League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1132: : Departure, the city of the sky! (Tomorrow five more)


Yesterday was updated some time later, today is also, in order to make up, tomorrow five more!

The new scene, the number of words will be nearly two million words, let me think about the plot, today two more. (8) (1) Δ Chinese Ω network WwㄟW. 『81.Zw. COM


There are a lot of small friends who talked about how to play the new version of the male knife. I recently tried it a bit. The new version of the male knife q skill displacement distance can not match before, plus the close-up can touch the crit, so in an instant spike On, before the comparison, if the enemy c-bit has auxiliary protection, it will be more difficult to kill, the latter team is equal to the same level, very weak!

However, some people who love men's knives can try this outfit!

Three, Yu Meng (with a 1o% cd reduction on the rune), so that you can fill the cd, then endless, the curtain, the plate of the dead, and the shoes look at the situation, but I recommend five shoes or light shoes !

Why is this happening? That is, I think the definition of a male knife can be completely changed!

Addition of three items, plus a dream, add a curtain, a plate of the dead, plus five shoes, then increase the stroke, think about the moment of mobility! ?

If you rush out from the dark place, it is enough for you to rush to the enemy adnetbsp without opening the displacement q in an instant; this is to directly hit the crit in the direct close q skills!

The first strike of the dead plate is reduced, the flat a minus the person + q crit ++ once again flat a + big move, adnetbsp; with the blood and armor of the dead plate armor, and the storm knight talent, kill completely can cross the wall go!

Out of endless, because after the close, q skills 100% crit, I currently feel that his style of play is somewhat similar to Jian Hao, after the meat, as long as the close q% hundred crit, this damage is absolutely objective.

These six pieces of equipment, in addition to the endless all move, this mobility, even if the adc has flashed for up to two seconds, you can directly close the q crit shot!

Or you can change the three items into ice punches, q infinitely, and then kill.

Maybe in the future, the new version of the male knife will have a better outfit, but I have tried various outfits. At present, I personally feel that this outfit is quite perfect.

So I don't have to talk about me with a male knife. I can try it according to this outfit. Remember, the main q, use q to kill the small soldier back to the blood, then reduce the cd must be full, and pile up the q for three seconds. In the first place, it is a second more than Weien’s q!





A arrow into the nightmare, and Ye Che confronted twice.

Once, when Ye Che first came to this era, the ice in the mythological assessment, Ye Che’s operation was Wei En.

For the second time, she was the more challenging of Wayne, Ye's chosen Annie.

Naturally, one arrow into the nightmare ended in a bleak defeat.

However, because of the second collision, I finally remembered Ye Che in a dream, and later, because of her brother’s battle group, she knew that Ye Che was in the heroic world. Boiling 2o17.

At the same time as the two people were pleasantly surprised, this time they had been searching in the heroic city, but at that time Ye Che was still in the sea of ​​magic, they naturally failed.

"Abominable, hateful, don't return my message! Damn ah!!!"

A arrow into the buddy bar, looking at the friend bar, 2o17 Id, is a bit gnashing.

During this time, she gave this 2o17 information, I am afraid that there are hundreds of them, but I have never received a reply!

"Don't you think that I am a loser, I don't bother to reply to me!? Still, I didn't see my message!?"

A bit of a dream bite his teeth, and his heart is as uncomfortable as a cat.

I have to say that this is also a misunderstanding, Ye Che's friend of the magical fantasy world, since that time he played the sword Ji Ji, countless, every login is a message flash, so he directly ordered all Ignore, after all, I don't know, and the estimated information is also unnutritive, so Ye Che is too lazy to look at it.

One second, two seconds... ten minutes... half an hour...

A arrow into the nightmare wearing a British soul helmet, staring at Ye Che's Id, the friend chat window above, has been filled with her past messages.

However, these messages are like a fish sinking into the ocean, raining into the sky, without any reverberation.

"Is it... my brother's battle group, really didn't save it?"

One arrow whispered into the dream, only the heart was bitter, and the lips were stunned.

For a long time, she took off her helmet and looked out the window.

Outside the window, there are hundreds of soldiers wearing heavy armor, listed in the team, wearing metal masks on their faces, unable to see the expression.

But one dream came to know that the mood of these soldiers at the moment must be extremely complicated.

They will soon go to the volley of foreign forces to support.

Said to be support, in fact, just to become a meat shield, blocked at the forefront of the battle.


In front of these burly warriors, their training instructors turned their backs and waved their hands while screaming!

An arrow fell into a dream and slowly bowed his head. Soon, he heard the sound of the neat tune, and then the flutter of the wing fluttered, and then further and further...

"What about the city of glory..."

After a dream disappeared, the head looked up at a huge building a few kilometers away. The glory city above was shimmering, but it made the arrow feel cold and cold.

"Dream dream, the primary election of the intercontinental war of the main city of the sky..."

Outside the house, there was a man’s voice.

"Brother, let's go... I want to be alone..." The man's words haven't finished yet, and he said in a dream.

Outside the house, there seemed to be a weak and inaudible sigh, and soon there was only silence.

"I don't believe, you don't return information!!!"

After a dream, I quickly re-weared the British soul helmet, and my eyes fell on Ye's Id. Then I moved my fingers and continued to send messages.

At the same time, the heroic city, Ye Che is sitting in a rocket-like aircraft, his eyes filled with some strange colors.

Next to Ye Che, 6 Yao was sitting there with a cold face, except that his eyes sometimes passed through Ye Che, and at other times he was not squinting.

On Ye's feet, Wally was looking at the inside of the aircraft with a look of gaze, shaking his head from time to time.

And including the sunny, Knife Qing, Zhao Xiu and other 20 people are also sitting there, his face is full of ease.

Among them, only the otters, and Ye Xue were surprised, they did not have such an aircraft.

The appearance of this aircraft, such as the rocket seven hundred years ago, is only a small size, but more refined.

"Sit directly to this, you can reach the city of the sky?" Shui Shui asked curiously.

"Heroes is the official force of the four major Chinese cities. It has a border with the city of the sky. Through this special aircraft, it is much faster than our own trip to the city of the sky!"

Sword Qingyang explained that the junction of the Chaos Devil's Sea is the Supreme Hall, so they need to fly by themselves.

Outside the aircraft, the domain emperor nodded to Ye Che through a huge window.

In the next second, Ye Che felt that the aircraft was shaking.


The frequency of the tremors, when it was still, everyone felt that the body was shaking, and the scene outside the window had already passed by the white clouds.

"So fast!"

The otter has widened his eyes.

The rest of the people are a strange look.

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