League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1131: : One arrow into a nightmare

"More than one hundred people..."

Jian Qingyang took a breath. (8) (1) Zhongyu Wenwang Ww*W.ん81.Zw. COM

Suddenly, his eyes trembled and fell on the face of the emperor.

"The domain emperor, how is he here!!!"

Jian Qingyang's face changed dramatically.

At this time, among the more than 100 people, someone already recognized him, and asked in amazement: "Hey, Jian Qingyang? You are not waiting in the sea of ​​magic, what do you want to do in the heroic city?"

"Is it recognized?"

Beside the sword Qingyang, chaos Yunyang, chaos ink, ice and ice, and the look of the magic, chaos, Wang Hao and the water, have changed.

They are worried, naturally afraid of the news, into the sea of ​​chaos, gold and old ears.

This sudden diversion is equivalent to private action, which is subject to severe punishment!

What surprised them the most is why there are more than one hundred people today, including the domain emperor in this restaurant!

At a time when their thoughts were uncertain, a familiar voice came from outside the door. "Now, you all know each other."

With the sound, Ye Che's figure slowly stepped in.

On his side, 6 Yao also quietly followed.

"Ye Che!!"

Chaoyun Yunyang and others, all screamed out.

They lost their voices, naturally because of Ye Che’s words. Is it true that more than 100 people, including the domain emperor, are gathered here because Ye Checai is here! ?

"Haha, Bishop Ye, you are finally here!"

"Awaiting a long time, Bishop Ye, you see how I am, majoring in gem knights, the protection ability is absolutely first-class, this task is suitable for me!"

"I am most familiar with the City of the Sky, and the task is handed over to me to ensure that you take care of you properly!"

As Ye Che walked in, many of the masters stood up and said with eagerness.

Looking at this scene, I don’t know that the sword is green, the chaos, the water and other children are dumbfounded, and the owner of the restaurant, including the waiter, all blinked.

Nima, let so many people, even the domain king waiting for others, is actually a hairy youth?

And wait, the key is that these attitudes toward him are exactly like seeing the scent of the citron!

"There are only 20 missions for the main gods. As of now, I will take the 2o name who has the highest contribution, except for the domain emperor and others, and go with me!"

Ye Che said, then a smile on his face, a greeting to the domain emperor, and then blinked at the sword and Qingyang who had been stupid.

"I am going, our team... long... this... what did you do this week!"

Chaoyun Yunyang asked some stuttering.

He was really not lighted by Ye Che’s appearance. Hundreds of people waited for him, including the domain emperor. This is too big!

This is naturally Ye Qi deliberately, only to show that he has enough value, this command will fall on himself, not sword Qingyang!

"Ah, the one with the highest contribution!"

Everything in the room is a bit dumbfounded, and the look is full of annoyance.

Because Ye Che said the highest contribution, plus the words up to now, that is to say, many of them have directly lost this opportunity.

"You need to help a full 50-plus-segment position. After you have passed the promotion, you can reach the conditions for becoming a bishop. It takes too much time and energy! Now, as long as you complete this task, you can get rid of this restriction, ah, I hate it!"

"Haha, who makes you reluctant to fight, become a bishop, not only can you watch a few live broadcasts every week, but you can also become an anchor yourself. At that time, you are afraid that there will be no war!"

Everyone has a good voice, and there are joys and sorrows.

"The death ruling heard you say that you were in the sea of ​​chaos, did you represent the city of the sky in the sky?"

The king of the field looked at the sword and Qingyang and others, and then asked Ye.

Then, waved, indicating that the hotel's waiter and boss retired.

Since Ye Che’s task in the Lord God’s teaching yesterday, he decided to bid farewell, but the other strongest kings did not come. Naturally, there is no need. Anyway, there is a group of the main gods to contact Ye Che, and then because of the abyss of the front line. In the nest, they can't leave too long, so today they have begun to return.

The abyss nests guarded by the king are not so extreme, extremely unstable, so they cannot be checked frequently.

"Not bad!"

Ye Che nodded and continued: "However, after the completion of this mission, someone must be a bishop. In order to absorb the popularity, I intend to start gathering the congregation! This is also the trip to the city of the sky. LLL."

"Haha, this is ok! By the time, the cold girls of the Sky City are our descendants in the group, and it will be cool to think of it!"

"It seems that the bishop of Ye wants to bring in all the masters!"

"But we have been leading for so many days, but it is excellent!"

All the people, they laughed.

After the domain emperor heard Ye Che’s words, he immediately understood the meaning of Ye Che, and a heart was released.

What he fears most is that Ye Che can't represent the heroic city for the intercontinental war, but at this time, from the words explained by Ye Che, he has already felt the potential meaning.

Then, Ye Che began to select the top 20 people with the highest contribution points through the heroic story group.

Because Ye Che reminded me of the sunny last night, naturally, these 20 people also included him.

Looking at the side-by-side standing in front of him, the twenty masters who are unfathomable, Ye Che’s eyes are awkward.

Once upon a time, I was just a little black iron, and I almost died under the claws of the brown worm.

But now, it can command the masters!

"The city of the sky... I am coming!"

Ye Che's eyes flashed.

"The city of the sky, I checked the information, the place where the sister paper is the most, wow, you are blessed!"

In the next second, the sound of the tile was introduced into Ye Er's ear. Suddenly, his awesome face collapsed.

And just as Ye Che’s trip to the city of the sky, when he was waiting for it, a purple flying alien fell from the sky and landed on a ground entirely composed of white marble.

This flying alien is very burly, and it is more than 20 meters long.

At this time, as it fell, a brow-locked woman crossed from above.

At the same time, a man in heavy armor also looked heavy and jumped from the top.

"Hey, I still can't find him for a long time. It seems that this city of glory is bleeding again!"

The man sighed.

The woman snorted and jumped out of the flying beast and walked to the inner hall.

Then, take out the English soul helmet and put it on your head.

Soon, I logged into the League of Legends. At the same time, an Id was revealed, and it was a dream!

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