League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1141: : A worldwide disaster! ! !

Obviously, like this devil's lair, it is absolutely sealed with a terrible demon!

Once they got out of the nest, the three people in the wind couldn’t imagine what kind of disaster would happen. (8) ┡Δ』ΩΩ (1) Δ中Δ网WwW. 81.Zw. COM

At this time, more and more bodies rushed out of this abyss nest, less than ten seconds, I am afraid that it has reached more than 100,000.

These figures, the smallest ones are longer than a hundred meters, the big ones are four or five hundred meters, and one statue is like a skyscraper.

As soon as they rushed out, they forced each other's excitement and arranged in the sea, seemingly waiting for something.

And soon, a huge shadow suddenly came out of the cave.


The sea is slowly separated, and this figure first appears in the head.

But looking at the skull, the three people in the wind, it is already sucking a cold breath.

Because this skull is enough to reach the diameter of a kilometer, what is the concept of one kilometer? The average playground track is only two to four hundred meters. Imagine a diameter that is four to five times larger than these runways. It is simply shocking.

On both sides of the skull, there are two scarlet eyes, the size of the eyeball is like a circular pool, and the most obvious is its sly mouth.

Although it is not open, it can be seen that the lake is not much smaller than the two sections.

From time to time, it is like a knife-like jagged, hidden in the mouth.

Its body, grayish black, on the back of the head, is a barb like a steel bar, like the devil crawling out of the abyss.

"This way... how is it like the abyss, so!"

Xi Liu Feng, Gong Long and Zhao Fengxian, in this demon show the true body of the 霎, but it is completely shocked.

They are now, this demon, actually and the League of Legends, the mouth is not much different, but its huge degree, turned thousands of times.

At the moment when this demon appeared, some places on the earth were inextricably, some existed, and suddenly they fell asleep and opened their eyes.

"The test article No. 7... appeared..."

"Who opened the seal!?"

"I don't agree with the bureau, who is disturbing the process!?"

All the way down, from the mouths of these beings, whispered out.

At this time, at the northern edge of the northern end of the earth, it is covered by countless ice peaks and snow mountains, it is the North Pole!

A woman wearing a tulle is doing something on the mountain, she is red. Naked feet, but did not feel the cold, at the foot, with an ice crystal bow and arrow, in the moment when the so-called test article 7 was out of sleep, her eyes flashed, the corners of the mouth, but slowly overflowed with a hint of inexplicable laugh meaning.



At the same time, a thought and a stream of three people flashed through the heart, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of terrorist demons around the kilometer demon, this single head will reach the kilometer-sized demons, give them a kind Extreme sense of crisis.


Almost no hesitation, the devil of this big mouth has just appeared, the three will be streamed to the surface.

The scarlet eye of the big-mouthed demon, turned a little, and landed on the back of the three people, which flashed a bloodthirsty glow, but quickly recovered.

Then, his eyes circulated and fell on the front of the fist.

"Oh... a king..."

In the mouth of the big-mouthed demon, there are sticky droplets, and there is a greedy color in the eyes.

"Kill!!! Help me kill Ye Che!"

The fists are not looking at it with a hot face, and the spirit seems to be a little out of order.

"Meet you, but... I am so hungry!" The big-mouthed demon said, his giant mouth slammed, and the fist was completely unable to stand, and fell directly into the mouth of the big-mouthed demon.

At this moment, the eyes of the fists of the fists seem to have a moment of sobriety, but when he has no time to react, he feels a terrible pain.


A screaming screams out of his mouth, and in the next second, he will fall into the dark forever.


The big-mouthed demon chewed twice and then swallowed.

"Oh... fragrant...can...or...hungry..."

While swallowing the fists, he whispered to himself, and as the fists were completely swallowed by the belly, its breath began to increase madly. In less than a minute, its head grew to more than 1,300 meters. .


The big devil's eyes turned and looked at the top of the sea. "Hungry..."


It moved in vain and went straight to the sea.

The hundreds of thousands of different demons around him, one by one in the weird screams, followed.

At the same time, Xi Fengfeng, Gong Long and Zhao Fengxian, madly rushed to the heroic city.

"Hurry! Fast!"

The space was continually torn, and the three men came to the heroic city quickly.

"Fast, at all costs, the ultimate battle!"

The wind shouted.

Ten minutes later, an invisible electromagnetic ripple spreads through the light, and it spreads all over the world!

At the same time, the Sky City pre-selection field, Ye Che is examining the team members of the various teams, suddenly, a sound of the sound of the entire city of the sky, crazy masterpiece.

"This... this is the ultimate battle bell!"

Aside, everyone, such as sunny, old German, and even Unosen, all made a big shock!

"The ultimate battle preparation?"

Ye Che is also a glimpse, listening to this name, there is a sense of great disaster!



Ps: Please don't bring the rhythm again. This will make some readers who don't feel like this blind. What is water? Water is some authors in order to make more money, dragging the plot with unnecessary plots, this is called hydrology, looking at all my chapters, except for the original fantasy in the heroic world, even the plot of eating is not, each plot is once The big process, even the people who see the oriental neon and the like, are all passing by. The process of coming to the city of the sky is not sloppy, and with more than two million words, the protagonist can already compare the peaks on the earth.

In general, the protagonist has this strength, all of which are nearly four or five million words, at the end of the game.

Some people say that I entered the city gate and entered five chapters. This is because I have just arrived in the city of the sky. The protagonist is not familiar with everything. I need to slow down a little bit and start the veil. Then the process will be faster, otherwise it will be directly Is the day fighting?

This is equivalent to a kind of role.

Many readers read hydrology in the case of some smooth transitions. This is to confuse hydrology with the ups and downs of the plot. I wrote it in my own way in the early part of the book. In the medium term, I listened to readers too. The opinions have led to problems in the writing. Now I have to go to the middle and late stage. I will write according to my own heart. I must present the true League of Heroes.

To be honest, I can really see the book here, I really appreciate it. It’s just that you have seven hundred, but please believe me, I really don’t fool everyone, but I want to make a complete The League of Legends world, write it out, thank you all the way to yours and never give up.

Well, it’s been a long time, I just want to ask for a ticket, hhhh~

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