all, it's just checking the information. It doesn't affect the League of Legends fairness. You wait, I will help you find out the color of their underwear!!!"

Waoli coughed, but immediately and excitedly said, the next second, its white eyes, there seem to be countless data streams, rushing to flow.

Even the color of the underwear is detected?

Ye Chewen heard that the old face was red, I don’t know why I suddenly thought of Zhao Fengxian...

After all, the color of the king's underwear, think about it, it seems a bit inexplicable...

Oh, dirty, too dirty!

Ye Che-yu’s smashing of the tile, who made this robot, is too dirty!

At the same moment, Wally exclaimed with excitement: "Check it out!"

As soon as the words fell, a light curtain was directly projected from its eyes. Then, all the records of the five kings appeared in the light, including the emperor, Zhao Fengxian, and the wind, including the boxing and the knife. On the screen.

These records show all the data from childhood to the present, in the heroic fantasy world, all battle records, hero usage, and so on.

Looking at these on the light curtain, Ye Che's eyes are bright.

But the next second, Ye Che is a black face, he now the five people before the Id prefix, actually marked the color of their underwear when they are in the heroic fantasy.

"Ah... really spicy eyes!"

Ye Che’s heart is speechless.

Then he pretended to be nothing, saying, "All are saved and will be used later."

"No problem, the power of the hero..." Waley waved the white metal claws and asked with excitement.

"call out……"

The power of the five-wire hero flew out of Ye's body and floated in front of the tile.

Wally couldn't wait to open his mouth, sucking, "squeaking" and actually sucking them in.

It’s over, its white face is still full of unfinished colors.

Ye Che’s face was enjoyable, and the same tile power as drug abuse, silently asked: “What else can you do besides checking the information?”

"Oh, that depends on how many heroes you give me... as long as the power of the hero is enough, without affecting the balance of the League of Legends, such as helping you create multiple accounts, giving you full heroes, full runes, Specifying Id to choose an opponent, even giving you a live broadcast platform, and even managing the so-called main gods, etc., are all trivial!"

Wally said proudly.

Create multiple accounts! ?

Ye Che heard this sentence, but it was a bright eye!

Originally, the expansion of the main gods, he intends to complete it by himself. After all, the main gods do not have the so-called heroic ontology.

However, if you can create multiple accounts, and full of heroes full of runes, he can completely change multiple identities to flick, oh, teach, let the Lord God teach fame!

Moreover, if you can also open a live broadcast platform...

Thinking of this, Ye Che couldn't help but take a deep breath, only that this power is the biggest treasure of this trip!

"Walley, the power of the hero, I can satisfy you, but you can say it, you can do it!" Ye Che said.


Waoli patted the direct white metal belly, indicating a small ks.

Seeing the situation, Ye Qi’s bottom of the heart is greatly increased!

"In this case, it seems that today, you can give them a game, the so-called bishop broadcast live! Live platform, this era has not appeared at all, if directly in the heroic fantasy, they will definitely believe 100% The main gods have a heroic body!"

Ye Che's mouth was slightly picked, and after the story group was built, he turned and walked out of the room!

Only Ye Che, including all the heroes of the city, did not know. At this time, at the front line thousands of kilometers away from the hero city, a young boy who was full of anger was suddenly appeared.

The teenager looked white and looked warm and jade, but at this time, his face was full of killings and envy.

"Ye Che!!! Domain Emperor! Xiliufeng, and Gonglong, Zhao Fengxian! And you are the wall of the grass, I will let you know that offending my fist is the most stupid decision of your life!"

The fists were slammed and the voice was like a secluded voice.

The next second, he flashed and came to the front of a cold, wet nest.

This nest is extremely large, with a kilometer, black hole, and chilling.

In the vagueness, I can hear a burst of sorrow, coming from this black hole.

However, this black hole is blocked by a three-color barrier, which is full of scent, rich and sacred.

This kind of barrier is the seal power laid by the kings, blocking the abyss of the lair to rush out, but in order to prevent the weakening of the seal power, they need to strengthen every other day.

"Hey, the son of the hero!? Hero artifact? There are also the domain king you guys, dare to stop my revenge, today, you forced me!"

The fists are not screaming, the next second, the hands are pulled horizontally, shouting: "Open!"


Then I heard a huge explosion. As the boxing swelled to its own strength, the seal barrier that blocked the abyss nest actually exploded.


As the barrier disappeared, countless rumors of numbness came from inside.

The barrier disappeared, and the fists twitched in the cheeks. To be honest, he did not want to do so.

However, he hates, it is too hateful!

He watched his son and grandson die, and this hate made him desperate!

"This is the first abyss lair, then, the second!"

The fistless face of the faceless voice, then, the whole person is full of suffocating, rushed to the other abyss lair!

At this time, Ye Che just took the hero helmet and walked out of the door!

On his instep, the face of Walli was satisfied, and his hand held dozens of heroes.

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